@GaP42 I appreciate your thoughtful q&a, yes.
I still see a very generalized trend -
1. The Democrats are known as the tax and spend party. This has changed somewhat in recent years, but, it is still true (IMO) that their general way of going about solving problems always tends to be far more $ spent than Republicans.
2. The main core of Democrat voters tends to include most low income people - i.e. non taxpayers
(i.e. when I was growing up, our family was seen by people as an anomaly - poor, but Republican. We voted Republican on principle, even though voting Democrat would have been in our best interest when it came to government handouts. My father felt that fair is fair and we weren't interested in taking other people's money as much as we were having the freedom and responsibility to earn our own).
3. Those people eagerly vote Democrat, and from my own personal experience in talking with them, it almost
always involves the simple fact that they are promised more free government services (which we know comes from various sources, but income tax is a big one).
Does that seem fair to you? Is there a solution that's fair?