The Covid cure has arrived! (1 Viewer)

My understanding is that the vaccines have two effects:

a) Reduce your odds of catching it.

b) Reduce your odds of dying from it.

I don't think it is any more complicated than that.
Seems that the simple concept of researching for therapeutics to alleviate the adverse effects of Covid once you have it has hit the censorship wall, just like the suppression of the news concerning Hunter Biden's laptop. Seems that only mantra allowed is for the sole use of a vaccine to treat Covid. The implications, those pushing a vaccine only strategy imply that they do not actually care to develop a full range of options to treat patients. Next this is actually a suppression of science for developing enhanced treatment strategies. The medical community should be outraged over this type of scientific suppression. The job of a hospital of a doctor is to treat the patient with all the tools available.

Vaccines, help stop people from catching/spreading Covid. Unfortunately, vaccines are not foolproof. So what are your reatment options should you get Covid? Yes, vaccines do help to ameliorate Covid to a degree. But the use of therapeutics would be an additional strategy for helping the patient survive, feel better, and spending the minimal amount of time under a hospital and/or doctor's care. Covid like the flu is not going away, so we need a variety of strategies to help those who unfortunately catch Covid.

One drug, one disease. This is how we traditionally think about pharmaceutical drugs, but many of them are actually effective for more than one disease. Take the drug gabapentin, originally developed for treating epilepsia, but today commonly prescribed as a pain killer. Now a research team has used novel big data analytics methods to trawl through massive pharmaceutical data, looking for drugs having a high potential to be what the scientists call "repurposable".

The most commonly investigated treatments include hydroxychloroquine, plasma-based therapies, lopinavir-ritonavir and azithromycin. The FDA also granted emergency use authorization to remdesivir (GS-5734, Gilead) for treatment of patients with suspected or laboratory-confirmed COVID-19, based on its ability to shorten time to recovery.

Drug repurposing — the use of approved or investigational drugs to treat or prevent diseases outside the scope of their original medical indication — has been an effective strategy against rare diseases and is an active area of investigation during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Doc, I know how the current vaccines work and I'm not saying that you shouldn't take the vaccine if you are in a danger group. Given my age and other health issues, I took the vaccine but mostly because my doctor told me that he was no longer allowed to prescribe any therapeutic because they were banned by the Governor. Up until the ban, he had been very happy with the effectiveness of the therapeutics. He was positive that they were keeping people out of the hospital and therefore, saving lives. The point is that vaccines don't prevent you from catching the virus and they don't prevent you from spreading it. We're not seeing a lot of vaccinated people dying from COVID but more are catching it than make the rulers happy which is why they are pushing "boosters" and are back on the useless mask warpath and the overreach of EVERYONE MUST BE vaccinated or I'll never feel safe again hysteria.

Were the people you know who were lost to COVID given early therapeutic treatment as they would have been if they lived in a country not suffering from TDS? Or were they just told to tough it out?

Please just look at the numbers. I know you can.
. How many children have died from COVID? The numbers vary up to about 500 and most had co-morbidities. While no life is unimportant, that is a rounding error compared to 600,000+ in total. WHY are we punishing our children by terrifying them and forcing them to wear masks?
. How many young adults have died from COVID?
. What is the death rate of the infected? Is it more or less than a seasonal flu? The media are obsessed with case counts. WHO CARES how many are infected?
. Why do people who live in countries with the best healthcare systems die at an alarmingly higher rate than those who live in the poorest countries in the world? 95 of the 184 countries of the world have BETTER COVID stats than we do. How can that be?
. Why is the media tagging all information regarding therapeutics or problems with the vaccine as mis-information? The CDC website has info on what problems and how many are affected but they aren't tagged.
The masks are really ridiculous at this point. Get the f*** vaccine if you want it, don't if you don't. Move on.

If you feel it's your neighbor's responsibility to protect you, you're quite irrational, since to protect yourself, all you need is the vaccine, if you want one.
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Pat, as long as you realize that NO vaccine is a true preventative to any disease, you can say that.
Educate me Doc, cuz this caught my attention. Don't most of the basic, immunizations given in this country actually DO prevent a disease? Not just make it "a bit better" ? Are there a lot of smallpox sufferers out there that just isn't publicized? (not snarky...i don't know)
I have been aligned with this concept since 2008. We have been sold a bag-o-shit and we cant do a DAMN thing about it. We are too busy arguing about which administration (Elephant or Donkey) sucks more than the other.

Sucks to be us...
Interesting take on the wet market theory, it only takes 1:40 to connect the dots.

You only need one breakage in the link of a long line of dots for a theory to collapse. How about the first linkage?

I have no idea what the truth is, but just want to state that starting off with an untruth (in a long chain of linkage) can lead to a false hypothesis. I leave it up to you whether or not you think the first claim in the video is a false one or not.
have no idea what the truth is, but just want to state that starting off with an untruth (in a long chain of linkage) can lead to a false hypothesis. I leave it up to you whether or not you think the first claim in the video is a false one or not.
And there it is - we ALL get our info from sources that we cannot validate. For every one I find that "proves" my point of few, you will be able to find one that counters it.

In the end we go with the one that best fits our mindset.

