The Covid cure has arrived! (1 Viewer)

supposedly the 'CGG-CGG' combination is extremely rare, except when it is used by scientists doing 'gain-of-function.
There is still some debate, but the truth is certainly far from the exact Reuters verbiage, which makes it sound like almost nobody thinks it came from a lab. The sense of credibility that the rest of the article sort of derives from (IMHO as a reader potentially to-be-persuaded), fails at that point.
In fairness to Reuters, I think you have to look at the date of the article. More information is known now compared to back then regarding a possible lab leak and opinion has shifted somewhat. But the essence of the article was about whether GlaxoSmithKline owned the Wuhan Lab or not. And they provide plenty of references to back that up.

In fact, it's kind of funny: That very Reuters article which claims to 'fact check', and undermine the theory about the Wuhan lab ownership, destroys their entire credibility by one of the first sentences of the article: "However the majority of virologists and infectious disease experts say the new virus is most likely to have evolved naturally". Uhhhhhh.....No, they don't.

I asked before about if you have any information that shows that the majority of virologist think Covid came from the Wuhan lab. I'm interested to know the truth on this. You clearly believe this to be the case, so do you have any actual data that supports this?
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Lollapalooza - July 29-August 1, 2021 - Grant Park, Chicago

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What Covid cure?
It has mutations that have the potential to evade immunity provided by a previous Covid-19 infection or vaccination, the WHO said.
Covid, a gift to Democrats that endlessly keeps on giving. Democrats to eventually propose evermore autocratic Orwellian "safety/protective" measures to "protect" the population.
What Covid cure?

Covid, a gift to Democrats that endlessly keeps on giving. Democrats to eventually propose evermore autocratic Orwellian "safety/protective" measures to "protect" the population.

That's pretty smart. The 'variant' concept hasn't given them nearly as much ammunition as they hoped, I think. As it seems powerless against vaccines, despites CNN's size 200 font headlines' best efforts. They need to introduce the "mutation" concept - as differentiated from variant.
The department of homeland security science and technology released their master question list for covid-19 Jan 05, 2021. Page 10, 22 makes a reference to ivermectin.

Here are the government's quotes:

"Ivermectin reduced viral shedding duration in a small clinical trial (n=72)."

"Ahmed, S.; Karim, M. M.; Ross, A. G.; Hossain, M. S.; Clemens, J. D.; Sumiya, M. K.; Phru, C. S.; Rahman, M.; Zaman, K.; Somani, J.; Yasmin, R.; Hasnat, M. A.; Kabir, A.; Aziz, A. B.; Khan, W. A., A five day course of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 may reduce the duration of illness. Int J Infect Dis 2020."

No mention of humans being turned into horses, weird....
@Pat Hartman - you asked me about the effectiveness of masks before and I didn't have the answer at hand. Further, Hurricane Ida was a distraction because I had to evacuate the area. So please forgive me for letting this important question slide this long. Here is your answer.

Masks have a statistically significant effect. They reduce the odds of spreading infection. Not to zero - but lower than without the masks.

I understand that NOTHING is perfect against COVID-19. All we can do is "play the odds." There are gamblers anywhere. My wife and I are gambling conservatives, not high-risk takers.

You made the comment about "only 500 child deaths" being a statistical blip. To which my response is "not to the families who lost their children."

As to the people we knew who had lost family members, I didn't intrude into their grief to ask if their parents had been vaccinated but at least for some of them, the emergency authorizations hadn't occurred yet.

And, just for the record, my wife and I got our vaccinations because we both have some of the risk factors that are credited with causing COVID to lead to hospitalization. Age, blood pressure, and (in my case) liver conditions are risk multipliers. We definitely avoid going out too often, but we have to get supplies. And we had to evacuate after the storm because the house was unlivable and we were low on non-perishable food. Not out, but running low. But we had chosen to stay in the house because the shelters would have been a room full of unknowns, a potential super-spreader event, so we didn't go to a shelter. A serious case of "damned if you do, damned if you don't."
Dr. Fauci said in an email On Feb. 4, 2020, to Sylvia Burwell, a former secretary of Health and Human Services under Barack Obama.

“The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through the material. It might, however, provide some slight benefit in keep[ing] out gross droplets if someone coughs or sneezes on you. I do not recommend that you wear a mask, particularly since you are going to a very low risk location.”

