Shootings in US schools (4 Viewers)

Well it would be a start. Something needs to be done, it's getting repetitive seeing obama's crocodile tears.

Although nothing will be done as the pro gun lobby is too strong, it is a vote loser for any president. The gun is worshipped more than god in the USA. The crocodile tears will continue to flow and then forgotten tomorrow.


If it’s against the law to have cocaine and the criminals still have cocaine, then why would taking guns away from the law abiding citizen take away guns from criminals.
As I said, nothing will be done. Money dictates what happens in the USA.

Americans will continue to lead their pseudo Christian lives then go home to polish and oil their real god.

Little children and students will continue to be slaughtered by these cowards that wield guns.

When the American people decide to lose this Wild West fake image and say enough is enough then maybe things may change. Sadly for many young people who will be shot dead like those little tots, the change will be too late.

Changing the gun culture is not easy in America. There are already 200 million guns in America. The problem is guns in the hands of mentally unstable people (wackos). There are more gun shops than McDonald's in America. Usually, in two weeks this discussion will disappear. Nothing will happen.
So exactly how hard or easy is it to buy a gun? Can you buy one with the supermarket shopping? Is there any checks as to why you need a gun?

For example, if I was on holiday in America, could I buy a gun legally to carry about?

It seems that if America really wanted to change, then it would be sensible to make it incredibly difficult to buy one in a shop.

Do you need a licence to own a gun?

So exactly how hard or easy is it to buy a gun? Can you buy one with the supermarket shopping? Is there any checks as to why you need a gun?

Depends on the type of gun. Sporting goods stores sell certain types of guns that do not require any kind of permit or license.

For example, if I was on holiday in America, could I buy a gun legally to carry about?

This varies state-by-state. If you went to the right state, definitely.

It seems that if America really wanted to change, then it would be sensible to make it incredibly difficult to buy one in a shop.

Yes, but we are not sensible.

Do you need a licence to own a gun?

For some guns, yes. Concealed weapons especially.
Depends on the type of gun. Sporting goods stores sell certain types of guns that do not require any kind of permit or license.
This varies state-by-state. If you went to the right state, definitely.

Yes, but we are not sensible.For some guns, yes. Concealed weapons especially.

Don’t anybody jump to the conclusion that I necessary agree with in everything this article, but it does address my main concern that what is happing in the US is far more reaching that the method of excecution.
Dr. Manny: Don't jump to hasty conclusions about Newtown shooter

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For some guns, yes. Concealed weapons especially.

What is a concealed weapon? Surely most guns can be concealed. How do you distinguish what can be concealed and what can't.

It would be nice to hear from somebody on these forums that belongs to gun clubs or gun forums, I guess they are keeping their heads down till this is all forgotten till the next massacre, which won't be too long to wait.

Anybody here worship the gun enough to fit the above criteria?

If it’s against the law to have cocaine and the criminals still have cocaine, then why would taking guns away from the law abiding citizen take away guns from criminals.

This is the usual rubbish spouted by gun nuts.
We are not talking about a criminal here but a sick person, all societies have sick people but they don't have regular school massacres,
. Why? No easy access to guns that's why.

It has been said many times that a fix won't be quick, and the trouble with Americans is that seem to have no patience. But if you don't make a start then the cycle will continue.

What is a concealed weapon? Surely most guns can be concealed. How do you distinguish what can be concealed and what can't.

It would be nice to hear from somebody on these forums that belongs to gun clubs or gun forums, I guess they are keeping their heads down till this is all forgotten till the next massacre, which won't be too long to wait.

Anybody here worship the gun enough to fit the above criteria?


Here here, pile it on brother
It has been said many times that a fix won't be quick, and the trouble with Americans is that seem to have no patience. But if you don't make a start then the cycle will continue.

While its true that we do not have any patience, the larger problem is one of ideology. There are many gun owners that are convinced that sometime soon the government is going to turn on them and try to kill them off. We actually have state militias that are extremist groups that stockpile weapons and ammo waiting for just that day. They run websites that espouse their philosophy and try to recruit new members.

I can't tell you how many people here are incredibly pro-gun. There was a national survey done within the last couple of years. It showed only 44% of the respondents were in favor of tougher gun laws.

My state is in the process of passing a law that allows individuals with permits that undertake a training class to carry their concealed guns into churches, sport stadiums, and schools (but not colleges apparently).

While you're right that if we started the ball rolling, in time we could change our culture of gun obsession, I don't see that happening anytime soon. Our best bet would be a conservative judge or two on the supreme court retires, is replaced by a more progressive judge, and then a state tries to ban certain types of guns. The state will be sued by the NRA, the case will get appealed up to the SCOTUS, and the SCOTUS either rejects the case or affirms the right of the state to ban assault rifles/etc.
In today's Daily Express there is a big article on the US populace and the love of guns.

