Trump Administration Predictions (2 Viewers)

So the "if you like your doctor, you can keep him" lie didn't hurt any person because it got them to make the wrong decision? Congress wasn't stupid. That's why they exempted themselves from Obamacare from the getgo. And we won't get into the COVID lies and the lies regarding Trump and the fitness of Biden to be serving as President.

You're quite OK with the media and members of Congress simply lying to the American public. Whatever.
In your world, and some others here, every problem Americans face is caused by Democrats, and only Republicans and in particular Conservative MAGA Party Liners have any solutions.
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In your world, and some others here, every problem Americans face is caused by Democrats, and only Republicans and in particular Conservative MAGA Party Liners have any solutions.
If only you could agree that certain lies can injure the individual if he takes them at face value, we can discuss any lies told to you by a Republican that might have the same effect. Since you cannot agree that there are lies that injure and lies necessary for national security and opinions which are not lies, we have nothing to discuss. It doesn't weaken your position to acknowledge that the COVID lies and the Obamacare lies all had the potential to cause people to make dangerously wrong choices, it simply means that you see reality and agree that the government should never tell lies that can injure people. Members of Congress who go on national TV over and over and over again and say - "I have evidence of Trump's collusion with Russia" when no such evidence ever existed should be prosecuted and loose their security clearance and therefore their committee positions. If you can't agree with that kind of lie being dangerous, nothing you say can possibly carry any weight. Your head is too far up your ... to be able to recognize reality.
When was the last time you ever made a comment on preexisting conditions being a thing of the past?
I have discussed this although not in so many words. When my husband and I got married, we were young and stupid and neither of us realized that women were not automatically covered for pregnancy. That little oversight of not changing one of our policies IMMEDIATELY to cover pregnancy cost us 6 months of wages in hospital bills we ended up having to pay out of pocket. It should have been less but the hospital gave me a staff infection during the emergency C-Section the hack on duty performed and I ended up spending 10 days in the hospital on heavy doses of antibiotics and ended up sterilized anyway. Normal stay at that time for a C-Section was 3 days. At least my daughter turned out to be a keeper;)

Most states had special high-risk pools for preexisting conditions so insurance was available but expensive. Also, if you changed providers during the "open enrollment" period, the new provider couldn't deny you coverage.
it simply means that you see reality and agree that the government should never tell lies that can injure people.
Here I go quoting myself again. You should think back to some of the things Trump tried to tell us during COVID and for which he was IMMEDIATLY attacked and called a LIAR and all of them turned out to be true. Hmmmmmmmm.

1. COVID is like a bad flu
2. Masks don't stop the spread
3. It is insane to shut down churches but allow gambling casinos to remain open. People were even prevented from attending masses in their cars in parking lots.
4. Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin have a positive impact on controlling the infection if taken early enough.
5. Schools don't need to close.

Trump wasn't making these things up. He was talking to all sorts of experts and they were telling him different things than Fauci was telling him. Trump was right on all accounts.
These are the some examples of Trump lies I could find.

Get your facts straight.

Can Trump pass legislation the Congress doesn't give him? No?
Which Republican Senator in a fit of pique voted against the Republican replacement that Congress eventually put together and passed in the House? John McCain who had voted FOR similar bills each time they had come up prior to Trump taking office. Once Trump was President and would sign such a bill, McCain kept it from getting to Trump to sign.

Bzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Try again. Try to separate opinion from statements of facts.
Get your facts straight.

Can Trump pass legislation the Congress doesn't give him? No?
Which Republican Senator in a fit of pique voted against the Republican replacement that Congress eventually put together and passed in the House? John McCain who had voted FOR similar bills each time they had come up prior to Trump taking office. Once Trump was President and would sign such a bill, McCain kept it from getting to Trump to sign.

Bzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Try again. Try to separate opinion from statements of facts.
He said we have something we are going to roll out in 12 weeks.
I guess Obama must have been a stronger more intelligent, more persuasive president, since he, well you know, got the job done.

I don't blame Trump for beating the Dems in 2024, so why blame the Dems for trump's inability to get consensus. Maybe if he had a wider apeall more people would support him.

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