query oh query


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 08:02
Feb 12, 2008
my database should track who sign for which item and dates of signing and turning in.
1st table employees fields: name,etc
2nd table Items fields:description,make,model,etc
3rd table assign fields:EmployeeID,ItemID,assigndate,returndate.
I need to be able to do history check aswell.
I made simple form for assigning items (combobox from table empoyees with all names) ,and same thing with items from table items.
on return item form i created subform with query that get me list with items assigned to specific employees.I also made a checkout not to show on that subform items that already have returndate.
SO far all that works fine.
What i would like to do is some kind of query which would show me items in combobox, but only items that are available for signing (some kind of filter to eliminate items already signed in by employees)
pls help
Create a query that selects rows from the 3rd table where returndate is null.
Create a second query that joins the 2nd table to the first query.
Use the second query as the RowSource for the combo.

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