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Looks like "heels up Harris" is back on track to find the ROOT cause for illegal immigration. Remember when OJ was looking for Nicole's killer on the golf course?
Just to toss some flammable material at the optics. Kamala, flying from D.C. to California (round-trip) on a "private" jet for one person is not ecologically sound considering that global warming is the major crises that we are facing. Seems like, Kerry she is too important for complying with sane ecological policies. Furthermore, Kamala, as she crosses Texas and Arizona, should be picking up all the trash and other refuse the illegal immigrants are leaving behind which pollutes the landscape.
picking up all the trash and other refuse the illegal immigrants are leaving behind which pollutes the landscape.
Now, now ... We must be very careful not to Grab Their Shirts
While watching a drug commercial on TV it occurred to me that drugs could be a solution to the ills we are experiencing. Considering all the valiant extreme efforts that the Democrats and social media are putting into stamping out "misinformation", a goal that we can all be behind for improving public health. The pandemic of "misinformation" metastasizing, like a cancer, throughout the country is clearly a health issue as those who believe the "misinformation" are delusional and should take anti-psychotic medications. This would be consistent with the Covid vaccine requirements to protect the national health. Something we should all seek to achieve.
Pretty soon they'll need to give out drugs for hallucinations, to get us to believe the nonsense they tell us.
There are significant implications to this cartoon besides the obvious.
First, hyper-sonic missiles may have made much of our naval units, such as aircraft carriers obsolete. Carriers are expensive and take a long time to build, today. Our naval "superiority" could be literally vaporized in less than 15 minutes.
Second, the US military has not fought a technological equal in over 70 years. The military generals of today did not earn their rank by fighting an "equal" opponent. We may have the "best" trained fighting force and equipment, but that needs to be effectively managed to combat an enemy, which is done by the generals. So I wonder, if our existing generals who are used to "defeating" inferior technologically equipped opponents (and who are now apparently distracted by critical race theory) can take on an opponent who is technologically (more or less) equivalent and possibly more focused on winning.

Agreed - honestly it's kind of hard to tell exactly what these military leaders are thinking with the wokeness.
They can't be dumb enough to think it's going to help the military be more effective or powerful, obviously - and it's also not like our primary world rivals are woke enthusiasts that we would be potentially fighting, nor are they going to be anytime soon.

Perhaps they simply envision a world where the US continues to accelerate its trend toward pacification and appeasement. But it's hard to see them actually believing that will protect us.

All I can think of as an explanation is simply that when you drink enough of the leftwing Kool-Aid, you just plain-out lose the ability to be brutally rational/pragmatic.
Agreed - honestly it's kind of hard to tell exactly what these military leaders are thinking with the wokeness.
They can't be dumb enough to think it's going to help the military be more effective or powerful, obviously - and it's also not like our primary world rivals are woke enthusiasts that we would be potentially fighting, nor are they going to be anytime soon.

Perhaps they simply envision a world where the US continues to accelerate its trend toward pacification and appeasement. But it's hard to see them actually believing that will protect us.

All I can think of as an explanation is simply that when you drink enough of the leftwing Kool-Aid, you just plain-out lose the ability to be brutally rational/pragmatic.
The left seems to be moving towards a new form of segregation. Segregation in terms of politics, medical issues, and military service. When the left comes into power they quickly move to crush dissent and divide people by race, gender, age, etc.. regardless of the constitution.
The left seems to be moving towards a new form of segregation. Segregation in terms of politics, medical issues, and military service. When the left comes into power they quickly move to crush dissent and divide people by race, gender, age, etc.. regardless of the constitution.

Agreed. Your comment sparked another thought in my mind - Maybe their attempts to change the make-up of the military has a lot less to do with the traditional purpose of the military's existence than I thought...

It seems more obvious now that I think about it.
The media has been strangley silent about a woman of color being elected as a Lt Govenor of a state. Quite an accomplishment for ANY individual.
You reminded me that I previously posted on this. Too early in the morning for my brain to be working.
Headlines from the New York Times.

Of course there is no mention that Virginia's new Lt. Governor, Winsome Sears, is a Black female and an immigrant from Jamaica.
That Virginia's new Attorney General, Jason Miyares, is Hispanic. His family fled Cuba.
These are success stories.

When Democrats win, who are members of a minority group that is somehow considered a stupendous "victory" that deserves big bold headlines. When a Republican wins, who is also a members of a minority group, there is silence by the media. No media totting the horn for their success. Shame.

Also from a previous post. What is incredulous is that Juan Williams said (paraphrased) that since they were Republicans it was acceptable to dismiss their achievements.
Outnumbered (Fox News program), coincidentally, discussed what I had talked about. They bemoaned the fact that the media does not mention the minority status of Republicans when they win, but highlights the minority's "success" when the winner is a Democrat. Now for the punch line --- if I can paraphrase it correctly. When the conversion came around to Juan Williams (a left wing person) he was asked why Sears and Miyares are not being recognized. His unbelievable response: "But they are Republicans!"
I guess that's one of only a few business where you hope your product goes up in smoke.

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