The Covid cure has arrived! (1 Viewer)

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There was a thing on TV the other day saying that many Americans are refusing the vaccine because they think that within the vaccine is a tiny micro chip so that the government can keep a track of who goes where etc.
Any truth in this? Or is it just the usual American paranoia.
Think its over simply because there is a "cure"; think again. The fear mongering boogeyman has been unleashed!!!

UK coronavirus variant found in US could be deadlier, scientists say
Experts believe existing coronavirus vaccines will work against the variant -- although further studies are working to confirm that assumption, the CDC added.
While existing vaccines may work, it nevertheless points to the natural evolution of viruses and the fact that there really is no such thing as 100% "safety". At a certain point you have to make the realpolitik decision to continue with "normal" life. Will political leaders use this "new" threat and the discovery of subsequent Covid-19 variants to continue and/or reimpose draconian measures to "protect" the public?

An analogy, I like to point out, automobile traffic deaths can be reduced to zero(0) if we reduce the speed of cars to zero(0) mp/h. Of course, that will never happen. The resulting deaths from allowing cars to travel faster than zero mp/h is considered "acceptable" from the viewpoint of having a functioning society. By extension, though regrettable, a certain number of deaths by Covid-19 or any other disease has to be viewed as "normal".

In a sort-of-unrelated topic. Following the January 6th mostly peaceful rally (to paraphrase the "left"), National Guard troops were deployed to "protect" the Capital building. But "protect" the Capital building from what? Additionally, there have been background chatter implying that the troops may need to be there for an unspecified time. That unspecified time is appears to be lengthing, now extending into the fall of 2021.

My tinfoil hat is now off. From the conspiracy angle, the "fight" against Covid-19 and the need for troops in Washington DC to "protect" the capital may be the unseen puppet masters manipulating the gullible public through the "fear factor". At this point, I will put my tinfoil hat back on.
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The way COVID is mutating. It may become an annual shot like the flu shot.
The way COVID is mutating. It may become an annual shot like the flu shot.
That's a good point
Yes, an excellent point, but the annual flu shot is not being used a cudgel to modify social behavior impose legal restrictions on a person's behavior, close businesses, or to spread fear. It would be great, if Covid-19 were to be de-escalated and getting the vaccine would become a non-event.
Yes, an excellent point, but the annual flu shot is not being used a cudgel to modify social behavior impose legal restrictions on a person's behavior, close businesses, or to spread fear. It would be great, if Covid-19 were to be de-escalated and getting the vaccine would become a non-event.
Kinda the same issue with the flu. If people (especially during flu season) would practice social distancing, wear masks, clean surfaces, etc. The chances of getting the flu would drop dramatically.
Food for thought: given that we now will have both flu and covid during the winter season, that means a significant increase in death risk compared to before. Therefore, will we all have to wear masks every winter from now on?
They want you to show your Covid-19 passport before entering sports venues and movie theaters and that's just the beginning.
What about flying or entering government buildings. I thought asking for travel papers ended after WWII.

Story here.


Yikes indeed. Shades of "ver are your papers?"

Also seems odd given the relatively low percentage of the population that even has access to the vaccine at this point.
What's next Covid-19 surcharges? Or how about white privilege surcharges, if you are white you may need special handling. :cool:
There was a thing on TV the other day saying that many Americans are refusing the vaccine because they think that within the vaccine is a tiny micro chip so that the government can keep a track of who goes where etc.
Any truth in this? Or is it just the usual American paranoia.
Paranoia, Col. I got my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine on 2/22 and will get #2 dose mid-March.

The guys in the tinfoil hats might refuse the vaccine but that would be good! It would take certain sources of idiocy out of the gene pool. I'm even thinking of nominating some of the COVID anti-vaxxers for a Darwin Award. Or at least on honorary mention.
In follow-up: I got my 2nd dose today. It was the Pfizer offering. So now I have my hospital-issued "I got my COVID-19 vaccine" sticker in my wallet. Only time will tell whether it makes a significant difference. But at least if some schmuck starts making too much noise about it, I have the hospital card as a record that I at least tried to be healthy.
I'm getting my first jab on Thursday. Apprehensive but at the same time pleased that I will at last get some protection.
How are you feeling Doc? My wife got the second Moderna last Monday. She felt pretty achy and woozy if she was up and about too much Tuesday. Got better each day after. All in all from what I've heard, she wasn't too bad off.
I'm getting my first jab on Thursday. Apprehensive but at the same time pleased that I will at last get some protection.
Best of luck! I'm still waiting to be in an eligible phase for mine.

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