Trump is still the world's best bet ...

shooter has been identified on BBC news as a Republican party member
shooter has been identified on BBC news as a Republican party member

You know how you identify spammers? You apply the adage, If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck .....

So the BBC, is aligned with the democrats ..

BBC promoting disinformation. ......
Someone could register as a Republican to put themselves below the radar.
Someone could register as a Republican to put themselves below the radar.
Absolutely. All you have to do is ask for a Republican ballot at the primary. Heck one time I asked for a Democrat ballot. I got flooded with Democrat donation requests.
I see it didn't take long for the spin/disinformation to rear it's ugly head. This is clearly and most definitely an assassination attempt (FBI confirmed), yet left wing news is desperately trying to frame it as something insignificant even though president biden already addressed and condemned the act yesterday. They are more upset about the optics of it all than the reality of what just happened and condemning the act as unacceptable. Instead we have CNN talking about Trumps words after the fist pumps being "Fight, fight, fight". This is what kind of demented media we have. They only want to incite even more violence by accusing the president of doing what they are actually doing and have been doing for 8 years to half of the nation. All the footage I seen last night, I never heard him say that directly, maybe it was lip readers who gleaned this info but I want to hear what Trump says about what he was feeling from his own mouth instead of CNN putting words into is mouth for us. He did say something three times, but I only seen his lips move and not heard the words. Either way, the emotions were flying high after he stood up and made those fist pumps.

Here's another evil headline from CNN "Secret service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at rally". Are you serious? If this doesn't make you never want to tune in to that propaganda violence inciting media station again... Wake up.

And another: "Trump injured at incident at rally" news reporting at it's finest.

Tweet from Rep. Steven Woodrow "The last thing America needed was sympathy for the devil, but here we are." That got 1.3M views right after the shooting happened at around 6:40 PM 7/13/2024. What a sick individual. They have to get their demonizing jabs in as it's part of their DNA. This is our politicians today. Imagine the party they would have thrown if he the attempt was successful.:devilish:

The shooter was not very skilled in his craft so it was very unlikely any sort of professional hit job that came from the opposition party or anything like that. It was someone who just hates DJT plain and simple. You can thank the media's magaphone of hate for this and the other previous attempts on his life. This person was only around 20-21 years old so not much life experience. He lived in PA, so this was localized. There is little to no social media accounts for this person so he kept to himself and simply did not participate in what most people crave to do constantly. He is a registered republican but the only political donation he ever made in Jan of 2021 was to ActBlue.

Here is an interview with an actual highly trained sniper and his view point on the shooters skill level or lack there of. The comments are all over the place with fault finding and failings of the SS to law enforcement and communications. I think there was a lack of presence on that building that was technically outside of the secure perimeter but yet well within range of any sniper. There needs to be way more security and ability to communicate threat levels quickly.
Perhaps you need to open your eyes and ears. There was no reason for Pat to bring it up, the comment she made was unfounded and just gratuitous. What you ignore is what you accept.
Was the intent to denigrate people of colour?
Can you read? Is English not your native language or are you just playing dumb? Are you as clueless as it sounds? Do you know what "hate crime enhancement" is? Do you understand hyperbole? Only a racist who reads my statement would think it denigrates blacks. What it denigrates is Biden and what he has done to the criminal justice system. Biden has broken the criminal justice system due to his lawfare against Trump. Maybe we'll find that he hired the shooter also?
But as I witness frequently from Maga, all fact can just be ignored and totally irrational unfounded assumption is the norm.

I respectfully suggest that you also have the Democratic-tinted glasses on you. That must be the case, because you fail to see how often Biden tries to use Executive Orders to override the actions of Congress and the rulings of the Supreme Court. Papa Joe is the worst kind of tyrant - the sneaky kind, the one who hides his actions in plain sight by couching them in benevolent language of intent but obscuring that what he wanted to do was illegal and violation of the Separation of Powers clause.
You should be in the FBI Pat, Your acute insight into the perp and his motives from just a news item is a special gift.
So sane people kill perfect strangers? Typical evasive comment. It is people like you who suffer from TDS who make ad hominem attacks on Trump. This one happened live on TV so it cannot be shoved under the rug. What happened to your "words can kill" opinion? All the hatred you direct toward Trump could very easily cause some other nut job - and that is what the shooter is - to try again and succeed.
and guess what, You FOUND A WITCH

Guess what else... The Salem Witch Trials were eventually decided to have been smear tactics against people who dared to not conform to the rigid viewpoints of the people around them, generally due to mass hysteria. There were no witches and warlocks, never mind the fact that many innocent people were executed for the crime of witchcraft.

You seem to be oblivious to the simple fact that if someone becomes obsessed with finding a conspiracy, they will "find" one whether or not it was a "conspiracy of one." Look up "Confirmation Bias" and contemplate its definition. See if that particular shoe also happens to fit YOU.
Guess what else... The Salem Witch Trials were eventually decided to have been smear tactics against people who dared to not conform to the rigid viewpoints of the people around them, generally due to mass hysteria. There were no witches and warlocks, never mind the fact that many innocent people were executed for the crime of witchcraft.

You seem to be oblivious to the simple fact that if someone becomes obsessed with finding a conspiracy, they will "find" one whether or not it was a "conspiracy of one." Look up "Confirmation Bias" and contemplate its definition. See if that particular shoe also happens to fit YOU.
You have that the wrong way round Docman, Its taken the Americans a little over eight years to Begin to realize the danger Trump poses, he should have been shot in December 2015.
shooter has been identified on BBC news as a Republican party member

The way you know the shooter is not a Republican is the left isn't calling for NEW gun control, because they approve of this action.

"he should have been shot in December 2015" -Space Cowboy

The left is usually obsessed with the gun, the ammunition, whether it has a bump stock, etc., etc.
Not this time, why?
I suspected there might possibly be a barrage of indignation,

It is a pity that some people are not more indignant at the hundreds of thousands of innocent Russians and Ukranians sent to their death by Trumps mate Putin. Trump is complicit in the deaths of tens of thousands of people. the time that congress held up Ukrainian Weapons was a disgrace. The poor person in the crowd who has sadly lost his life is also indirectly trumps responsibility. Trump has been and continues to be the biggest brake on the progress of American society and culture.

The argument that more guns = less deaths, can now hopefully be seen for the pathetic reasoning that it has always been and is transparently apparent to the majority or right minded people. How many more guns would have been needed to stop the shooter? grenades, a tank? Cruise missile? It does not matter how many "Good People" have guns, one nut case and it is all out the window.
The one decent thing that Biden did was to cancel his most virulent Trump hating campaign ads. I didn't think he had it in him. I wonder if he actually feels guilty. We'll see how soon the ads reappear.
The one decent thing that Biden did was to cancel his most virulent Trump hating campaign ads. I didn't think he had it in him. I wonder if he actually feels guilty. We'll see how soon the ads reappear.
He's only paused the vitriol, not canceled.

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