Me, I'm a cynic and think that those in power want more of it and need quiet, compliant subjects to achieve it. Naturally this video has GOT to be right because I want/need it to be.

We are soooooo screwed.
We are soooooo screwed.
Yes we are. While getting the vaccined fully certified is "good'" news. The "bad" news is it that it will now be used as a springboard to further impose tyrannical mandates.
"President Joe Biden said full approval of the Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech SE COVID-19 vaccine should clear the way for companies to impose vaccine requirements for employees."
While getting the vaccined fully certified is "good'" news.
You'll forgive me if I am still suspicious of the quality of what "fully certified" means. When it comes to COVID, I trust no one in authority. Until this "vaccine" has been out for a while and no one I know has any serious side effects or a source I deem as objective, I'll remain as a member of the untouchables.
You'll forgive me if I am still suspicious of the quality of what "fully certified" means. When it comes to COVID, I trust no one in authority. Until this "vaccine" has been out for a while and no one I know has any serious side effects or a source I deem as objective, I'll remain as a member of the untouchables.
Your forgiven. The reality is any certification of a vaccine has both subjective meanings and real world implications. A "certified" vaccine may actually be useless (as in ineffective) for some population groups even-though it is effective for some. Also the Biden administration has a political agenda of promoting more draconian mandates to "fight" Covid. The FDA may actually be "caving" for political reasons into the Biden administration need to certify the vaccine as a means of justifying the Biden administration ability to impose draconian mandates. Always be skeptical.
You only need one breakage in the link of a long line of dots for a theory to collapse. How about the first linkage?

I have no idea what the truth is, but just want to state that starting off with an untruth (in a long chain of linkage) can lead to a false hypothesis. I leave it up to you whether or not you think the first claim in the video is a false one or not.

Who knows what's really true. You posted that video, and I acknowledge their assertions, but remember - Dr. Fauci is STILL claiming that NIH never funded gain-of-function research. Even though it's been proved beyond the shadow of any doubt! I can easily imagine a fact checker referring to Dr. Fauci's passionate assertions as 'proof' that it was not funded, even though we all know now that it was.
Very confusing situation, to be sure..

In fact, it's kind of funny: That very Reuters article which claims to 'fact check', and undermine the theory about the Wuhan lab ownership, destroys their entire credibility by one of the first sentences of the article: "However the majority of virologists and infectious disease experts say the new virus is most likely to have evolved naturally". Uhhhhhh.....No, they don't. It's mostly just Fauci and Dazchek saying that, sort of a desperate, wimpering plea sound coming from the corner of nowhere trustworthy...

You'll forgive me if I am still suspicious of the quality of what "fully certified" means. When it comes to COVID, I trust no one in authority. Until this "vaccine" has been out for a while and no one I know has any serious side effects or a source I deem as objective, I'll remain as a member of the untouchables.

Good luck on the waiting.....the blood clotting is increasing in frequency, and is now been found to result from ALL the emergency use vaccines.
The husband of a vaccinated friend of ours in Washington state just came VERY near death (ventilator for 10 days) with COVID after having been fully vaccinated. I'm starting to think the early reports of 90% effective is kind of like when I make a technology tool. As the error reports float in during the next few months, I'm silently weeping to myself: "But it worked 100% of the time in my test environment!"
Why isn't the Taliban being wiped out by Covid?
They don't suffer from TDS so they are allowed to use the cheap therapeutics.

Biden is now on TV telling companies that were reluctant to force their employees to take the vaccine to do it NOW.

Please explain to me HOW this isn't the equivalent of the government issuing the enforcement order themselves. They use social media to thwart our first amendment rights with impunity. Now this!!!!!!!!!! Why are Americans not in the streets? I would join them.

At least the Aussies are not putting up with the overreach any more.
I see Fauci as more of a politician. Under Republican questioning, he would not answer a question along these lines: "Are the BLM protests leading to the spread of Covid?" He didn't want his answer as a soundbite. Instead, he kept saying any large gathering could lead to the spread of Covid. But he refused to answer that simple question. So, for me, Fauci is all politics.

Edit: To make my point clear, he was asked repeatedly, maybe like 7 times.
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Why isn't the Taliban being wiped out by Covid?
Doesn't Covid only kill like 2% of those infected? There are 70K of them so that would leave 68.6K of them.
In fact, it's kind of funny: That very Reuters article which claims to 'fact check', and undermine the theory about the Wuhan lab ownership, destroys their entire credibility by one of the first sentences of the article: "However the majority of virologists and infectious disease experts say the new virus is most likely to have evolved naturally". Uhhhhhh.....No, they don't. It's mostly just Fauci and Dazchek saying that, sort of a desperate, wimpering plea sound coming from the corner of nowhere trustworthy...
Interested to see your source for where the majority of virologists and infectious disease experts think it did not come from natural causes.

Edit: I personally think there is a significant possibility it did come from there. It passes the common sense test. But at the same time, because it could have, it doesn't mean to say it did. If it did, I am sure there has been a ton of stuff done to cover it up by the Chinese government.
I thought they found a synthetic marker with in the virus sequence that virologist put in to show its been modified.
My understanding is there is debate over these theories.

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