TRUMP and Project 2025 (2 Viewers)

Silly liberals wreck everything they touch including fast food.
Oh I don't know. I'm quite partial to a McChicken Sandwich and medium fries with a tomato sauce dip.
Duh, these are transitory jobs commonly utilized by highschoolers or college kids. These were never meant to provide a living wage for adults.
Silly liberals wreck everything they touch including fast food.
Yeah, except this has nothing to do with Liberals. it's the Conservative mantra of winner-take-all is the root of all of our economic woes. Starting with Regan taking credit for ending inflation, when in reality Carter actually started that ball rolling.

You may have been doing some tongue in cheek, I get that.
Conservatives are going to be hit hardest, because their belief in pure capitalism is going to be proven wrong.

Abraham Maslow might disagree with your beliefs. And shall we consider how many countries that started out as pure communism or pure socialism have allowed capitalism to creep in? Shall we consider how ineptitude and corruption have poisoned so many nations who desperately cling to their social beliefs? China right now is undergoing a crisis of declining population, an overstretched economy, and an infrastructure disaster. The latter is caused by roads and buildings plagued by corruption, using substandard materials that lead to collapses of bridges and dams. That corruption in a supposedly "pure" communist state is an individual responding to GREED. It hasn't been pushed away. That drive to "get what you can while the getting is good" is rearing it's ugly (to you) head in the heart of China.

While I don't agree with the movie quote from Gordon Gecko that "greed is a good thing" I can tell you that it is an evolutionary MANDATE that we gather as much as we can to assure our survival. Your belief that capitalism is wrong will not stand the test of time because it goes against hundreds of millennia of evolution.

Should we regulate capitalism? Probably - such as limiting monopolistic actions and limiting opportunistic price gouging for two things that are a bit egregious. But did you realize that 80% of all capitalist ventures fail within 5 years of starting? Even with that track record, people continue to try to carve out their own little piece of the pie. Why would they do that, knowing the odds are against them? (That was rhetorical.) They do it because, except for the lazy do-nothing-and-never-did-anything low-lifes that are supported by misguided socialism, there is a human drive to succeed. You can try to thwart that, but it is a human drive that you can never prevent, never fully throttle, never eradicate. It is inborn.

I'm sorry that you cannot see this.
Yeah, except this has nothing to do with Liberals. it's the Conservative mantra of winner-take-all is the root of all of our economic woes. Starting with Regan taking credit for ending inflation, when in reality Carter actually started that ball rolling.

You may have been doing some tongue in cheek, I get that.
Like you Gavin Newsom is confused about how the economy works. Everyone saw this train wreck coming except you and Gavin.

Liberals will look to this and see a great victory for the working class. They will copy it in every state as you predict.

This is the liberal model, make things worse while blaming someone else, i.e. Trump
That is exactly why people were moving to Austin. The supper high California pay checks led to super high real estate prices. Now Austin home prices are set to decline.
Texas has always had several advantages, most of which have nothing to do with our ideology.
OH, I thought you meant something else.

