Ron Paul


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Yesterday, 22:28
Apr 29, 2003
Ron Paul - US Presidential Candidate

Hi Gang,

I just wanted to throw this out to any of the US members here. I am starting to take interest in Ron Paul as a possible candidate. First off, I am conservative, but do not see myself as a republican, just a conservative American that is being fed up with the direction the US is heading. I don’t know much of this guy except he wants our country get back to the values of the Constitution of the US. From what I am seeing here, the US is going down the tubes. The democrats are a joke and are turning into socialists and the republican I can’t really figure out yet, but they’re in trouble too. I have a couple in mind, bit Ron seems to be a viable candidate to lead the US back to where we used to be.
We have lost a lot of credibility throughout the World and our values are quickly declining. The US needs a leader that will start the process to repair what politicians have been screwing up for years now.

Issues I am concerned with:

1) Controlling Illegal aliens and boarder control (North and South)
2) “The Seas Treaty”
3) The Economy
4) The Nafta Trade Agreement (Getting out of control)
5) Controlling the MFG out sourcing – Our company is downsizing dramatically because we’re starting to outsource our jobs to China so the company can remain in business. Basically, I am going to be losing my job by the end of April. I am trying to jump ship now, but there is nothing out there that will pay the bills.
6) Controlling the US debt, especially buying back debt back from China. China can crush us any time now.
7) Able to look at opening up areas (land and see) to drill for oil so we don’t have to dependant on foreign oil. We have the technology to do this without hurting the environment but you we have the activists that are in the way. They’re no help!
8) Similar to #7, an aggressive plan looking for alternative power
9) A program to bring back family values

I plan on doing my HW on this guy (and others) over the next year to see if he has what it takes to do the job and any inputs would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your time.

~Kilch :confused:
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I read about Ron Paul during lunch. He sounds like my kind of politician.

I didn't find dirt on him yet but I'm sure someone will put it out there soon.

Do you think his age will factor into his race for nomination?
Do you think his age will factor into his race for nomination?

That would the one thing I would worry about. Would he drop dead during his time in office? Who would be the Vice in that senerio. :confused:
I've heard about Ron Paul for a long time. I like what I've heard, including the fact that he's very consistent, not swaying with the current fad. He doesn't vote for things just because his party wants him too. That probably means he won't get support from the other politicians who trade favors, but he's getting a groundswell of support from everyday people. I'll be surprised if he can get the nomination, but at this point he's the one that will get my vote (still researching). Even if he doesn't get the nomination, at least his votes will send them a message.

As to age, I assume he'd pick a running mate with the same values as his, but of course that's speculation at this point.
...but he's getting a groundswell of support from everyday people.

I heard on XM News today that raised $5mil over the internet yesterday. In one day, not to shabby for a candidate that's not under the spotlight.
Hi Gang,

Issues I am concerned with:

Controlling Illegal aliens and boarder control (North and South)
~Kilch :confused:

I agree. For the last 10 years more Americans have moved to Canada than the other way round.

Let's beef up the 49th parallel and keep the Yankee rif raf out.

What exactly are "family values" anyway. Shall we force gays and lesbians to marry? How about to each other?
I have been doing research on the republican candidates for months. I'd be happy to have any one of them as president, that is, if they deliver what they promise.

Every candidate has some kind of dirt or inconsistency in his past. Every candidate gives rehearshed speeches or throws out memorized lines. Every candidate changes his tune to pander to the audience/voters. Every candidate has "strategies", "fallbacks", and "failsafes". Every candidate boasts about change but holds almost all of the same policies and principles as the current president (no offense to Bush). Every candidate claims to support the troops even when the troops don't support them.

Do not take these things as a given. Ron Paul is none of these things. Everything he says can be backed up by his past actions. Ron Paul doesn't speak from a script, he speaks from the heart. Everywhere he goes his message is the same. He speaks the same message because it's one that appeals to every American. His only goal is to spread the word and hope people are listening. Ron Paul may be similar to Bush in some respects, but he pledges to make changes Bush wouldn't make if he was in office another 8 years. Ron Paul not only supports the troops, THE TROOPS SUPPORT RON PAUL!

If you don't like what Ron Paul has to say then that's fine. If you do like what he has to say then you can guarentee he won't falsify, fabricate, finagle or falter. He will deliver.
Rich ---(if this was not in jest)
How do you know this - this a statement without any facts - to you all Yanks are war mongers, this just shows a narrow view that you seem to hold all Americans in - this is unworthy of you ..

OK Bush is an idiot we know this ,
policitans are all corrupt - we know this as well (UK, USA , Europe)

but you have condemn this man without knowing him , his views etc..
we as Brits are too removed to be able to give a honest opion - we are fed snipets of info - which will be bias in their views just to make it newsworthy .

I support the British forces in Iraq, but I don't agree with them being there ...does that make me a war monger
Rich ---(if this was not in jest)
How do you know this - this a statement without any facts - to you all Yanks are war mongers, this just shows a narrow view that you seem to hold all Americans in - this is unworthy of you ..

The fact is that America is based on paranoia and insecurity as a nation, it is embroiled with the dogma that some nation somewhere is about to invade or destoy it. Although it pretends to act in the best interests of others it acts only in its own self interest.

OK Bush is an idiot we know this ,

That's an understatement

but you have condemn this man without knowing him , his views etc..
we as Brits are too removed to be able to give a honest opion - we are fed snipets of info - which will be bias in their views just to make it newsworthy .

His policies have been posted here, they're all America first and stuff everybody else, thus the same as Bush. Stuff global warming and the environment, let's drill Alaska

I support the British forces in Iraq, but I don't agree with them being there ...does that make me a war monger

That would be the answer of most Brits Gary, that's how Bliar got away with not having a public enquiry into the war in Iraq, it'll undermine our troops. It's a phrase that politicians hide behind to cover their stupidity.
It's a phrase that politicians hide behind to cover their stupidity.

Politicians aren't stupid, its just that their aims are different from yours, and mine etc, but they think people are stupid and unfortunately most are, its the downside if universal sufferage.

Politicians aren't stupid, its just that their aims are different from yours, and mine etc, but they think people are stupid and unfortunately most are, its the downside if universal sufferage.


But why do we keep letting them get away with it?:mad:
can you name someone we would vote for free from this ??

Anne Widicome (typo?)
Mo Moland

people who has scruples (?) generally don't go into policitic -
and for good reason, sometimes you need to be a barstard to get the job done..

if we look at Churchill
he was an arrogant shit , a bully -
He knew that Coverntry was going to be bomb , and yet he did not inform the local defence force to this ..(as it would of given away that we had broken the german code- ) but someone with morals would of informed the l;ocal defence force ...
can you name someone we would vote for free from this ??

Anne Widicome (typo?)
Mo Moland

people who has scruples (?) generally don't go into policitic -
and for good reason, sometimes you need to be a barstard to get the job done..

if we look at Churchill
he was an arrogant shit , a bully -
He knew that Coverntry was going to be bomb , and yet he did not inform the local defence force to this ..(as it would of given away that we had broken the german code- ) but someone with morals would of informed the l;ocal defence force ...

The needs of the many outdo those of the few, in any case the events of WW II are full of inuendo and the benefit of hindsight.
Churchill like Thatcher brought about the leadership required at the time
Why don't you?

He favors withdrawal from NATO and the United Nations, instead supporting the idea of strong national sovereignty.
Like I said, America first and stuff everybody else:rolleyes:
So you found support for this?

"another bloody war monger"

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