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The military has set goals to discriminate against promoting whites for the sake of DIE. So that is probably the reason that recruitment for whites has dropped from more than 56% to 44% in the past 5 years. Why would anyone want to join the military to be discriminated against?
If we ever get into another wide-spread shooting war, I have a feeling that the military will want everyone they can get, DEI be damned. And at the rate the Middle East is deteriorating, I can see things getting very dicey very quickly.
The military already wants more recruits but rates are falling ESPECIALLY in the class most discriminated against. But, they wonder why.
This also applies to New Hampshire where the Democrats "cancelled" the results of Democrats who voted in the New Hampshire primary.
I give Trump credit for turning down the offer to write him in as the presumptive nominee.
We should vote for the nominees, PERIOD. Can hardly believe he turned it down, but he did, and good job t-dawg.
You know, I wish James Woods was wrong. But in a two-party system, caving in to the other side cannot ALWAYS be right.
Back to their 'show me the evidence' [while i quickly obstruct any attempts to find the evidence]

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