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think of how angry it makes us when we see the extra-layer of misery that biden's w/drawal caused, and the 13 precious servicemembers and their suffering families.

now think of being a person in the actual country - just a random joe. their position goes a lot further than having to watch tv screens showing misery - imagine how angry they get at the nation in charge, yikes
Del Rio, Texas any day of the week...

I just read an article that claimed a judge in Los Angeles (before being soundly overturned by an appeals court), had ordered that Los Angeles was "required" to provide free housing to homeless people.

Is this a real thing? So in CA you could just get depressed, stop working, walk out onto the street, and be given a free place to live?? While your ex-neighbor works for theirs? I mean, would it have been a real thing if the appeals court had not overturned it.

What does this sort of rule/order/thinking mean to the greater concepts of our basic economic, free market and meritocracy based system?
Especially in the context of the current-day, where an ever-increasing number of people are simply choosing not to work.

A few years ago, I would have chalked most of these problems up to substance abuse problems. I still think that's the #1 external factor, but, is it time for someone (who can afford to - with nothing to lose from cancel culture, whoever that might be!) to just stand up and tell Americans that it's possible we've gotten just a tad LAZY? I know this is taboo but how long do we go before someone states the obvious that people may just need to hear, although hard?
So in CA you could just get depressed, stop working, walk out onto the street, and be given a free place to live??
I take it you've never visited a homeless shelter. I don't think it's the "Free place to live" you envision.
A few years ago, I would have chalked most of these problems up to substance abuse problems. I still think that's the #1 external factor, but, is it time for someone (who can afford to - with nothing to lose from cancel culture, whoever that might be!) to just stand up and tell Americans that it's possible we've gotten just a tad LAZY? I know this is taboo but how long do we go before someone states the obvious that people may just need to hear, although hard?
There is no consequence for calling ONE group of people "lazy" you will not be attacked or shamed at all, feel free!
I take it you've never visited a homeless shelter. I don't think it's the "Free place to live" you envision.

I've been to homeless shelter here many times - it's awful. In fact most prefer to live in their own tents in the blocks surrounding the shelter, it makes it easier to continue engaging in ... certain activities.

You thought this was about just building another homeless shelter? Keep in mind the judge ordered one billion dollars to be placed into escrow, and his order included far, far more requirements than just building one more shelter. It touched on everything from zoning, eminent domain, placement services, substance abuse services, highway construction, foreclosures on low income properties, etc. It even ordered that the city cease trying to sell fourteen thousand properties it had - I don't think the implication is that he wants them to build 14,000 homeless shelters.

Many cities addressing homelessness are actually building tiny homes for the homeless, or paying for apartments. They're doing that where I live actually.
They want to hide the problem not fix it. Like banning drones over Del Rio for safety reasons. Now they have moved all the illegal Haitians from the bridge to God knows where, out of site = re-election
Your 'fix' comment sparked my thought. Do I want to fix it? This made me remember:

An important and fundamental difference between the political sides. Democrats want to strive toward the end-goal of government solving all problems. No more results that aren't perfectly identical - I mean 'equitable'. Republicans want to limit government's role, such that natural results of human choices will still be out there. This doesn't mean Republicans have no interest, on a personal level, of helping people solve problems and be successful - that's what NGO's, churches, charities and all manner of aid/educational/intervention organizations are for.

From politics to children growing up to social and economic policies to everything else, viewpoint does mean a bit of 'acceptance' of this equation:

Freedom = Personal Choice = Personal Consequences = An imperfect world where everyone's problems will never be solved.

Democrats philosophy involves working backwards, right to left, on that equation, hoping not to destroy all 3 in the process...
This is an old outdated trope, repubs are too ineffective to hold these values moving forward.

I'm still holding on to it as my own value. Hey, you never know when something will come back into style with a force.
I always say, politics is just a pendelum that swings - too far in one direction, until people feel the pain - then back too far in the other reactionary direction.

If the Dems go far enough into socialism, it could provide a big enough bounce to make the things I said popular ideas again.

Plus, you're depressing me. :cry:
I am voting for Youngkin solely on his stance on face asks and vaccinations. McAwful is a socialist for the word "Go"

Looks like "heels up Harris" is back on track to find the ROOT cause for illegal immigration. Remember when OJ was looking for Nicole's killer on the golf course?

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