Trump Administration Predictions (2 Viewers)

The biggest problem with the ACA was that Republicans (in congress) never made any contribution to making it better.

Here are some numbers.

When was the last time you ever made a comment on preexisting conditions being a thing of the past?
Got to admit I love the preexisting conditions being a thing of the past. I hate the fact that it had to be regulated, and sort of wish I actually KNEW more about the story of why the market didn't end up affording more options for becoming more competitive and more plans offering to cover them, but I sure am glad that's over ... and would hate to see it repealed, if I'm being honest. Other than that I am not super knowledgeable on the whole Obamacare thing. I do remember the website didn't work well for a long time which was a bit funny but that's not very important
These are the some examples of Trump lies I could find.

Lies lies and more lies.

Trump Lies
I dunno man, every time I've seen CNN do their famous "lists of lies" - or MSNBC, especially - it's usually just ridiculous stretches of semantics, such as he said something like "a new car factor is opening tomorrow" - but actually it's next month, or actually it opened yesterday, or something stupid like that - at least 75% of their 'lies' are that type of thing. Remember Biden going on and on about cornpop and having been arrested protesting for civil rights all the time? AT least Trump comes up with new ones to tell
These are the some examples of Trump lies I could find.
I dunno man, every time I've seen CNN do their famous "lists of lies" - or MSNBC, especially - it's usually just ridiculous stretches of semantics, such as he said something like "a new car factor is opening tomorrow" - but actually it's next month, or actually it opened yesterday, or something stupid like that - at least 75% of their 'lies' are that type of thing. Remember Biden going on and on about cornpop and having been arrested protesting for civil rights all the time? AT least Trump comes up with new ones to tell
@Thales750: Possessed by TDS. Why the continued hatred of Trump when Biden suffered dementia, the media hid the dementia from the public, the Biden administration targeted political opponents, the Biden administration promoted an illegal invasion by immigrants to this country, and granted many of their (green new deal) lackies massive fraudulent payouts?
Seems that @Thales750 should be acknowledging that massive corruption by the Democratic party and condemning it.
"a devastating new CNN poll shows the party's favorability has cratered to an abysmal 29%—the lowest since 1992."
Nothing new there. It's been down hill ever since Hillary thought she could ignore (insult) all the out of work middle aged former factory workers in the Midwest. Deplorables, that's what she called them.

Some slippery slopes actually are.

Shame we're the one paying the price. Bill warned her, but what does he know, he's just another middle aged white guy.
I dunno man, every time I've seen CNN do their famous "lists of lies" - or MSNBC, especially - it's usually just ridiculous stretches of semantics, such as he said something like "a new car factor is opening tomorrow" - but actually it's next month, or actually it opened yesterday, or something stupid like that - at least 75% of their 'lies' are that type of thing. Remember Biden going on and on about cornpop and having been arrested protesting for civil rights all the time? AT least Trump comes up with new ones to tell
I think lying about a new health care plan that was never going to be, qualifies
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Nothing new there. It's been down hill ever since Hillary thought she could ignore (insult) all the out of work middle aged former factory workers in the Midwest. Deplorables, that's what she called them.

Some slippery slopes actually are.

Shame we're the one paying the price. Bill warned her, but what does he know, he's just another middle aged white guy.
Someone actually got my post..nice.
@Thales750: Possessed by TDS. Why the continued hatred of Trump when Biden suffered dementia, the media hid the dementia from the public, the Biden administration targeted political opponents, the Biden administration promoted an illegal invasion by immigrants to this country, and granted many of their (green new deal) lackies massive fraudulent payouts?
Seems that @Thales750 should be acknowledging that massive corruption by the Democratic party and condemning it.
I do, just not here. Sadly for you folks, (MAGA hardliners) all you have for ammo is to compare Trump to Biden.
I predict democrats will oppose anything the president does now that we have one that actually gets things done. The former president is in the past now and his legacy will become one of the most corrupt in our history. He will be remembered for open borders and baggies of cocaine in the White House that magically had no finger prints that the FBI could identify (or refused to identify).
I predict democrats will oppose anything the president does now that we have one that actually gets things done. The former president is in the past now and his legacy will become one of the most corrupt in our history. He will be remembered for open borders and baggies of cocaine in the White House that magically had no finger prints that the FBI could identify (or refused to identify).
I'm guessing he didn't know anything about the cocaine.

The US needs to do something to fix the growing class society. So far this administration in making waves, but are they going to be for the good?

MAGA worshipers tend to worship. It's a shame that we find no evidence in these forums of any perspective other than literally worship.

You name it, nothing much good ever comes from such party loyalty. You seem to think I am loyal to Biden, and the Dems because I speak out against the extreme danger of Conservative brainwashing propaganda. Being as far from a conservative as possible, doesn't make me an inch closer to being a liberal. This is a concept you literally cannot conceive.
I'm guessing he didn't know anything about the cocaine.

You know what? I'm going to give you that one. Joe's mental haze was probably so advanced that there were a LOT of things he didn't know about. The cocaine baggies could plausibly be something he didn't know about.

I wonder, though... when Joe passes away (and I'm not wishing it on him, it's just something we all eventually do), will anyone dare mention that a contributing factor was his dementia?

The US needs to do something to fix the growing class society.

You mean, something like the way Russia spreads the wealth taken from its oligarchs?
Ok smart guy, who controlled Biden's autopen?
LOL. I just looked it up.
We have elected a reject from a middle school class president election. What kind of idiot cares about this?

This president is losing American friends, putting the global economy into a huge headwind, and giving in to dictators.

And he is now making news with this. This is a joke.
LOL. I just looked it up.
We have elected a reject from a middle school class president election. What kind of idiot cares about this?

This president is losing American friends, putting the global economy into a huge headwind, and giving in to dictators.

And he is now making news with this. This is a joke.

I didn't get the autopen reference until I saw this middle of the night rant.

I'm guessing he didn't know anything about the cocaine.
Doesnt matter, thats what he will be remembered for.
MAGA worshipers tend to worship. It's a shame that we find no evidence in these forums of any perspective other than literally worship.
You misconstrue worship for actual results and hard work. Repeating lies will not get you past that TDS.

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