It states that 88.8 out of 100 people own at least one gun, many own several. It also states that the main reason given for gun ownership is defence of the home because when you get burgled the burglar will certainly be armed.

The best bet is to make schools and colleges like Fort Knox with airport style detectors.

It states that 88.8 out of 100 people own at least one gun, many own several.

I believe that statistic is 88.8 guns per 100 people. As you say, many people own several guns, which inflates the number. There are still many individuals that do not own any guns, but the "gun collectors" more than make up for them.
I believe that statistic is 88.8 guns per 100 people. As you say, many people own several guns, which inflates the number. There are still many individuals that do not own any guns, but the "gun collectors" more than make up for them.

Does that not explain why NRA is so strong. Marjority Rules. Did you see my other post about dingy Harry.
While its true that we do not have any patience, the larger problem is one of ideology. There are many gun owners that are convinced that sometime soon the government is going to turn on them and try to kill them off.

Adam doesn't it upset you that the government keeps wanting to get into our kitchens, bedrooms, our eating habits, our churches, our internet, and the list goes on. I include the left and the right wings in all of this.
Adam doesn't it upset you that the government keeps wanting to get into our kitchens, bedrooms, our eating habits, our churches, our internet, and the list goes on. I include the left and the right wings in all of this.

Dick, the government is us. We vote in politicians that then take action. If the government wants to encourage healthy eating, I think that's a fine idea. If they were to go another step farther and stop subsidizing the cost of unhealthy food, that would be even better.

How is the government in churches? Churches don't even pay taxes while they spew their nonsense and hate.

As far as the internet, I'm against most anti-piracy laws simply due to the unintended effects they may have. I don't pirate anything, so I'm not concerned about protecting people that do, but I definitely don't want my ISP monitoring everything I do and then reporting on that activity to the government.
Ok, let's draw breath and see what we've got so far.

1) Americans want gun laws to change as long as they can keep their guns.

2) Americans follow the example of Michelle Obama in her right to bare arms (she rarely has clothes with sleeves)

3) Mr President says good words but is lacking in bite to get anything done.

4) What can be done? This particular horse has long bolted and is way over the hill and out of control.

5) Americans could peacefully protest and lobby senators to force change, but its doubtful as they may have to give up their guns.

6) So to conclude, nothing will be done and in six months or so this thread will be resurrected with another mass killing spree on children or students.

Anyway, I'm off to ladbrokes to bet on when that will be and in what state.

Dick, the government is us. We vote in politicians that then take action. If the government wants to encourage healthy eating, I think that's a fine idea. If they were to go another step farther and stop subsidizing the cost of unhealthy food, that would be even better.

How is the government in churches? Churches don't even pay taxes while they spew their nonsense and hate.

As far as the internet, I'm against most anti-piracy laws simply due to the unintended effects they may have. I don't pirate anything, so I'm not concerned about protecting people that do, but I definitely don't want my ISP monitoring everything I do and then reporting on that activity to the government.

If the government is us and we vote in politicians to take actions, then it is perfectly right for me to vote in people that understand that guns are not the problem and to vote out people that don’t understand that it is a morality problem and vote out people that are trying to take away my constitutional right to have a gun. On that we agree, so as long as there are more of us than them, then the government is doing the will of the people. I also have the right to fight as hard as I can either through the NRA or letters to the editor or through supporting talk shows that I believe are informing the public on what I believe.
It will also be my right to vote in people that understand that I have a right to decide for myself what is healthy eating, and also my right to vote out people who think the government knows best what size soft drink I should have or how many ounces of fat my burger should have. I don’t drink booze but once my government wanted to tell us all that nobody should drink, booze. We all know how that turned out. Freedom is taken away one little bit at a time. So in that we agree and as long as there are more of us that say stay out of my kitchen than those think it is fine for them to have lavish meals at tax payers’ expense but I am supposed to have salad then the government is doing the will of the people.
You may well have been to a church that spew their nonsense and their hate as Lord only knows there are plenty of them out there, but you can’t lump them altogether. My home church and the over 600 different churches that I have preached at myself do not preached hate. I in fact I never tell anybody how to live their lives, but from the pulpit will tell people what the Bible says on a certain subject. If someone wants to follow the Bible, that is their right, if they don’t want to follow the Bible that is their right. It is also their right to either come to hear me preach or not to come. In fact it would it be against my belief to try and force them. I am sure that you are aware that there are movement that are trying to stop the Bible from being preached in church so you see the government is trying to get inside our churches, as the government as you so rightly said is the people (movements).
Talking about movements (people) (government) I am sure you are aware also that there some that want to regulate every aspect of the internet. As long as there are more of us (you, me and others) then the internet will still be a great tool that some will use for good and some will use for evil. The government will be doing the will of the people. You see Adam you and I agree on lots of things.

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