Trump is still the world's best bet ... (1 Viewer)

It was mentioned on the BBC news today that in the event of Mr Biden not running for president, the current Vice President would take his place.
Is that a good thing? Or better to stick with current president.
It's like going from the frying pot into the fire
They fined Trump 2x more for accurately appraising his home than Boeing got fined for killing people in 2018-2019.
You really don't know what is important do you;) The silly thing is the Trump fine was so obscenely high that it violates his 8th amendment rights and so the conviction will be overturned by the Supremes.
You really don't know what is important do you;) The silly thing is the Trump fine was so obscenely high that it violates his 8th amendment rights and so the conviction will be overturned by the Supremes.

Selective prosecution.
TRUMP has just been voted top amongst European politicians, only two Countries had him second, Hungary and Tunisia.

TRUMP won 41 %
next best 17 %

question was, which world leader was most likely to cause WW3
TRUMP has just been voted top amongst European politicians, only two Countries had him second, Hungary and Tunisia.

TRUMP won 41 %
next best 17 %

question was, which world leader was most likely to cause WW3

I wonder if such a big event can be attributed to such a singular cause as one person?
TRUMP has just been voted top amongst European politicians, only two Countries had him second, Hungary and Tunisia.
Too bad the illegal immigrants we are importing so the Democrats have a shot at taking the Presidency aren't coming from Europe. They are coming from countries that hate us so they will vote for the "Destroy America Faster" party.
We had a politician in the 60's His name Was Enoch Powell he was like trump, A fear monger and racist of the highest order. At the time we had Immigration into England from India, Africa and the Caribbean. HE tried unsuccessfully, thank goodness, to scare the population and came out with the "there will be rivers of blood".
The Immigrants, I despise that word.
The PEOPLE who we were lucky enough to want to join us in our country have made a fantastic contribution to our society, successfully becoming world class sporting heroes, doctors, lawyers, chefs, scientists of world renown etc etc. and have integrated into British society, of course there are those that have a chip on their shoulder and descend into fractious groups.

I say return America to the Native American Indians, give Australia back to to the Aboriginal tribes and get rid of the racists from their countries.
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Too bad the illegal immigrants we are importing so the Democrats have a shot at taking the Presidency aren't coming from Europe. They are coming from countries that hate us so they will vote for the "Destroy America Faster" party.
Would a black British person OR a Moroccan French Person, or a Turkish German be welcome in your version of America or would it only be white people?
A fear monger and racist of the highest order.
Oh stop. Have you ever listened to anything Biden says? His own Vice President called him a racist. Or did you miss that? The only way you can turn Trump into a racist and fear monger is to edit his quotes. So, you never actually quote him you just say things like you just did. nebulous, meaningless, lies. Biden is STILL referring to "Charlottesville". Every time he speaks he says that Trump is the end of Democracy as we know it. We have four years of Trump. He didn't use lawfare to persecute his political opposition? He didn't tell us we were all going to die from COVID if we didn't take the "vaccine" that didn't prevent the disease.

You really need to get your quotes straight. Whenever you hear a talking head telling you that Trump said something awful, you should just go get the clip and watch the whole thing. Then make your own judgement.
"there will be rivers of blood".
If you had actually listened to the quote, you would know that the reference was a financial one. It had nothing whatsoever to do with race or guns.
You really need to get your quotes straight. Whenever you hear a talking head telling you that Trump said something awful, you should just go get the clip and watch the whole thing. Then make your own judgement.
I don't need to, I respect the judicial system in which both our countries share similar processes. Trial's Judges and juries.

As We all know actions speak louder than words and several dozen normal right minded people spread over several different juries have not just heard that Trump has said awful things but that they have seen EVIDENCE that Trump has DONE awful things and FOUND him guilty as charged.

I know he looks like he is straight out of the Heritage Foundation, but forgive him that.
Would a black British person OR a Moroccan French Person, or a Turkish German be welcome in your version of America or would it only be white people?
Anyone who enters LEGALLY is welcome. NO ONE who enters ILLEGALLY is welcome. See the difference? Was there a country of origin in that statement? Is there anything ambiguous about the statement? It is only the progressives who think the color of your skin or your religious or sexual orientation has any place in this discussion. Why would you even ask such a thing if race were not foremost in your mind as the ONLY criteria for making such a decision? I want immigrants who want to be Americans. Who respect our values. Who respect our Constitution. Who want to assimilate and live the American dream, not bring their own failed policies here and infect us.

What we are importing now is military age males from countries who hate us. These are not people trying to make a better life for their families. It will take a while for them to get organized. The 9/11 hijackers were in the US for quite a while before their plan came together. Look for more events like that in the next few years.
don't need to, I respect the judicial system in which both our countries share similar processes. Trial's Judges and juries.
I expect you to say exactly the same thing when the verdict is overturned. Fair? Or are you going to deny the ruling of the higher court?

As We all know actions speak louder than words and several dozen normal right minded people spread over several different juries have not just heard that Trump has said awful things but that they have seen EVIDENCE that Trump has DONE awful things and FOUND him guilty as charged.
I guess you didn't hear the judge's illegal jury instructions. Nor did you hear the recent Supreme Court decisions.
Did you watch the video?

Most European countries have witnessed first hand the rise of Fascism from within.

The question is are the Hardworking American People, for whom, not for the first time in their own backyard, going to do the same as our parents and grandparents did and Snuff it out.
Now that it is happening AGAIN in your country you have to man up, show some balls and snuff it out.
I expect you to say exactly the same thing when the verdict is overturned. Fair? Or are you going to deny the ruling of the higher court?

I guess you didn't hear the judge's illegal jury instructions. Nor did you hear the recent Supreme Court decisions.

I have not heard a single republican state that Trump did not commit those crimes, and neither would I expect you too.

and guess what, You FOUND A WITCH

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