The Secret Service - fit for purpose? (1 Viewer)

Since no one gets fired for incompetence in the Harris administration (including her), there would be no reason to not fess up. Therefore, since they are hiding something, they are covering for whoever made the decisions to deliberately endanger Trump.
I reckon the investigation of the bridge in Baltimore will finally conclude it was not the fault of anyone involved. There will certainly not be any fault attributed to any US employee.

They will target the contractor who built the bridge, probably.

The really interesting part for the Trump shooting is that the "civil service blame game" isn't really going to affect anyone who had "boots on the ground" at the event, even though they were the ones who screwed up. I watched U.S. Navy contracting for 28 1/2 years. Contractors don't get long-term contracts most of the time. They get a contract that names 1 year plus OPTIONS for up to four more years. When someone "ticks off" the government, they notify the company that their next one-year option will be denied and the contract will get a re-compete. So the company president, vice president, and a couple of other officers are out of a job (until they get another contract). But the employees who probably were the REAL screw-ups don't normally get named in the "we don't like you" list. So the contract awardee now has a contract but probably no employees and the outgoing contract holder has employees but no contract to support paying them. SO... behind the scenes, the inbound contractor gets a list of current employees of the outbound contractor. Those people get offer letters from the inbound company. This usually happens a few days before the contract actually terminates. You walk out of the office Friday afternoon as an employee of XYZ corp. You walk in Monday morning as an employee of ABC corp. Oh, sure, there is some annoying paperwork involving security clearances and 401(k) plans and medical insurance, but within a week that is usually complete.

Therefore, if we assume a similar paradigm for the Secret Service as the Navy used for ITS contractors, nobody who was on the ground at the time of the incident will see any difference other than the name signing their paychecks this week. Of course we don't know if they use the same paradigm because, after all, they ARE the SECRET Service.
News now is that these agents assigned to Trump's detail were essentially rent-a-cops who watched a video to see how it was done.
She just gives pointless answers like, "We are still investigating"
I don't know much about this situation, but I have this observation: If an institution is conducting an investigation, it seems to me it would be a dereliction of duty if the head of that institution was to go on record citing conclusions in advance of the release of the investigation's findings.

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