Poll spam sorted (1 Viewer)

Just had one come in now? :unsure:
Just deleted yet another spam post with a poll. So I think the new restriction isn't working properly.
Having said that, I don't really care whether spam has a poll or not. It is still spam and, at the moment, there is a lot of it about mostly related to supposed 'health supplements'
I just had to report one from a member with a post count of 1?
In fact spam is still appearing regularly. On a typical day, I remove and ban 3 or 4 spammers. Sometimes more
The permissions are not correct for the new members as @Jon should be able to disallow polls from that group

Edit: I've looked at mine I would have to create a new group to assign new members to as the postcount groups don't allow for that level of control you have to use the Regular Members which covers all the post count groups that's on my site not sure if it's the same here.
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Ok, I've looked into this again. The previous changes were untested and it was just a coincidence that the poll spam stopped. I've found out the software doesn't allow you to set Noobie as the first group for new signups. They all go into the Registered group, and that cannot be altered. So, I will have to reduce the permissions for all Registered members, create another group called PollCreators and have users added to that group if their post count goes over 10. Let me do that. Once implemented, it might be worth someone who is just a basic registered users, not VIP or mod or anything, and see if they can create a poll if they have over 10 posts. I don't want to break existing users permissions.
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You think its done but something else crops up!
Whilst i appreciate your efforts on this, I'm not sure it matters whether spam has a poll attached or not.
Its still spam and the spammer will be deleted and banned as soon as it is spotted. Or am I missing the point here?
The main thing is to prevent spammers posting a link which I believe has already been fixed
Well, it's pointless for the spammer to try if they can't post links. But if they can get around that by creating a poll, it kind of defeats the purpose of a 10 link limit, no? If they can circumvent with a poll, then it's more work for admins? Besides, if it is only left up to mods to remove them, then I suppose when the word gets out that you can link spam at AWF if you create a poll, you just invite more of it. Some of these guys probably get paid to create the spam links regardless of how long it lasts. Or they are in some sort of MLM scheme. Someone should suggest an easier method to Xenforo as a future update.
If a poll allows new members to circumvent a ban on links, then I agree that action is needed. What is MLM?
I *thought* that there was a link exposed in the title of the thread or somewhere, from the polls I reported?

Will have to pay more attention next time. :)
I think the poll spam is sorted now Registered members cannot post a poll. But after 11 posts, they get added to another user group called PollCreators. This should then allow them to do their own polls. Famous last words...
Why is creating a Poll so attractive to a spammer in the first place? I don't get it. Are they under the impression that it generates an especially broad email notification campaign or something?

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