News Stories Rants


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Yesterday, 23:29
Jun 9, 2004
This girls dad should have jack-slapped her for being so stupid: Link

KenHigg said:
This girls dad should have jack-slapped her for being so stupid: Link

I agree, the lyrics are wrong. The word "slug" doesn't rhyme with "blood":rolleyes:

Yes. If I had tried that in my school I would have got detention for poor use of English.
Sounds like the teacher needs a reality transplant. What a w**nker. Mind you I would have got detention for that too!
Malcy said:
Yes. If I had tried that in my school I would have got detention for poor use of English.
Sounds like the teacher needs a reality transplant. What a w**nker. Mind you I would have got detention for that too!
Didn't there used to be another set of lyrics to the "On top of old smokie" song?:confused:

I would have got a beating by my English teacher for rhyming that way.:rolleyes:

ColinEssex said:
I would have got a beating by my English teacher for rhyming that way.:rolleyes:


Ok Col, we get the message that you think you're world class lyricist...:rolleyes:
KenHigg said:
Ok Col, we get the message that you think you're world class lyricist...:rolleyes:

He's a purty good word smith. :D
selenau837 said:
He's a purty good word smith. :D

Yeah, He probably amuses himself for hours with the 'Man from Nantucket' tiddy... :rolleyes:
Malcy said:
Yes. If I had tried that in my school I would have got detention for poor use of English.
Sounds like the teacher needs a reality transplant. What a w**nker. Mind you I would have got detention for that too!

Well we've always had our doubts about the quality of the American education system, I guess the proof of the pudding's in the eating:rolleyes: :p
Ok sweetie, do you prefer Sel or Selena? :) :)
KenHigg said:
Ok Col, we get the message that you think you're world class lyricist...:rolleyes:
Rhyming 2 words together is not indicative of a "world class lyricist" - it merely demonstrates an understanding of English language.:rolleyes: which is obviously lacking in this example you posted

selenau837 said:
You've already changed my name...just giving tribute. ;) :D

I thought I saw col call you sel first...:confused:
KenHigg said:
I thought I saw col call you sel first...:confused:
Not me - I spelt it wrong once, and was "spoken to" about it:D :rolleyes:

ColinEssex said:
Rhyming 2 words together is not indicative of a "world class lyricist" - it merely demonstrates an understanding of English language.:rolleyes: which is obviously lacking in this example you posted


Does your understanding of English language permit you to see that the ryhme blunder probably wasn't the focus of the news story? (Which, btw, was funny the first time you mentioned it...)
KenHigg said:
Yeah, He probably amuses himself for hours with the 'Man from Nantucket' tiddy... :rolleyes:
Don't know that one:confused:

I used to like "Oh De Camptown ladies sing dis song doo daaa dooo daaa":D

KenHigg said:
Does your understanding of English language permit you to see that the ryhme blunder probably wasn't the focus of the news story? (Which, btw, was funny the first time you mentioned it...)

Can't see the link...can you post it Kennyboy!! So I can marvel as this new story.
ColinEssex said:
Not me - I spelt it wrong once, and was "spoken to" about it:D :rolleyes:


Yeah, you didn't make that mistake again did you. ;) :D
ColinEssex said:
Don't know that one:confused:

I would set it up for you to show you how it goes but the variations are so numerous you may have a lyrical O.D. :p

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