What condition will it be, that makes my idea work for the very first time?
Regardless where you are located, there is no place on it, that you could find, that offers a free afterlife communication option, like mine!
Let's try Ohio!
Looks like the needle in the haystack example I gave before.
The Wright Brothers had to go East to try their experiment,
and so will I, when that time comes.
I imagine, if I had more time to focus on my option,
I would only get better, than what I have managed to do so far, if given the chance to be your official free afterlife Planner!
No emotion, no ego, no drama, just focusing on this easy, safe, no obligation free option!
An opportunity that can fix every major problem known, to Woman, child, or Man!
Would you like this type of image, when you go to find, your first afterlife sensor some day?
It almost looks like they are ready for you, and looking forward
to help you do it.
Is this a cross, or a future afterlife sensor!
How about afterlife sensors in private businesses?
Are they not consumers as well?
Buying stuff for other friends, and relatives.
Keeping a watch on you, when you had one too many to drink, and still want to drive home!
Doing it in a way, that you never knew it was them, but helping you just the same.
Some people call afterlife people Angels. I call Angels Afterlife people.
Will you have time to interact with most of them in your life time, as they play out their free afterlife plan.
Everybody now has the chance to imagine their afterlife, life style!
Everybody, will have a chance to enjoy life better in the future, if my option is put into place now!
What will it take to get there?
You, after learning from me.
What to do, and how to do it, if you really want me to plan your afterlife communication needs!
I'm sorry, I have no model home to show you at this time, but I will get back to you on that, at some point in history, if given the chance.
Controlling emotions:
We are suppose to forget about the past!
We are not suppose to waste our time on the future!
We are suppose to be thankful for what we are given, and ignore the rest.
I admit it, I waste some of my thoughts, everyday on the future, but just those thoughts, for that day.
If I get the chance, I post some of them, just so you are on the same page, with my thoughts, for that day.
You get a sneak peek into my personal diary thoughts.
Why I do this, or why I do that.
Paradigm thinking, with what I have to work with.
What do you see in this image above?
Air can make trees grow, or destroy it!
Movement of energy!
Movement of energy in the wrong situation can be very dangerous, as we are finding out, in the field of medicine all the time.
A negative magnetic field, creates the situation, for all type of problems, if not managed correctly.
Being positive all the time gets boring!
You have to have a balance, but be selective with those selected negative thoughts.
They say that 60% of what language comes out of our mouth, is negative.
Don't believe this, catch your self talking next time, and see what you are saying, positive, or negative.
Maybe that even goes for threads, I do not know.
It's time!
There are so many good options out there, and to really get the chance to enjoy them all.
You almost have to start thinking, and doing something with it!
Everybody loves structure, but sometimes you have to help that structure grow. My option would be that type of addition!
It's safe, it's honest, is healthy, it's free, and It fits!
A Win for everybody, and I do mean everybody!
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
My name is Tim Brewer, and I am your Afterlife Planner!
I do not make this stuff up!