Of course, he has since contradicted himself.
Full story here.
Masks have a statistically significant effect
Please read the actual scientific opinions prior to 2020. The "science" didn't change over night. There were 100 years of studies and all confirmed that people who were not ill got no benefit from wearing masks. Only the politics changed. Even the N95 masks which are the best we can buy and were not available anywhere last year only stop virus particles LARGER than COVID. The contention of the "new science" is that most masks will stop water droplets at about the 20% level and since the water droplets may be carrying COVID, that the masks then stop COVID. Except, they can't really test this since you can't subject people to actual virus' to test the efficacy of the masks. And the particles they do test with tend to accumulate on the mask and either work their way through or you get infected when you take the mask off improperly.
You made the comment about "only 500 child deaths" being a statistical blip. To which my response is "not to the families who lost their children."
I repeat my remark regarding the deaths of children since clearly you didn't actually read the entire sentence.
While no life is unimportant, that is a rounding error compared to 600,000+ in total.
When do we EVER legislate to protect the .00008 percentile? That is completely irrational. Should we ban golf because some golfers every year get struck by lightening? Should we ban bicycles because some people die on them every year despite protective gear? Almost 850 in 2019. That is the ballpark number for the COVID deaths. Death by bicycling is completely preventable. Just ban bicycles.

If YOU are afraid and you don't think the vaccine actually works, then stay home. If you or someone in your household is ill with COVID or has a compromised immune system, stay home. I really am sorry for your troubles. Pretty much anything can be delivered these days so just order what you need and it will show up on your doorstep. When you do have to go out, wear three N95's. You might not actually be able to breath so you might want to carry oxygen but you'll probably be safe. But me wearing a mask is really not going to make you safer. It isn't going to make me safer either. All it is going to do is cause me to suffer from bacterial infections from rebreathing dirty air and make my asthma worse. Is my right to breath fresh air less then your right to want me to wear a mask because you are afraid? Honestly, I would go along with the joke if there was any actual proof that masks stop transmission. Transmission happens within households and close communities such as nursing homes. . Do you wear a mask in your home? Does anyone? Do you know the danger you are putting them in? Do you believe that COVID exists at approximately 4-7 ft but not at three feet? The mask laws on the books are insane. They are only there to make the frightened feel safer and the Woke people feel virtuous. Just look at all the politicians and other important people who ignore the rules. What do they know that we don't know? Nancy Pelosi is sure ansious to remove her mask for photo ops. Does COVID just move away from her when she removes her mask?

Do you know why the Chinese wear masks when they go out?
1. The pollution is so bad in their major cities, it is deadly and the masks are to stop the smoke particles which are huge compared to COVID. Pollution far worse than LA and London had 50 years ago.
2. Masks, especially with hats and eye coverings, interfere with the spy cameras watching them. They are now working on being able to identify people by their gait since they can't use facial recognition any more.
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@The_Doc_Man I'm with you on this one, having a similar opinion. For me, my understanding is that masks provide some personal protection from Covid by reducing the amount of water particles, on which Covid hitchhikes. However, the biggest effect is by reducing the distance these water particles travel when you breath, cough or sneeze. i.e. You wearing a mask protects others, and so a collective effort reduces transmission.

If masks only cut the viral spread by 10% to 20%, that can have a huge impact further down the line, since you reduce the compounding effect.

eg. 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 = 1 verses 1.2 x 1.2 x 1.2 x 1.2 = 2

Or, 1.2 to the power of 52, if you didn't cut the weekly transmission rate by 20%, would be 13104. In a years time, you could have 1 case verses 13104. Poorly explained, but maybe someone will understand what I'm getting at!

If masks have no effect, why are they used throughout the medical field? Not sure how many surgical operations happen without everybody masked up.

I keep reading people debating that masks are ineffective. Is the argument of the naysayers that masks do not reduce transmission of airborne contagions like Covid, or just that they are ineffective at protecting you personally?

Regarding golf analogies due to their inherent risk, I can say for one that you should ban it! When I go for my daily walk on the local golf course (also a common), there is risk. I'm sure they are taking aim at me! If golf was so enjoyable that it went viral like Covid, then the risk would also go viral. I did some Googling a while back to calculate my risk of death from walking on the golf course. It was very low. Apparently, one person gets hit every two years at the average golf club (from memory), and there is no indication if being hit by a golf ball actually caused any harm or not.

To compare virally spreading risk vs non-virally spreading risk is comparing apples with oranges.

