
They both come in tots.

U did ask.
I can appreciate a good bashing of Micheal Jackson. I mean any person who can go from a black man to a white woman in that amount of time and then do what he has done in recent years deserves to be bashed on.
I can appreciate a good bashing of Micheal Jackson. I mean any person who can go from a black man to a white woman in that amount of time and then do what he has done in recent years deserves to be bashed on.

Was it just crass stupidity or paedophilia ?:confused:
It's a paedophile! Why are you confused about Micheal Jackson, I thought you were intelligent?
It's a paedophile! Why are you confused about Micheal Jackson, I thought you were intelligent?

I've never given him the benefit of the doubt, but then I'm not a fan of his either. What confuses me is why a jury found him innocent of any crime:confused:
I agree, the problem, I think was the way the case was presented. There were too many screw ups on the part of the prosecution that shed too much doubt in the case that was brought forward.
I've never given him the benefit of the doubt, but then I'm not a fan of his either. What confuses me is why a jury found him innocent of any crime:confused:


It's California, the same state who aquitted OJ and put Marth Stewart in prison.
The state figured it would cost less than having to attend to the minority protest, etc.
Martha was charged and convicted in New York.
That's the same state that got Leona Hemsley.

Two soul sisters. If they had just fessed up at the start they would have got off with their wrists slapped and a fine. Instead, their collective "I'm above the law" mentality got them time in the pen.
It's a paedophile! Why are you confused about Micheal Jackson, I thought you were intelligent?

My judgement is still open on MJ, yes he is completely wierd!!! Yes he is a complete Loony!!!

A peodophile.....mmmm not sure.

People like him because of his strange lifestyle and nature will always be prown to people trying to take advantage and earn a quick buck.

So until there is cast iron judgement is open.
I can appreciate a good bashing of Micheal Jackson. I mean any person who can go from a black man to a white woman in that amount of time and then do what he has done in recent years deserves to be bashed on.

Has anybody got to the bottom of why he turned himself white?

Is it a genetic illness, or is it an illness of the mind?
In my opinion, Martha didn't really do anything wrong. It was just a little word of mouth that she decided she could capitolize on. Hell, I've done that, not nearly to that extent though.
I've always looked at MJ as a great entertainer. His personal life however is very strange.

It's my understanding that there is a skin disease among black people that causes sections of the skin to turn white and that MJ has it. This is why he has been dying his skin.

That does not explain his ongoing plastic surgery. Lets hope at some point he gets his face looking the way he wants before whats left of it melts.

Hi so-called pedophilia - after the first trail his lawyers told him he should never be in the company of a child alone. Pity he didn't heed the advice.

His children - go out, "buy" a wife, have kids, get rid of wife - scary

One wonders how long it will be (considering the above) before he's broke.

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