Shootings in US schools (1 Viewer)

jsanders said:
You're the smart one, you tell us.
Simple, the word welfare has no meaning in America
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Rich said:
Simple, the word welfare has no meaning in America

Unbounded lack of understanding. And you think we have censored media.
Rubbish the term welfare written on your scrap of paper is undermined by your right to shoot each other:rolleyes:
Rich said:
Rubbish the term welfare written on your scrap of paper is underscored by your right to shoot each other...
...and lippy Brits.:D

enjoy, fellas...
Boy did I miss you, you filthy little Ritch! I went on a little trip, and so havent been here to keep you in line. By the way, Colin...sports department in Wal-Mart closes at 8 pm. No ammo or guns after that. Kinda ruins your snide remark, so I almost feel bad saying anything, you very rarely have anything to post that is witty to anyone but yourself. Its usually Ritch making the funnier remarks. Also, I found a great UK export...Ali G! Great job guys. I must give credit where its due. Take care Colich...or maybe Ricolin? What sounds a better mixing of the names, yanks? Also, MrsGorilla, your post exchange with Ritch is great. Have a lovely day, may all your crumpets be crunchy, and your tea phenominal. (please remember, it was Rich who started the fun little game of changing names, and so, for now, I will play along at his level, and see if acting juvenile will help Rich relate to me a little more, and I can use it to make him see sense for once. I wont work, but I have to try)
I think its more about stupid advertising, more or less. Or perhaps the assumption of stupidity advertisers classify all consumers into. I just found it funny, myself. Seriously though, The US has a higher violent crime rate, however, the UK has a significantly higher overall crime rate. What kind of crimes are these? Watching censored ar banned shows like Benny Hill, or jaywalking? Are there bank fraud problems, or burglary? Make all the anti US comments you wish (you will anyway), but try to fit an answer in there somewhere, I really am curious. I always thought the UK would have a lower crime rate overall, and was almost shocked. I harbor a hidden respect for the British, you see, and when I can save up enough, I seriously would love to visit.
Also, in truth, the higher classes in any country are money focused, we have more money hungry people because we have more people in general, however I have never considered anyone I interact with on a semi regular basis as money hungry in the US. I am probably considered at least middle class, but I am smart with my money, because I consider money mostly as a means of freedom of action. I.E...not being confined in my choice of action because of financial burden or a pesky job. I dont mind working hard, and actually use it more as social interaction than a means of "getting rich", but people generally enjoy things more when they are not forced to do them. I agree that we have a problem with violence in the US, although I believe it is partly due to the huge diversity of people. Unfortunately, many crimes are race related. I find racism rediculous, however I do believe in culturism, which is a very specific enviroment (inner city, usually) someone is raised in creating mostly a certain class of individuals prone to having the same behavioral patterns. Other crimes are money related, but believe it or not, many of these crimes are not for people to "get rich", most are people in a lower class income, or jobless people who are not financially educated enough to create lawful ways of supporting themselves and their families. That is mostly their fault, in the US, you are as educated as you desire to be.
I am medically retired military, 25 years old, active and well informed. Being a bit young, I have seen more than my share of these problems, however, these problems exist mostly in certain areas. The overwhelming majority of the US is safe by anyone's standards. I have lived along the east coast, in the Midwest, as well as in southern California on the west coast, and traveled through the majority of the country. I have never seen gun toting maniacs, or been a victin of a violent crime, or of any crime at all, other than once some kid keyed my truck when I was 17 because his girlfriend liked me. (However I must admit I am 6'4, and on the well built side of 235 lbs, and wouldnt be considered by most as "easy prey".) That kid was almost a victim of a violent crime though, because I payed for that truck myself, and he put a valley down one side of it, but I calmed down in the two days till I saw him again, lol. Point is, you cant stereotype all Americans into the same catagory, because as in this case, there are sometimes more exceptions to the rule than anything. I find Americans (mostly in the south) to be very polite and considerate of others, helpful and generous with both time and money, when the cause is for good. (helping families who lost their homes in a fire, or lower income families with gifts for their children during the holidays, things of that nature) In a good rural American community, no active member suffers for long. That is a breakdown of how I see the US, whether you care or not, lol. Now lets have a somewhat adult conversation about what you think, and maybe ways of fixing some of the problems in our countries.
Wow, post turns serious, and Rich scrambles. lol. Fun to complain, but now that its time for serious suggestions...nothing. Get ready for oversimplified asinine and facetious focused reponses by Rich, at the very least, although I would like to actually have a discussion.....but you know how combative some of the UK posters are. Or better yet, he could be trying to be the "bigger" man, and ignore me, which would probably be a time saving endeavor on his part, and a good idea to boot. (By the way...that is how you illicit response from the predictable) (Making my previous statement is how you cancel out the previous prodding)
I dont know if this subject has been broached in this thread or not, am fairly new and did not have the time to read through all 470+ posts in the thread but here goes.

the problem with guns for the most part int his country is not the people who own them legally. it is the people who buy them illegally and or on the blackmarket where all you need is some cash and there ya go you have a gun go and kill people. the majority of guns in the US are owned by people who own them legally. the problems stem from the persons who purchase them illegally and use them to perform the acts seen on tv and the movies and news. the US could ban all guns, save for the national defense and military/police force, but there would still be the same problems except the victims would not be able to defend themselves from the criminals. you would not have a 38 yo father of 3 being sued by the person who broke into his home and tried to steal his tv and stereo and was shot as a trespasser. you would be attending said 38 yo father of 3's funeral because the intruder shot and killed the father when he was trying to protect his family and the intruder got away.

but that is jsut my view and the things I have read in the last several years cant quote sources off the top of my head.
KalelGmoon said:
I dont know if this subject has been broached in this thread or not, am fairly new and did not have the time to read through all 470+ posts in the thread but here goes.

the problem with guns for the most part int his country is not the people who own them legally. it is the people who buy them illegally and or on the blackmarket where all you need is some cash and there ya go you have a gun go and kill people. the majority of guns in the US are owned by people who own them legally. the problems stem from the persons who purchase them illegally and use them to perform the acts seen on tv and the movies and news. the US could ban all guns, save for the national defense and military/police force, but there would still be the same problems except the victims would not be able to defend themselves from the criminals. you would not have a 38 yo father of 3 being sued by the person who broke into his home and tried to steal his tv and stereo and was shot as a trespasser. you would be attending said 38 yo father of 3's funeral because the intruder shot and killed the father when he was trying to protect his family and the intruder got away.

but that is jsut my view and the things I have read in the last several years cant quote sources off the top of my head.

I don't think it's been mentioned in this thread (or maybe it has, I haven't read all 470+ posts either :eek: ) but it has been mentioned before in other threads. However, it doesn't matter to the Brits who think we are all shoot from the hip cowboys over here and don't want to change their stereotypical image of us. :(

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