Trump is still the world's best bet ...

I note that Kamala Harris has said that she's going to take down the platforms that she accuses of lying, of spreading misinformation and the like..
And they claim that Trump is the threat to democracy!!:mad:
Yet they never state how Trump would be an actual threat to democracy.
(Ironically they claim that Trump would throw them in jail, yet that is exactly what they are attempting to do to Trump.)
et they never state how Trump would be an actual threat to democracy.
That isn't quite right. What they say is that Trump is a threat to "their" democracy. Different concept. He is most emphatically a threat to "their" democracy since the rest of us live in a republic.
Any inuendo is apparently useful if it seems to paint a bad light on a Trump supporter. You go for it moke;) You are always the first with an accusation.
UG, You know who this guy is, right?

Re:- I have no idea, ...

I've still no idea, but I like the cut of the man's JIB and the way he talks....

As for you moke, I now have a better idea of your motivations, and will weigh that in when reading your future responses.
Re:- I have no idea, ...

I've still no idea, but I like the cut of the man's JIB and the way he talks....

As for you moke, I now have a better idea of your motivations, and will weigh that in when reading your future responses.
Robinson's campaign manager, deputy campaign manager, finance director and senior adviser all stepped down after the story went to air - Why?
I don't know why, but I'm sure you're waiting for the opportunity to tell me!

What I don't understand is you are obviously a liberal, or should I say democrat. I thought your values were to support the downtrodden, the abused of like the black minority, and here we have a black man freely speaking very eloquently and forcefully and truthfully!

It's your ideal goal! But you can't say well done, you can't support him because you don't like what he's saying, so you have to destroy him....

That's all I need to know....

I think somebody termed it Trump derangement syndrome.....
@GaP42 - I draw your attention to a recent video by Joe Rogan in support of Donald Trump here:-

Before you start, @GaP42 - remember Rogan's not your typical party-line toeing Democrat or Republican; he's a wildcard. He's criticized Trump but also gives him credit where it's due, which just shows he's not in anyone's pocket. Bet you can't handle someone who thinks for themselves, can you? Joe's more about the issues than the team colors, something your trolling playbook might not know how to deal with.
But you can't say well done, you can't support him because you don't like what he's saying, so you have to destroy him....
I can't support him because he's not running for Governor of my state. That, and I tend to like my politicians to have some sort of moral compass.

Like you, I never heard of the guy until recently when the story was on every major news network, probably with the exception of fox.
I didn't watch your clip, nor have I ever listened to the guy. I'll take your word that he speaks eloquently. The truthfully part I couldn't tell you.
Personally I couldn't care less about the guy. He's North Carolina's problem.

Supposedly by somebody who claims they've connected a username on a porn site to a real person, an extremely dubious claim of course
It's a little more complex than that , not just porn sites. I'm sure the conspiracy theory will be that someone spoofed him to kill his political career even though it occurred 10 years or more before he even thought about becoming a politician and leaving his job in furniture manufacturing.

This article from a NC local paper contains a lot of the connections for his user name, email, etc. (about halfway down the article)
A lot more has come out since, including his IP address.

I spend a lot of time, working with experts, proving/disproving peoples connections to user names, email address, cellphones, and various online accounts and since everything so far appears to be osint they've done a pretty good job. He's now threatening to sue CNN and if he does the discovery process will be telling since both sides will have the power to compel discovery by subpoena. That's about the extent of my interest in his controversy.
That, and I tend to like my politicians to have some sort of moral compass
Democrats have no moral compass.
  • They are totally against election integrity.
  • They are for open borders.
  • illegal immigrants receive welfare benefits that they should not be receiving.
  • They hid Biden's mental decline.
  • Democrats use the "law" in an unethical manner to file criminal charges against those who they don't like. Mayor Adams being a recent recipient of that tactic (not that he is innocent). The charges against Trump have been totally bogus.
  • Harris just lied claiming that Trump was hiding because he would not accept a debate on 60 Minutes. She left out that 60 minutes previously set-up Trump: used adversarial questions and lied about the H. Biden laptop, and that so-called "debates" have really been a three on one adversarial inquisition. Harris is the one who is hiding from the media and refuses to go on Fox News.
  • Harris refuses to disclose where she really stands on issues, she obfuscates. Word-salad answers that say nothing.
I can't support him because he's not running for Governor of my state. That, and I tend to like my politicians to have some sort of moral compass.
Like Kennedy, Johnson, Clinton, and Biden to name just 4 in our lifetimes:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Kennedy used to have the secret service bring his w****s into the White House while Jackie was in the residence. Johnson was prone to parading naked around his daughters, and Clinton was actually convicted and fined for ra**. Biden's daughter reports how he forced her to shower with him at an age when she knew it was wrong. Not to mention his creepy smelling of the hair of women and children. Wow. You think those men are moral? Where is your moral compass?

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