Shootings in US schools (1 Viewer)

FoFa said:
See Rich, this could be stated in a not so controversial method, more along the lines of:
Well everyone may not agree with the USA's position on this. It does seem there is a problem with your school killings, and you don't seem to have any resolution.
We have tried that approach here before, would you like a list of the American posters who responded with venom;)
Rich said:
We have tried that approach here before, would you like a list of the American posters who responded with venom;)
Two wrongs do not make a right. :p
So your response I must admit does sound a tad childish (really not name calling, just pointing out how it sounds).
But he said blaa blaa, she called me a .... THEY started it....
FoFa said:
Two wrongs do not make a right. :p
That's not a common phrase in American culture though, is it?:p

So your response I must admit does sound a tad childish (really not name calling, just pointing out how it sounds).
But he said blaa blaa, she called me a .... THEY started it.

That maybe true but sometimes one has to fight fire with fire:cool:
Rich said:
That's not a common phrase in American culture though, is it?:p
Oh, of course not, I just made that up :rolleyes:

That maybe true but sometimes one has to fight fire with fire:cool:
Lets think about that for a second. A controlled fire is started in front of an out of control fire. This creates a fire break causing the uncontrolled fire to be extinguished and the controlled fire the same (basically), bringing an end to whole thing.
But Rich, you are more like the energizer bunny, keeps going, and going and.... :p
FoFa said:
Oh, of course not, I just made that up :rolleyes:

No, you just borrowed a European phrase, that's ok though, just as long as you give credit to the original users:cool: :p

Lets think about that for a second. A controlled fire is started in front of an out of control fire. This creates a fire break causing the uncontrolled fire to be extinguished and the controlled fire the same (basically), bringing an end to whole thing.
But Rich, you are more like the energizer bunny, keeps going, and going and.... :p

You don't think child protection worth fighting for continuously?:confused:
Rich said:
You don't think child protection worth fighting for continuously?:confused:
And where did I say that (to quote one of Rich's favorite saying)?

World assualt country rankings. Note the locations of UK and USA.

World burglery country rankings.

World car theft country rankings.

In crime:

The US sure isnt perfect, but,as you can see, the UK is plagued with many of the same problems as the US, and on pretty much every level but gun violence, on a substantially worse scale than the US. Sorry if I have been unneccessarily aggrivating Rich and Colin. I apologise. Also..Rich, I seriously would be interested in seeing some links to threads where you said you have tried a not so controversial method of approach. I have read many of your posts, and I found almost all (non Access related posts) blatantly inflammatory. I would like to see a little of your less-argumentitive side. :P
Worley said:
Also..Rich, I seriously would be interested in seeing some links to threads where you said you have tried a not so controversial method of approach. I have read many of your posts, and I found almost all (non Access related posts) blatantly inflammatory. I would like to see a little of your less-argumentitive side. :P

Good Luck with this one. Even his own countrymen have more or less given up hope of reform.

Col at least has motives separate from simply being nasty and irresponsible with his intellect.

I’ve been trying to tell him that’s it’s a sin to squander an obviously well developed mind on an irrational pursuit. But alas he staunchly ignores my warnings.
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Nearly every posting Rich makes has these in it.....:rolleyes: or....:confused:

Must be energy draining to be such a prolific poster in an environment he obviously finds not his liking.

Mike375 said:
Nearly every posting Rich makes has these in it.....:rolleyes: or....:confused:

Must be energy draining to be such a prolific poster in an environment he obviously finds not his liking.

A lecture from the guy who drove Pat Hartman to swear on the forum, I don't think so
jsanders said:
Good Luck with this one. Even his own countrymen have more or less given up hope of reform.