Yeah, that's why the californians are moving to phoenix, too, except now they've risen so much here too
Yeah, that's why the californians are moving to phoenix, too, except now they've risen so much here too
If I told you what the comps are in my area of Orange County CA, it would make your head spin. Cashing in is on everyone's minds.
If I told you what the comps are in my area of Orange County CA, it would make your head spin. Cashing in is on everyone's minds.
but beware, it's hard to get through the summer here - 116 degrees and no beach
then you do get 7 months of consecutive perfect weather
The problem with fast food wage increases is systemic across the country. As we abandoned industrial jobs, we replaced them with entry level jobs. They don't provide living wages due to insufficient productivity. Forcing that has contributed to this inflatioary period. Not to worry though, they are being eliminated soon enough.
Within 5 years no new fastfood resturaunts will have employees. You'll see the rollout happening soon. It will sweep the country faster than the linier thinkers can blink their disbelief.
Most all of the old ways people cling to are coming to an end faster then they can imagine. Conservatives are going to be hit hardest, because their belief in pure capitalism is going to be proven wrong. Just like all those med addicted rust belt guys from the 90s. Project 2025 is merely another mechanism is this transition to a new human paradigm. I've known this was coming since I read I Robot in 1974.
What did the Borg Queen say?
Watch your futures end.
Interstate trucking
Inexpensive housing
Farming and ranching
Trash removal
House cleaning and laundry
Garment manufacturing
And then the rest.
There are already automation processes to end those jobs. That's not even counting the jobs that pure ai is coming for.
So cling to those old way, the tailors did, the coach builders did. It's done.
The whole world will be on substanance checks from taxes on profits, or there will be a massive die off of the human race.
So what are we going to do with all the illegal aliens that Biden's policies allowed into the country? They don't don't speak English and don't have any skills that would be needed by the "new world" you describe. Maybe we all get to adopt one to do our laundry
Like you Gavin Newsom is confused about how the economy works. Everyone saw this train wreck coming except you and Gavin.

Liberals will look to this and see a great victory for the working class. They will copy it in every state as you predict.

This is the liberal model, make things worse while blaming someone else, i.e. Trump
The root cause goes back decades. The band aid applied by the liberals certainly was a catalyst for inflation, but it is not the root cause. The root cause was 1970s inflation.

What do you think caused 1970s Inflation?

I have been against raising the minimum wage the whole time.

The problem with Conservative brainwashing is that it is all about blame, and blame directed at "Liberals". Which to MAGA worshipers is any one not for Trump. MAGA and company view things as binary. Look back that these conversation this last few weeks and the evidence obvious.

The root cause of the lowering of the middle class to the lower class was not caused by liberals. it was a result of the maturation of capitalism. I know you could care less about learning anything that will take you out of your comfort zone, so I don't expect engagement, only denials.

You should be very careful thinking you know more about the economy simply because someone doesn't drink your MAGA cool aid. A large percentage of the problems Americans are dealing with were directly caused by Trickle Down Economics and Citizens United. Both are extreme right wing initiatives.

By the way I predicted all this economic change in 1987. I had visions of what was coming, I knew in 2005 and early 2006 that the Financial Sector was headed for the biggest crash ever. And it would have been, if Conservative would had had their way.
but beware, it's hard to get through the summer here - 116 degrees and no beach
then you do get 7 months of consecutive perfect weather
I have friends who live there and will be going back in September. We are well aware of the heat, we've been going to Palm Springs and the high desert for many years.
So what are we going to do with all the illegal aliens that Biden's policies allowed into the country? They don't don't speak English and don't have any skills that would be needed by the "new world" you describe. Maybe we all get to adopt one to do our laundry
Most will go home, if there is no work. We see the fluctuations all the time.

Pat, the only things you know about Illegal Aliens are what you learn from your "news" sources. There is a whole other world of information that you are completely unwilling to listen to.

Literally, an entire encyclopedia of missing information.
Let's start a new thread where we can trash the politicians of some other country - France or Canada is my vote
Despite the FBI's vigilant search for right-wing domestic terrorists, they somehow allowed violent street riots to kill 13 innocent people, a mass shooting targeting Republican lawmakers playing baseball, a planned assassination of a conservative Supreme Court Justice, the violent takeover of dozens of college campuses, the murder of schoolchildren targeted for being Christian, attacks on churches and synagogues, a near assasination of a former President, and arson bombings of crisis pregnancy centers.

maybe they've been investigating the wrong people?
Let's start a new thread where we can trash the politicians of some other country - France or Canada is my vote
I tried that during our own and French elections, but got no takers. Americans are too obsessed with their own politics yet never reach any conclusion.
I tried that during our own and French elections, but got no takers. Americans are too obsessed with their own politics yet never reach any conclusion.
Well, we do have Oceans on both sides.

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