The Slightly Obscure Music Discussion And Quizzy Thread (1 Viewer)

I used to brew beer on the weekends with a club. One of the Beat-Nick members used to be a roadie...

This song came on and I quizzed him on who was playing...he listened and said "Joe Satriani" I told him he was wrong and he listened a little more and said "Eric Johnson is the only other guy who could manage that."

I was slightly impressed...
OK, this is the band. Name a song of theirs. Should last about one guess.

Good morning Starshine.
NG has it! (OK, it's really incense but that's close enough).
Strawberry Alarm Clock. Probably they were a one hit wonder.
I do beleive Moke has it, even if their version was crap (IMHO)...

MOKE, you're up!
I thought they were a one hit wonder and GMS was done by Oliver. Oh well, learning stuff about music artists is what this is all about, I guess.
Actually there were about 30 artists that recorded that song. Just happend to be the first google result for S.A.C.
While I recognize that you're up Moke123, this song crept into my mind and I just had to post it (hope you can forgive me seeing as how my last one lasted about 10 minutes or so).


Probably another no-brainer for you guys, but I hope not!
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Well, it looks like this thread has run its course...
Just as well - I screwed up on the sheep pic.
Song is maybe "Can't Get You Out of My Mind"? But even if I'm right, I doubt I"ll have a contribution.
You're close. I replaced the incorrect picture, plus you have one other word wrong. Bonus marks if you can name the band.
Correct! I suppose you're not up for it, and this thread seems to have run its course?
Sorry to say that I have other ongoing issues that will limit my activities. And my old brain is in the wrong era for some of this stuft anyway.
Irritatingly, Doc's guess means I now have the infuriating song by Kylie Minogue, Can't Get You Out Of My Head, utterly stuck in my head.
And no thanks, I don't want to do a starter in place of Doc
It seems that my deferral was the speed bump that stopped the thread. Sorry, gang, but I really had too much going on and too few hours in the day for all the crap that was happening.

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