Shootings in US schools

Rich said:
Oh and it's gun crime this thread is related to by the way and as such trying to sidestep the issue is rather pointless, don't you agree?
Holy Crap batman. I have to clean up my desk now. I read that and coffee came out my nose I was laughing so hard. RICH is trying to get a thread BACK ON TRACK! :confused:

Oh and Rich, just for you
:rolleyes: :eek: :p
FoFa said:
I read that and coffee came out my nose
How odd - what happens when you have a cold then? cappuccino? frothy latte?

You're gonna need a bigger Kleenex;)

Hey Col, is that your ride in your avatar? What is it, I can't tell from the avatar size?
Almost, mine is the same but I couldn't get it in an avatar. The only difference is mine has white spotlights not blue.

Its a Honda Pan European ST1100 - ex London Metropolitan police.

Here's a pic of mine


  • Pedro1st.JPG
    91.4 KB · Views: 176
Sweet, looks like a nice touring machine.
FoFa said:
Sweet, looks like a nice touring machine.
Yes, I'm hoping to get down to Spain on it next year. I've done some little trips on it across the UK - its fine.

There's some debate always as to whether the BMW K1200RT is better then the Honda.

Personally I'm for the Honda, my mate swears by his BMW - I have another mate who has just bought the new Moto Guzzi Norge (its like a big BMW) - who knows, as long as you enjoy it, thats the main thing.

(shouldn't this discussion be in the motorcycle thread?:o )

ColinEssex said:
Yes, I'm hoping to get down to Spain on it next year. I've done some little trips on it across the UK - its fine.

There's some debate always as to whether the BMW K1200RT is better then the Honda.

Personally I'm for the Honda, my mate swears by his BMW - I have another mate who has just bought the new Moto Guzzi Norge (its like a big BMW) - who knows, as long as you enjoy it, thats the main thing.

(shouldn't this discussion be in the motorcycle thread?:o )


I'b be willing to bet the Hondas are more reliable.

In the US Honda engines in almost every application are the mose reliable.
Ritler said:
You'll have to look for the 10k missing posts on the net yourself I don't have the time at the minute
As the saying goes, seek and I'm sure you'll find
Wow..Has it really been over 4,600 posts since you have made a non inflammatory comment? You could get ulcers living that way.
Rich said:
Here you go, something for you to read.

Please stop cutting and pasting, and just post the links. Half the things you paste related to American gun violence were musket crimes, they were so long ago. haha, I made myself laugh with that one. Almost as hard as I laughed when I read your comment about sidestepping. I was somehow reminded about a kettle and a pot....
Also, I noticed you have calmed down a little bit, and have actually posted a few comments without cheap shots. I was going to make a comment about turning off your computer when you are AFK to keep people from giving you a good name...but instead I will just say thank you, and in turn I will try to be (more) civil as well, lol.
I'm always civil:cool: as far as the musket quip goes that just further adds to the evidence that the US lives in the 18/19th century. The figures posted were circa twentieth century. Oh and if I posted the actual link you might have been too depressed at the figures, oops, I mean stats in American
Rich said:
I'm always civil:cool: as far as the musket quip goes that just further adds to the evidence that the US lives in the 18/19th century. The figures posted were circa twentieth century. Oh and if I posted the actual link you might have been too depressed at the figures, oops, I mean stats in American

Ill have you know I am well aware of the times we live in. I have to go churn some butter and raise a barn now, so I will talk to you later. I dont want to be out after dark because Indians will get me, and I hear they eat human livers... besides, the Pony Express is here with my mail.
Rich said:
That's bairn by the way, unless you're going to carry on an American tradition of burning down somebody's barn

What the hell are you talking about?

A barn is where you husband farm animals and store winter feed.
Rich may be pulling your leg on this one, playing off of "raise" vs. "raze".
Kraj said:
Rich may be pulling your leg on this one, playing off of "raise" vs. "raze".

Well no one can accuse him of not being clever. Obtuse maybe, but he does possess a singular wit.
jsanders said:
What the hell are you talking about?

A barn is where you husband farm animals and store winter feed.
So warley is going to raise a husband ?:confused:
Ritler said:
He has a daughter, and he's bitten her head off, savages

You had a perfectly retarded reply, and then you edit it almost 12 hours later to make it even more nonsensical, lol. What are you...seriously..14? Can you make a non-cannibal based reply with at least a tinge of maturity? I know you said it has been over 4600 posts since you have tried a non-combative approach, but give it a try. Answer a question...and try to do it without a blanket profiling or random use of people's children as a form of cheap shot diversion. Goodness Rich, for once in your forum wasted life try to be productive. Turn off the computer, pick up a book. You might learn something about what life is really like. You might learn about time zones! Just because your really old doesnt mean you are intelligent, so dont take it for granted, or accept your self image without outside opinion from a non-family member or thirty. You keep me laughing. Do you really not know what the term "Raising a barn" means?

Keep trying to argue with me and you might learn something. After seeing your desperate state, I wouldnt even dream of charging you to tutor.
Pick up a book here: , then get Colin to read it to you nice and slow when you guys go to bed tonight, and have a thesaurus nearby. Ill private message you some test questions so we can gauge where you are at, and what we have to work with. I hope your just playing dumb, because you are completely ridiculous. Oh, I have not eaten my daughters head, or snapped at her. I told you before, though you must have forgotten (some people handle old age better than others)...your rambling has had no negitive effect on my moods, and no daughters were harmed in the reading of them. You are also a bad post like a 14 year old, and it makes me forget I was being nicer for once. Oh well, have a nice day! Really!

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