Yeah, look at the success of American reforms around the world today, you guys just don't like being challenged, do ya, but then maybe that's your problem
Worley said:
Also..Rich, I seriously would be interested in seeing some links to threads where you said you have tried a not so controversial method of approach. I have read many of your posts, and I found almost all (non Access related posts) blatantly inflammatory. I would like to see a little of your less-argumentitive side. :P
You'll have to look for the 10k missing posts on the net yourself I don't have the time at the minute
As the saying goes, seek and I'm sure you'll find
Oh and it's gun crime this thread is related to by the way and as such trying to sidestep the issue is rather pointless, don't you agree?

Here you go, something for you to read,you'll have to translate it for Jenny, he can't understand plain English

"America is losing too many children to gun violence. Between 1979 and 2001, gunfire killed 90,000 children and teens in America. (Children's Defense Fund and National Center for Health Statistics)
In one year, more children and teens died from gunfire than from cancer, pneumonia, influenza, asthma, and HIV/AIDS combined. (Children's Defense Fund)
The rate of firearm deaths among kids under age 15 is almost 12 times higher in the United States than in 25 other industrialized countries combined. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
America and Gun Violence

Every day, more than 80 Americans die from gun violence. (Coalition to Stop Gun Violence)
The rate of firearm deaths among kids under age 15 is almost 12 times higher in the United States than in 25 other industrialized countries combined. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
American kids are 16 times more likely to be murdered with a gun, 11 times more likely to commit suicide with a gun, and nine times more likely to die from a firearm accident than children in 25 other industrialized countries combined. (Centers for Disease Control)

In a single year, 3,012 children and teens were killed by gunfire in the United States, according to the latest national data released in 2002. That is one child every three hours; eight children every day; and more than 50 children every week. And every year, at least 4 to 5 times as many kids and teens suffer from non-fatal firearm injuries. (Children's Defense Fund and National Center for Health Statistics)
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You are still making the same mistake of trying to compare different countries.

Australia's Criminology Dept has reported that Australia's 1996 gun laws made no difference.....except for one difference, armed crime with handguns increased:D Even our liberal neaspapers and TV reluctantly had to publish the report.

I guess the very stingent gun control is why countries in Africa are so safe to walk about of a night time:D
Mike375 said:
You are still making the same mistake of trying to compare different countries.
You make the same mistakes as the American posters here, I'm not comparing anything
But you are "comparing" because you put forward numbers that you believe are bad and the numbers are to support your belief. As is the case with all gun control nutters you either choose to ignore or perhaps you are unaware of many other factors that come into the equation and many, probably most of these factors are a product of the country itself. Thus, as in the case with Australia gun control only increases the amount of money the gov't wastes and in turn increases hospital waiting lists.

Based on what you say (hopefully for your sake you do not actually believe what you say) then Switzerland should be an ongoing blood bath.

I'll tell you again since you can't seem to read, the figures etc. are not mine, however the statistics show quite cleary that there is no gun control in America
I realise the figures are not yours but you chose them to illustrate your point of view.

however the statistics show quite cleary that there is no gun control in America

Agree. However, that was the basic situation in Australia prior to 1996.. Since that situation was changed why has the Criminolgy Dept report/analysis after 10 years showed it was a waste of time and a big waste of money. The bottom line is that the health of the nation went down for two simple reasons:

1) No changes from the gun laws EXCEPT the increase in hadngun use....which are very tightly controlled.

2) A very large diversion of tax payer funds away from hospitals etc. Probably all up with the "buy back" an dongoing adminsistration close to 1 billion dollars for thegun laws, which ios a very large amount for the small Australia ecomony.

I must assume that like the official gun control advocates that your interest is very tight gun laws and then leading to no private owership of firearms EVEN if such an outcome produces a result which is a negative for community health.

By the way, if your views are based on an idealogy irrespective of the outcome then I can accept long as you put that view upfront.

As as a side note to support the.....if it saves one life it is worth it...

Also, do think only the military and police should be allowed to legally own firearms. If you do then you will have some interesting bedfellows.

It was probably a waste of time because
A/ there are few of you and
B/ Gun crime was already rare
as far as the police goes you might have noticed but the vast majority here are unarmed

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