I personally don't think that any explanations change anybodies opinion on this matter as everybody has already made up their minds already. New opinions, or angles are just filtered out, discarded and labelled as misguided. Just throwing my view into the pool of anarchy.
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The department of homeland security science and technology released their master question list for covid-19 Jan 05, 2021. Page 10, 22 makes a reference to ivermectin.

Here are the government's quotes:

"Ivermectin reduced viral shedding duration in a small clinical trial (n=72)."

"Ahmed, S.; Karim, M. M.; Ross, A. G.; Hossain, M. S.; Clemens, J. D.; Sumiya, M. K.; Phru, C. S.; Rahman, M.; Zaman, K.; Somani, J.; Yasmin, R.; Hasnat, M. A.; Kabir, A.; Aziz, A. B.; Khan, W. A., A five day course of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 may reduce the duration of illness. Int J Infect Dis 2020."

No mention of humans being turned into horses, weird....
Wow, very interesting! I did not know this at all.

And here all the left wing folks had me fooled into thinking ivermectin was a crackpot thing entirely invented by crackpots.
Turned out the government sciences had already mentioned it as a treatment against COVID 19.

Amazing. Almost daily I see more reasons for the phrase "fake news"
Wow, very interesting! I did not know this at all.

And here all the left wing folks had me fooled into thinking ivermectin was a crackpot thing entirely invented by crackpots.
Turned out the government sciences had already mentioned it as a treatment against COVID 19.

Amazing. Almost daily I see more reasons for the phrase "fake news"
"The 2015 Nobel prize for physiology or medicine has been awarded to three researchers whose work has had a huge effect on the treatment of parasitic diseases that affect many millions of people in poor countries.

One half of the prize goes jointly to William Campbell, emeritus research fellow at Drew University in Madison, New Jersey, and Satoshi Omura, professor emeritus at Kitasato University in Japan, “for their discoveries concerning a novel therapy against infections caused by roundworm parasites.” The agent they discovered was avermectin, later chemically modified to create the drug now in widespread use, ivermectin".

Poor countries always seem to get the best drugs! And still no signs of people turning into horses.
Turned out the government sciences had already mentioned it as a treatment against COVID 19.
the (n=72) refers to the number of people included in the study conducted in Bangladesh. The conclusion was that it needed to be studied in a larger study. Hardly sounds ground breaking but if the FLCCC recommends it . . .

As far as the Gov. document , its pupose...
The information contained in the following table has been assembled and evaluated by experts from publicly available sources to include reports and articles found in scientific and technical journals, selected sources on the internet, and various media reports. It is intended to serve as a “quick reference” tool and should not be regarded as comprehensive source of information, nor as necessarily representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the DHS or the U.S. Government. DHS does not endorse any products or commercial services mentioned in this document. All sources of the information provided are cited so that individual users of this document may independently evaluate the source of that information and its suitability for any particular use. This document is a “living document” that will be updated as needed when new information becomes available.
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Pat, you are over-thinking it. Wife and I play the odds. No preventative is absolute for any disease. Even dead folks can be contagious except if you cremate the remains with a 3000-degree fire.

We wear cleaned cloth masks when approaching indoors where people gather. We take masks off when outside. Since we have both been vaccinated, we do not wear masks in our house - and our grandkids and kids have also been vaccinated so they unmask in the house. Your choice to wear or not wear a mask in public is your choice. Forgive me if we meet at a bridge table, you are unmasked, and I decline to accept you as a partner - but that is MY choice.

The late Will Rogers, the cowboy humorist and philosopher, once offered a really good PRACTICAL definition of freedom:

Your freedom to swing your fist ends where my nose begins.

Your decision to not wear a mask to affect your odds of NOT spreading COVID-19 (because we know even the vaccinated people can be spreaders) is swinging your "COVID fist" where someone else's nose - and fragile respiratory system - begins.

Freedom in isolation is not freedom - it is selfishness. Freedom to speak your mind is not protected by Freedom of Speech. You are not permitted to speak in a way that endangers others (e.g. - yelling "fire" in a crowded public venue) or that improperly damages someone's reputation (e.g. libel and slander laws). I specifically exclude political correctness from this discussion because that is something else entirely.

People look for absolute freedom, but there is only one place where freedom truly IS absolute. In a true wilderness, you are free to live or die based solely on your abilities without regard to law or custom. Not sure I want to go there. I would rather live in a society where other people exist who are also willing to act more civilized than apex predators.

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