The Covid cure has arrived! (2 Viewers)

The problem we have in dividing medicine down racial lines is that Democrats have fought long and hard to ban discrimination down racial lines, so to go against their own rules would suggest they don't actually believe in what they say. You cannot say don't discriminate, and then discriminate. 😇
Who says its political? If your effort is to slow the spread and return to normal wouldn't it make sense to vaccinate those likely to spread it first? I would venture a guess that it is not nursing home residents who are spreading the virus. I'm sure it was staff or visitors that introduced it to the facilities. Even deep red Tennessee is noted for setting aside a portion of their vaccines for POC to slow the spread.

BTW, the times article is not necessarily exclusively considering race . It also considers other factors such as economic circumstances.

Do you feel discriminated against beacause you've never been screened for sickle cell? :rolleyes:
If your effort is to slow the spread and return to normal wouldn't it make sense to vaccinate those likely to spread it first?
You can, so long as it is not down racial lines. It is similar for pensions in the UK. You cannot discriminate between the sexes when buying an annuity, despite the fact women live longer than men on average, so men get a poor deal. To my mind, it is stupid. Why should men - who are already penalised because they don't live as long - subsidise women? Are they not the "victims" of this lifespan inequality, yet they have a poor deal out of the financial arrangement too? Similar situation for car insurance, but the other way around. Men have more crashes but women have to pay the unisex rate. Silly.
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Who says its political? If your effort is to slow the spread and return to normal wouldn't it make sense to vaccinate those likely to spread it first? I would venture a guess that it is not nursing home residents who are spreading the virus. I'm sure it was staff or visitors that introduced it to the facilities. Even deep red Tennessee is noted for setting aside a portion of their vaccines for POC to slow the spread.
I'm not necessarily against what you're saying.

But just to make sure it's NOT political, let's switch the semantics a little bit and make sure this is our ground zero goal:

- Sure, POC may tend to work in x-type of job. But so do Young People, does that mean we'll target young people? Surely not.

Let's just forget what skin color people are and vaccinate those who are in x-type of job that spreads faster.
Let's just forget what skin color people are and vaccinate those who are in x-type of job that spreads faster.
Nicely put.
Let's just forget what skin color people are and vaccinate those who are in x-type of job that spreads faster.
Agree. I didn't raise the race issue.

Sure, POC may tend to work in x-type of job. But so do Young People, does that mean we'll target young people? Surely not.
Young people also get sick and spread the virus. If you want to stop the spread why wouldn't you vaccinate the younger people? The highest incidences are among 20 to 29 year olds.
Wouldn't that be age discrimination?
Only people with underlying conditions such as diabetes or cancer. Being a health care worker or politician does not qualify, just keep wearing your mask like the rest of us.
Actually, there is some merit in putting politicians LAST in the list. Maybe they will actually do something positive to speed up the distribution process.
Smart thinking!
Agree. I didn't raise the race issue.

Young people also get sick and spread the virus. If you want to stop the spread why wouldn't you vaccinate the younger people? The highest incidences are among 20 to 29 year olds.
Wouldn't that be age discrimination?
Yes, it seems like it would be.

So another thing to 'separate' out is getting fleshed out I think.

- Goal: reduce spread
- Goal: reduce deaths
- Goal: administer it in such a way that nobody gets just a huge windfall advantage, unless it's dire necessary.

Unfortunately, the first two might often be in conflict with the last one some times.

I'm just waiting for all the phishing attempts - "click here to opt in for your vaccine, provide your name, dob, ssn and credit card #"! or something.
Let's be honest here. Some white people pay lip service to the issue of racism, particularly politicians, or more obviously, Americans.
Yet a vast majority of white people spend hours in the sun trying to become coloured (tanned), they even go to special shops to do it, some famous white Americans are famous for their dark skin, like George Hamilton (an actor I think) also the Kardashians (they are famous for being famous, no idea what they actually do) Then you get black people trying to be white, like Michael Jackson the paedophile.
It's no wonder the whole issue is confusing. Many coloured people are appointed to public posts purely to make the appointer look good and PC. Absolutely nothing to do with their ability to do the job, which they are crap at anyway. It's all a sham and so obvious. Yet people, especially the Yanks fall for it because they feel better and cleansed.
It reminds me of a line from a song (American of course) it goes - 'you kill your next door neighbour, but don't forget to say grace' (who remembers the song?) Answer in due course.
The Eve of Destruction by Barry McGuire. A very powerful song. The recent rise of racism in the US today is the result of Black race baiters starting with the Obama administration.

When the song came out in 1965, the Civil Rights movement was about achieving equality. The sham "Civil RIghts" movement of today is about demanding special privileges based on race. Not equality.

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The Pfizer Covid vaccine prevents 90% of people from getting infected and the UK is getting 10 million doses (for 5 million people) before Christmas! They are claiming "back to normal" by spring!

How safe is it?
Safer than catching Covid, I presume.

Some interesting reading from the AMA (American Medical Association). From the cover sheet go to Resolution 509 then page 3
They are walking back their previous statements regarding Hydroxychloroquine.

Some interesting reading from the AMA (American Medical Association). From the cover sheet go to Resolution 509 then page 3
They are walking back their previous statements regarding Hydroxychloroquine.
That is only the proposed resolution for consideration by the House of Delegates by Georgia.

It was not adopted.

Resend earlier language regarding their position, that's pretty much a walk back even if it's not adopted for pollical reasons.
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The message we get from the USA is that many of the American people think the pandemic is a hoax. Orangeman said it was fake news, then advised Americans to inject themselves with bleach.
Are Americans actually sane? Or are they on a different planet.

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