
My judgement is still open on MJ, yes he is completely wierd!!! Yes he is a complete Loony!!!

As an adult would you have somebody elses teenage children in your bed overnight?:confused:
I wouldn't have anybody's kid in my bed overnight unless she was somebody's good looking 19 year old kid;)
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All of the above although the wives have been well compensated.

Elvis would have been turning in his grave...
Of course he would have to be dead first to do this, which we all know is not it :confused:
Elvis would have been turning in his grave...

Of course he would have to be dead first to do this, which we all know is not it :confused:

Last I heard Elvis was living on a sheep farm in Montana with Jimmy Hoffa. :D
Michael Jackson has been cleared of child molestation charges - as far as I am aware - the same cannot be said about Col or Rich, so they are not similar to MJ in that sense at all.

I strongly object to this slur that Rich and I are "child molesters" and have not been "cleared". It's a totally obscene post.

I expect better from you Paul - you're not a Yankee:mad:

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Perhaps Paul was alluding to the fact that you were not like MJ as you are not child molesters so there was no need to have you cleared...and just worded it poorly.
I have never been cleared of terrorism, murder, drug dealing, ra** , child abuse, spousal abuse, illegal parking, drink driving, prostitution, tax evasion, hijacking, armed robbery - the list is endless.

By your logic Col that makes me a one man crime wave. :rolleyes:
Perhaps Paul was alluding to the fact that you were not like MJ as you are not child molesters so there was no need to have you cleared...and just worded it poorly.

or put even more simply, never been brought to trial for it. Which is nice. :p
Is that week up already? :confused:

Yes, it's been nice without you.

It'll be good to get back arguing with KennyBabe on monday, I've missed his weak attempts at sniping - although being a crack shot animal killer you'd think he would be a good sniper.


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