Shootings in US schools (5 Viewers)



You're fighting a losing battle on this one. Some people don't understand the difference, or they missed the point in Bodi's post about human inventiveness, choosing instead to focus in on the toothbrush thing. Maybe a gun ban would make mass killings a little more rare, but unfortunately it doesn't take away people's intent to do harm. As Bodi said before, someone really determined will find a way. Sad but true. :(

Come on Cindy, there are 95,000 deaths or injuries in the US every year as a result of America's love for the gun


knows enough, dangerous
Local time
Today, 07:10
Mar 2, 2007
The gun is designed with one purpose in mind, to kill, as for explosives on the tube, they are a great deal more difficult to get hold of than a gun

That's a blatant lie, or more likely complete ignorance, or just someone lacking in basic chemical knowledge.

I can make a bomb out of materials from the local hardware store, and if I go to 2 or 3 of them, no one will question what I am buying. And I kill a whole heck of a lot more than 32 people at once with it. I have to wait a few days to purchase a gun, the bomb material I can have in a couple hours. Perhaps I should have my airplane taken away from me as well, because 2 airplanes crashed into a prominent New York City structure 5-1/2 years ago. Over 3,000 killed with no guns. In fact, they were indrectly killed with knives (boxcutters). Or maybe the Oklahoma City bombing killing over 100 people, and in that case neither a gun nor a knife was used in that. Or the London subway bombings - again no guns. Tokyo. All of them had higher death tolls than the VT incident. And none of them used guns.

I currently store enough material in my warehouse to probably take out an entire city block if I went to the home improvement store and bought some fertilizer and mixed with what I have here. Also easier to obtain than a gun.

When you understand gun ownership then maybe you will be qualified to discuss the ramifications.


knows enough, dangerous
Local time
Today, 07:10
Mar 2, 2007
Come on Cindy, there are 95,000 deaths or injuries in the US every year as a result of America's love for the gun

And there are more than that due to automobiles. What's your point?


That's a blatant lie,

Not in this country it isn't, in fact in Eire and NI the fertilizer required for such isn't available.
There is also a case going through the courts at the minute where a group had purchased a large quantity of the said chemicals which could be used to construct a bomb or several bombs
I can have in a couple hours. Perhaps I should have my airplane taken away from me as well, because 2 airplanes crashed into a prominent New York City structure 5-1/2 years ago. Over 3,000 killed with no guns.
That's why the US eventually woke up to SECURITY on planes and banned certain items from hand luggage, what's it got to do with guns by the way?:confused:


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 12:10
Jun 2, 2002
I am no expert on explosives but isn't secreting a couple of handguns on campus alot easier than preparing explosives in your own home-made laboratory in a campus dormitory? :confused:


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 07:10
Oct 4, 2005
I am no expert on explosives but isn't secreting a couple of handguns on campus alot easier than preparing explosives in your own home-made laboratory in a campus dormitory? :confused:
actually, no. I had a chem major that lived down the hall and we entertained ourselves on the weekends with homemade...ummm...let's say, high-octane noise makers.


knows enough, dangerous
Local time
Today, 07:10
Mar 2, 2007
Yes I do and I can't use my PC to slaughter anyone with, in any event you can target shoot with a paintball or air rifle

No, you don't need it. You just think you do. I know hundreds of people that don't own a computer, they are surviving just fine. Maybe that's your problem, you have a basic inabliity to grasp simple concepts.

And guess what, I can just as easily kill someone with a paintball or an air rifle.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 12:10
Jun 2, 2002
actually, no. I had a chem major that lived down the hall and we entertained ourselves on the weekends with homemade...ummm...let's say, high-octane noise makers.

Well like I said I'm no expert on explosives :D


knows enough, dangerous
Local time
Today, 07:10
Mar 2, 2007
Not in this country it isn't, in fact in Eire and NI the fertilizer required for such isn't available.
There is also a case going through the courts at the minute where a group had purchased a large quantity of the said chemicals which could be used to construct a bomb or several bombs

We aren't talking about YOUR country. We are talking about the USA. You said it's not possible. It is. You might want to get your facts straight before telling the rest of us what we should or shouldn't do.


knows enough, dangerous
Local time
Today, 07:10
Mar 2, 2007
My business profitability depends on it, I do need it thanks

Not in one go and shooting at random you couldn't

Again, not a need, a CHOICE. You could be involved in a different business. Again, I see that inablilty to grasp simple concepts popping up again. And yes, I could with the air rifle or paint ball gun. Maybe you don't possess the knowledge to do so, but it CAN be done. Again, get your facts straight.


Again, not a need, a CHOICE. You could be involved in a different business. Again, I see that inablilty to grasp simple concepts popping up again. And yes, I could with the air rifle or paint ball gun. Maybe you don't possess the knowledge to do so, but it CAN be done. Again, get your facts straight.

I was shooting guns long before you my friend, skip the lecture. You could not slaughter over thirty people in a single attack at all, an air rifle won't put a pellet through a door and then through somebody stood behind it, but then of course being the US it'll probably be propelled by a friggin jet engine:rolleyes:

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