There are multiple threads concerning Covid-19. I have previously
commented here. I also started the
Election Do-Over!!! thread for this reason.
Nevertheless, do to the serious implications concerning both the election and the psyche of the public, I am making a post here.
President Biden said that there is little that can be done to affect the course of the coronavirus pandemic in the coming days.
"'There’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months' is the opposite of Biden said his entire campaign," said National Review writer David Harsanyi.
Essentially, this is like an "
open mike" incident. Did Biden accidentally admit that his campaign was running on a lie? The underlying evidence is "
yes" irrespective of this incident. Biden, during his campaign, asserted that the Trump administration was doing nothing to combat the Covide-19 response, despite the very real existence of project warp speed. Biden during the campaign furthermore, asserted that
all the Covid-19 deaths in the US could be attributed to Trumps "
failures", blatantly ignoring that other world leaders also had various success rates and death rates. Biden made accusations (which is very easy to do), but then failed to say what could have been done differently. Now, Biden is essentially saying that "
nothing would have made a difference", so all that criticism of Trump was for pure political theater to manipulate an election. Very unethical.
In a typical twisted disingenuous attempt to cover-up this gaffe, ABC news reported:
Biden's early approach to virus: Underpromise, overdeliver. Particularly galling: "
Chris Lu, a longtime Obama administration official, said the grim tone is aimed at “restoring trust in government” that eroded during the Trump administration." It was the Biden campaign that was undermining trust in government by claiming that Trump was doing nothing. Now that Biden has assumed office, the Biden administration acts as if none of their pre-election promises were ever made and now proclaims that they can do nothing to alter the natural progress of the pandemic. The Biden campaign mislead the public.
The Democrats during the 2020 election cycle were adamant concerning the use of "
lock downs" as one strategy to blunt the spread of Covid-19. Evidently this strategy, because it is ineffective, is now falling apart after a year for a variety of reasons. One the lack of science supporting it and the adverse impacts on the nations economy and people's lives. Again this points to Biden's previous assertions as this being an appropriate strategy of combating Covid-19 to be false. Unfortunately, the election can't be redone.
So here we have an artificial construct known as Biden profusely proclaiming, when running for office, how he would be the
fearless leader to dynamically crush Covid-19, say the day after he assumes the office of the Presidency that "
nothing can be done".
PS: Of course vaccines will have a positive effect on combating Covid-19. But it should also be remembered that the Trump administration created the programs to encourage the development of vaccines before Biden took office. Biden is essentially completing the Trump administration initiatives but it will never be presented to the public in that manner by the Biden administration.