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Instead of everyone parrotting this silly "Jim Crow" analogy, maybe the more accurate one is Nat Turner. A very loose analogy, of course, but plenty of people are certainly inferring a 'license' out of all this.....Not that that is anything totally new, if you actually look at the crime stats..
You can see why conservatives fought hard to keep Merrick B. Garland off the supreme court, but sadly he's in a position now where he can inflict some real damage.
Some movies leave a profound lasting effect on your life, Five Easy Pieces might be one of those.

Some movies leave a profound lasting effect on your life, Five Easy Pieces might be one of those.
There was one play and two movies that had a profound effect. One, the play, is the "The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade" Why?
In that play Marat (as the current left wing radicals of today do) preaches that the revolution is for the people. As I listened, an obvious question arose: Who are the people? Then it dawned on me, the people are only those for the revolution, anyone else is simply collateral damage. We see that today with the left wing radicals canceling conservatives. Not to be outdone, the Biden administration has declared a holy jihad against imaginary "White supremacists" but leaves left wing radicals unscathed.

The two movies: "The Confession" and its companion piece "Z".

Of course there are a variety of other movies, such as "1984", which for one reason or another I did not initially consider. So I'm leaving it with my initial immediate reaction.
What's the theory on why they might have wanted to kill him?

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