The real J D Vance


Well-known member
Local time
Today, 09:40
Mar 30, 2012
The Republican VP Candidate did not grow up in Appalacia, he crew up in the suburbs of Cincinnati, was a venture capitalist and made up a story about is life in the mountains. Like Trump he is a phony. Trump claims that he got more votes in the second election thaan in the first, which is a bald-faced lie. But of course there is no proof of that. Trump never says anything positive about the USA. Only that it is decline. And the whole world is out to get him. Why didn't pick Hanabal Lector as his running mate
The Republican VP Candidate did not grow up in Appalacia, he crew up in the suburbs of Cincinnati, was a venture capitalist and made up a story about is life in the mountains. Like Trump he is a phony. Trump claims that he got more votes in the second election thaan in the first, which is a bald-faced lie. But of course there is no proof of that. Trump never says anything positive about the USA. Only that it is decline. And the whole world is out to get him. Why didn't pick Hanabal Lector as his running mate
Actually he grew up in more than 1 place, as he went back and forth while he was growing up, as well as had close family in both places. so that's a bold-faced lie.
The Republican VP Candidate did not grow up in Appalacia, he crew up in the suburbs of Cincinnati, was a venture capitalist and made up a story about is life in the mountains. Like Trump he is a phony. Trump claims that he got more votes in the second election thaan in the first, which is a bald-faced lie. But of course there is no proof of that. Trump never says anything positive about the USA. Only that it is decline. And the whole world is out to get him. Why didn't pick Hanabal Lector as his running mate
That's it? Your slipping.
So 74,225,926 is less than 62,984,825?
Like Trump he is a phony. Trump claims that he got more votes in the second election thaan in the first, which is a bald-faced lie. But of course there is no proof of that.
Bald faced lie?????????? No proof????????????
Just FYI.


So 74,225,926 is less than 62,984,825?

Bald faced lie?????????? No proof????????????
Just FYI.

View attachment 115332

View attachment 115333
Trump won in 2016, but lost in 2020. He says he won by an even bigger margin in 2020. Not true. No facts to support the claim. Plenty of facts that he lost, including your chart. If he did win in 2020 where is the objective data that says so. "We don't have any proof, but we have a lot of theories".
Trump won in 2016, but lost in 2020. He says he won by an even bigger margin in 2020. Not true. No facts to support the claim. Plenty of facts that he lost, including your chart. If he did win in 2020 where is the objective data that says so. "We don't have any proof, but we have a lot of theories".
The democrats lied for four straight years about Russian collusion to try and muddy the waters, and even after this was proven to be one huge hoax, they still believe it to be a fact. Just ask Pelosi about why she thinks it's perfectly OK for her to bitch and moan about a stolen election in 2016 but it's not OK for anyone else to do it in the midst of mass mail-in ballots. The dark cloud that hung over the 2020 election was directly due to covid panic and that massive shift to mail-in ballots and the combination of super low rejection rates. Normal rejection rate is about 2%, but drastically went down in 2020,

According to various sources, including state election commissions and news outlets, the 2020 mail-in ballot rejection rate decreased nationally compared to previous elections.
  • National Average: 0.8% (560,177 out of 70,550,699 absentee/mail-in ballots cast) [Source: Ballotpedia]
  • Comparison to Previous Elections: 2020’s rejection rate was lower than 2018 (1.4%) and 2016 (1.0%) [Source: Ballotpedia]
State-by-State Analysis

Some states experienced significant decreases in rejection rates:
  • Massachusetts: 0.6% (compared to 3.3% in 2016)
  • North Carolina: Rejection rate declined, but exact percentage not specified
  • South Carolina: 0.99% (compared to 2.2% in 2016)
Other states saw varying rejection rates:
  • Wisconsin: 0.6% (compared to 1.4% in 2016 and 1.8% in April 2020 primary)
  • California: No specific rejection rate mentioned, but noted that nearly 70,000 ballots were rejected due to late arrival or other issues
Now that the border has been wide open for 4 years, there's no telling what's going to happen in this next election.
At the end of the day politicians are a bunch of untrustworthy liars. I cannot recall a single Prime Minister, or MP that I could trust to wash my car without them stealing it. And if they didn't steal it they'd damage it. Or to cut the grass without making off with the mower. They will all make up a story even if they know the true answer to a question. If anyone believes a word from any of them they must be mugs. They are all about what they are going to do and rely on people forgetting when they achieve nothing at all. I always ask; never mind what you say you are going to do, tell me what you have started and finished.

Wouldn't it be great if a The Acme Company wanted some software and you went along and said "I can do that in three months and it will only cost £1M". After a year you charge £5M for work done, cash the cheque and then just drift off. Not only do you not finish it, you don't actually start it.
If politicians wrote software that is how it would be.
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Trump won in 2016, but lost in 2020. He says he won by an even bigger margin in 2020. Not true. No facts to support the claim. Plenty of facts that he lost, including your chart. If he did win in 2020 where is the objective data that says so. "We don't have any proof, but we have a lot of theories".
but not enough to win.
Ask yourself, why, in 6 battleground states, did they stop counting ballots before 10 PM? When in the history of elections did the counting for a Presidential election ever stop? Then curiously, despite the count having been "stopped", Biden was ahead in the morning when the counting resumed. I guess they'd had enough time to prepare enough ballots to solve the "problem" with their plumbing.

Ask yourself how a man who couldn't draw more than 100 people to a rally could have beat the overwhelmingly popular sitting President by millions of votes.

Why does Clinton still say that she won in 2016? Why don't you call her a bald faced liar?
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If what you say is true, why wasn't part of the court cases the were thrown out, around 60 I believe. Clinton won the popular vote, but lost in the electorial colllege. Trump won that race fair and square. But still claims that he won in 2020, which he did not. "We have no proof, but we have a lot of theories."

Have a nice day, Pat.
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If what you say is true, why wasn't part of the court cases the were thrown out, around 60 I believe
The cases that were thrown out were thrown out for standing, not for any lack of evidence. The judges never even looked at the evidence. Very few judges were brave enough to allow evidence to be presented. None of them wanted to rule that there was corruption in the election process. They would rather let the Dems steal than go down that rabbit hole. Tell me you'd be brave enough to hear one of these cases if you thought there was any chance that Trump would prevail and the election would be overturned two years later. Could you subject your family to years of rioting in your street while the trial dragged on? What would the country look like if you had to rule in favor of Trump? So, they chose the coward's way out and simply refused to hear the cases.

I haven't looked at the website that tracks the cases recently. I'll dig it out and see how the cases that are being heard are proceeding.
Trump won in 2016, but lost in 2020. He says he won by an even bigger margin in 2020. Not true. No facts to support the claim. Plenty of facts that he lost, including your chart. If he did win in 2020 where is the objective data that says so. "We don't have any proof, but we have a lot of theories".
You're wrong. 74 million is more than 62 million. Cogent, my ass

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