Shootings in US schools

What's the local take on why the Brits managed to muck up so many of their strong holds around the globe? Spread too thin maybe?
What's the local take on why the Brits managed to muck up so many of their strong holds around the globe? Spread too thin maybe?

A property I shoot on is nearly as big as England. :) Therein lies their problem. Compounding that problem is the attitude of "we still rule the world":D
What's the local take on why the Brits managed to muck up so many of their strong holds around the globe? Spread too thin maybe?

I think that was the main cause. There's a limit to how far supply lines can stretch. Plus, invading and taking over a country is relatively easy when your army and navy are far superior to theirs. Once you've 'civilised' them, landed colonies and developed the infrastructure a bit, the differece isn't as pronounced and it's far harder to keep hold of them.

There's also the fact that the bigger your 'empire' gets and the more people you push around, the more people you p*ss off (we weren't just fighting the Americans when you lot got independence, don't forget - although I did recently meet one guy from New York who thought that the statue of liberty was a wholly american creation). This point is being learned by the US now, as it was by the British, Romans, etc. etc. etc. before them.
I'm a bit rusty - how did you manage to 'although' together independence with the origin of the statue of liberty?

we weren't just fighting the Americans when you lot got independence, don't forget - >in spite of the fact that< I did recently meet one guy from New York who thought that the statue of liberty was a wholly american creation
I'm a bit rusty - how did you manage to 'although' together independence with the origin of the statue of liberty?
Just as an example of how not everything in the US is american in origin. I wasn't implying the two had a direct link.:)

Afterthought: Although I doubt the French would have been quite so keen to commemorate the centenary of a military victory if they hadn't played a large part in it.
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I thought Alc was alluding to the fact that most Americans seem to think that a bunch of country boys whipped the British army all by themselves, a misconception helped by the fact that a tour of the Independence trail etc hardly, if at all, I don't remember it, mentions the crucial involvement of the French army, and French and Spanish navies.

But hey lets not open this can of worms yet again.

Got your world time clock sorted now Kenny?

I thought Alc was alluding to the fact that most Americans seem to think that a bunch of country boys whipped the British army all by themselves, a misconception helped by the fact that a tour of the Independence trail etc hardly, if at all, I don't remember it, mentions the crucial involvement of the French army, and French and Spanish navies.

But hey lets not open this can of worms yet again.

Got your world time clock sorted now Kenny?


You're right, lets not go there, even though most everybody has whipped the British army at one time or another and sent them home with their tail between their legs :)

Being from Alabama, taking one step to the right (into Georgia) and being 1 hour later than I was 2 seconds ago gives me enough of a head ache. Being able to take one step right and being an entire day late is just too much...:):)

What utter bloody American rubbish, let's just take one example, we were defeated at Dunkirk, remind me again who went on to defeat Rommel etc?:rolleyes:
Who won the Boer war, who was beaten in the Suez war and another thing what war worthy of note and in recent times have the Americans won without us holding their hand? I'm reminded of two recent conflicts, Vietnam and the Falklands, similar events, just different outcomes:rolleyes:
Ken, do you ever read all the way through what you post?

I have no wish to discuss these on a battle by battle basis but they are the opinions of one person and the superficiality of his opinions soon becomes obvious.
That is not to say that some of those conflicts listed were not military defeats.

Waterloo. He gives victory to the Germans??? It is true that Bluchers Prussian troops' late arrival confirmed the final victory after the British had fought the French to a standstill, but his comments are pathetic.

His last paragraph suffers from hindsight, one reason the British were divided over the american war of independence was that those colonies were costing money, whereas the Carribean colonies were providing income and the British were not going to risk the French or Spanish taking them whilst we were engaged elsewhere.

there is more but I will leave it there.

And another thing Kenny, ignore Mikes ramblings, he talks as though Australia fought a war of Independence, perhaps you should ask him for the dates.

Just read a bit more of the link ken, the guy even lies

Joan of Arc never lived to enjoy her victories, we killed her

The Burgundians burned her for heresy when the French refused her ransom and she continued to say that she was talking with God, good christian folk the Burgundians.

Geez... You guys are a bit touchy. Seems you can dish it out but can't take it - Poor sports I'd say. :)
If Australia is advanced timewise - how come it's so backward culturally.

Even the girls can spit 20 yards and shear a sheep at the same time.

Geez... You guys are a bit touchy. Seems you can dish it out but can't take it - Poor sports I'd say. :)

We can take the truth but not the rubbish from that link, what fact that there is there is swmped by the rubbish. If you cannot see the rubbish then I guess that proves your history is as good as your knowledge of geography and time.

Actually sometimes its not knowledge that's required but consistency.

Dunkirk We fought a retreat to brink our guys home, mainly successfully. He calls it a defeat even though we went on to win the war.

Agincourt, where we crushed the French, is considered a defeat because we eventually lost the war.

I avoided all the banter on this one but still I maintain that the USA needs to focus their troops on ending violence on domestic soil rather then the current direction of global domination through the forced control of all the oil stocks. Just a thought based on innocent people getting rather fed up with being shot at, etc

Why break the habit of 200+ years - the Yanks always shoot each other, they all think they're Wyatt Earp or Jesse James.

So sad , all over the world such sort of news are common , i really get hurt when i heard a new that there is a shooting in School , that sounds really bad
thoes who shoot in the school and kill innocent must be American Terrorist . Government have to take serious action against such people who spread vilonce .

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