The Covid cure has arrived! (2 Viewers)

Why are Americans so reluctant to have the Covid vaccine?

Why are Americans so reluctant to have the Covid vaccine?

The simple answer is we are not, we are a nation that is highly vaccinated against all sorts of viruses and diseases. I am vaccinated but that doesn't stop me from questioning the status quo. For instance, they are talking about another booster for the Moderna and the Pfizer vaccines.
And if you took the Johnson and Johnson vaccine for sure you will be required to take another booster, not sure about the AstraZeneca yet but I suspect you will need additional boosters also. The common consensus is this bug will be with us for a long time if not forever, can you see where I'm going with this? More shots more lockdowns more testing more passports less freedom.
Again I am vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine, but that doesn't mean I am willing to get endless boosters because it makes people across the pond feel good. 😃
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I have got vaccinated and will have as many boosters as my doctor advises. I do this because I want me and my family to live illness/death free, not because of the view of anyone else's wishes for or otherwise.
The people who created this military-grade superbug and their lapdogs in the media want you to be hyper-focused on your fellow citizens rather than on the people responsible for killing 4 million-plus people worldwide.

Spoiler Alert: it wasn't your neighbors who caused this!
The people who created this military-grade superbug and their lapdogs in the media want you to be hyper-focused on your fellow citizens rather than on the people responsible for killing 4 million-plus people worldwide.

Spoiler Alert: it wasn't your neighbors who caused this!

If you are NOT referring to our Chinese neighbors, I would be interested in you naming names, AB.
Why are Americans so reluctant to have the Covid vaccine?


Several reasons, none of them very good.

1. When you tell a USA person s/he HAS to do something, there will be an automatic reluctance along the lines of "This is a free country." It is a knee-jerk reaction

2. There is, within the living memory of USA citizens, a series of experiments involving forced inoculations at the Tuskegee Institute and performed along racial lines. This "forced to get vaccine" stuff brings back some pretty horrific memories thus leading to a very negative attitude.

3. Because the Liberals are pushing for it, there is an automatic (again, almost knee-jerk) Conservative reaction against it.

4. There is a flood of misinformation on the Internet promulgated by a bunch of flaming idiots who think they sound smart by contradicting experts. I guess they want the attention associated with controversy.

5. There is a small religious twist in that some religions are anti-vaccine because they believe that healing only comes through Jesus. Never mind the fact that religious people worked on making this vaccine and many religions DO bless it.

6. There is a small group that sees that a few dozen people had seriously adverse reactions to the vaccine and died. Somehow that outweighs the few hundred THOUSAND people who died because they were not vaccinated.

Col, to be perfectly honest, I am as baffled as you are on this one, even though I know SOME of the reasons. But I think the final answer has to be that our system allows you to end your life through stupidity if you want to.
Maybe we'll get lucky, she will catch a case of the Delta Variant, and she won't be Vice President any more. (Or anything else.) The only down side to that is that Nancy Pelosi would be one step closer to the presidency.
Several reasons, none of them very good
Another reason which unfortunately stands out is the batch of Salk polio vaccine which was faulty and caused recipients to contract polio from the very needle that was supposed to protect them.

Even knowing this, I have willingly received full vaccination because I believe this has better odds.
Ex-president Barack Obama enjoying his 60th birthday party with hundreds of guests at Martha's Vinyard while the delta virus rages on. :unsure:

The title of this thread is inaccurate. There is no "cure" for this virus. Big pharma now has a virus that instills a disproportionate level of fear that it gets to "treat" indefinitely.

Not a bad gig actually...
Actually, with the delta - and now the lambda - variants, the virus is it's own cure. You get it once, you die, you never get it again.
The title of this thread is inaccurate. There is no "cure" for this virus. Big pharma now has a virus that instills a disproportionate level of fear that it gets to "treat" indefinitely.

Not a bad gig actually...
Correct, but there is a broader more insidious viewpoint. This is not simply a big pharma conspiracy, but BIG government (Democratic Party) imposing an Orwellian "1984" totalitarian society with never-ending crises to keep the proletariat suppressed.
Take your Pfizer jab, Xanax, and your government check and obey everything o_O
Be good, compliant citizens and you can have your pudding...

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