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Haitian President gets whacked
Causes Clintons to trend on Twitter
Trump sues Google, Twitter & Facebook
Pennsylvania goes Full Forensic Audit
Survey says over half of the population think someone else is running the country
Deep State's having a bad week
Deep State's having a bad week
How so? The Deep State is never held accountable. Exposure does not seem to shame them at all. Tucker for the past several nights has been on an anti-NSA rant. Glenn Greenwald, as I type, brought up Eisenhower's warning on the "Military Industrial Complex". The Deep State Exposed II (AKA Military/Industrial Complex) which, I just happen to have conveniently posted in anticipation of this. :whistle:

PS: Maybe the Post is starting to reform and expose Biden's lies? We can only hope.
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I liked his analysis, which was that there is something wrong, but we can't say, at this time, who that actually benefited Trump or Biden.
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I am reminded of Jordan Peterson. I can't recall the exact wording, but paraphrased (in terms of the "Woke" crowd always wallowing how they have been vilely offended and demanding an apology for some asserted wrong): "I'm sorry that you are offended, but I have a right to offend you."
What if we are going back to ice age? I've read an article stating that it is not impossible to happen what Vikings had experienced, dying while there is food in the mouth. Meaning, an instant death.
Ah, but the problem isn't dying with food in your mouth. It is dying with no usable brain in your head. Man is adaptable.
This dude needs his own show, oh wait he does. :cool:

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