Tucker Carlson - The Deep State Exposed - Rise of Totalitarianism (1 Viewer)


Local time
Today, 01:13
Jan 11, 2013

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
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Local time
Today, 01:13
Feb 19, 2002
I was disappointed that the front page of the Post during the "blackout" didn't include that as a headline for every day they were shut down.

Twitter Blocks NY Post - Day 10

But they didn't.

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 01:13
Jul 5, 2006
Amazing. The issue is not the show but the suppression of news. A large number of media outlets instantaneously, as if on-cue, suppress the public release of a potentially important story. The media is supposed to report the news, not suppress it. The media goes on to denigrate the messengers (Post & Carlson) instead of doing their job of investigating the story to determine if it is true or false. Instead of supporting those looking into the story and questioning why much of the media is suppressing (censoring) it, as if on-cue, you have apparently elected to side with those denigrating the messengers and with who wish to suppress the public disclosure of information. The solution is simple. if you don't like the show; don't watch.
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Local time
Today, 01:13
Jan 11, 2013
The post is one step up from the enquirer, if that much.
As far as Carlson, I dont watch him but from what I have seen I tend to agree with the judge who found:
As Defendant notes, Mr. Carlson himself aims to “challenge political correctness and media bias.” This “general tenor” of the show should then inform a viewer that he is not “stating actual facts” about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in “exaggeration” and “non-literal commentary.” … Given Mr. Carlson’s reputation, any reasonable viewer ‘arrives with an appropriate amount of skepticism’ …

I also try and avoid conspiracy theories.
The Wall Street Journal and Fox News have both reported finding no evidence that former Vice President Joe Biden benefited from the Hunter Biden business dealings that have drawn scrutiny. More explicitly pro-Trump media outlets — OAN, Breitbart, Newsmax — have mostly shied away from publishing fresher, more salacious allegations. And conservative talking heads — pundits, politicians and loud MAGA Twitter personalities alike — have been more focused on the meta narrative around the laptop, arguing that mainstream media, social media companies and the deep state are conspiring to prevent President Donald Trump’s reelection by suppressing the story.

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 01:13
Jul 5, 2006
I also try and avoid conspiracy theories.
The accusations made by Mr. Bobulinsk and exposed by the Post and Carlson may well be no more, if there are not facts found supporting his claims. Nevertheless, if you avoid conspiracy theories you seem to be overlooking some serious points.
  • Much of the media has been dismissing Mr. Bobulinsk's accusations outright, without doing any investigation. That seems a bit odd. Unbelievably, NPR even said investigating Mr. Bobulinsk claims would be a waste of time. Seems that NPR and other reporters should be investigating a story for validity before dismissing it outright. Moreover, the media does not seem to have any concerns or ethical restraints when it comes to investigating Trump. They keep digging, and diggging, and digging, and reporting derogatory speculations even in the absence of evidence.
  • The media seeking to suppress Mr. Bobulinsk's accusations has acted quickly, decisively, and in lock-step, as if there is an Orwellian "Ministry of Truth" directing them. Might be worth asking the question, why such a flagrant and quickly constructed "stone wall" if there is nothing to find?


Access World Site Owner
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Local time
Today, 06:13
Sep 28, 1999
None of it passes the smell test. Quid Pro Joe asks for a prosecutor to get fired before giving over $1 billion dollars to the Ukraininan government. There are tens of thousands of companies in Ukraine, yet by amazing coincidence, this prosecutor was investigating the one where his son was on the board of Burisma. Fancy that! Add in the emails that have recently emerged, which thank Hunter Biden for the opportunity to meet his father, the pictures of Joe Biden with those associated with Burisma and it doesn't start to look much like a conspiracy theory at all.

With all the conviction that Trump was colluding with Russia with zero evidence, yet ignoring the laptop from hell stuffed full of emails, pictures, two first party-witnesses, video of Joe doing the quid pro quo, thousands of emails from both those witnesses, Burisma being a known corrupt company, millions paid to Hunter via Russian Oligarchs, slush fun accounts in the hundreds of thousands in China, $1.5bn investment while out there with Joe, 10% held by H for the Big Guy, media cover-up, FBI investigation, DOJ confirming Bobulink's documents are legit...I think it says it all, doesn't it? If you still think it is a conspiracy theory, how do you explain the fact pattern?

Joe Biden is a habitual liar. Just look at his lies about fracking, his lies to Bernie Sanders about what he said on the floor during the primaries, the lies about where he went to university, the lies about how well he did at law school...He just can't help himself! "Plausible deniability" is his motto. It runs in the family.


Local time
Today, 01:13
Jan 11, 2013
What makes you think they haven't done any due diligence?

I dont see it as "seeking to suppress Mr. Bobulinsk's accusations"
Its been reported. I think its more of a matter that they dont find the whole situation credible.


Access World Site Owner
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Local time
Today, 06:13
Sep 28, 1999
I think its more of a matter that they dont find the whole situation credible.
What they do find credible is Russia collusion, debunked by Muller and co. who were out to get Trump, but found he was clean. Years and years of it.

It is nothing about credibility and most people armed with a reasonable amount of information know it. It is all about avoiding anything damaging to Biden. He is up to his neck in corruption. There is a reason that Twitter suppresses it. It is because the story is very credible, as are the witnesses. Yet they allow unchecked conspiracy theories about Trump. Censorship is a vehicle of the Left to distort the truth, and provide an authoritarian approach to gaining power. Cancel culture is endemic in the whole philosophy.
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Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 22:13
May 22, 2010
Unfortunately conservatives are not good at getting their story out. Ever since Nixon and Watergate the conservatives have been taking a shellacking when it comes to messaging. Both sides have legit dirt on each other but only liberals have the ability to get their messaging out cleanly.

When you combine the fact that Hunter Biden is not running for President and a laptop with possible damming information is in the hands of Rudy Giuliani the out come is inevitable.

The leaking of this type of information needed to happen by a less-partisan org to be believed by the average person. The window for the October surprise is quickly closing.


Access World Site Owner
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Local time
Today, 06:13
Sep 28, 1999
There are no non-partisan organisations. Just look at the FBI. That is supposed to be partisan, but they are riddled with corruption too. But I do agree that the Left seem to get their story out better. It helps when they own 90% of the mainstream media and have partisan control of Twitter, Facebook, and Google.

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 01:13
Jul 5, 2006
What makes you think they haven't done any due diligence?

I dont see it as "seeking to suppress Mr. Bobulinsk's accusations"
Its been reported. I think its more of a matter that they dont find the whole situation credible. (Emphais added)
One you have a physical laptop. Next Mr. Bobulinsk cites times, places, people and has reasonably current data. So far, no one in the Biden family has denied the authenticity of the data on the computer. Therefore, there is credible evidence calling for an investigation into the validity of Mr. Bobulinsk's assertions.

Compare that to the uncredible and unsubstantiated accusations of Christine Blasey Ford that were vague in terms of time, place, and were very old. Ms Ford was even caught in a lie that would make her even less credible as a witness, but the media conveniently ignored her lie, unsubstantiated claims, and lack of credibility.

The media foamed at the mouth to get Ms Ford's (unproven) accusations out into the public arena. The media printed story after story as an attempt to derail Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court. Dismissing Mr. Bobulinsk accusations outright (even with physical evidence) while endorsing the innuendo of Christine Blasey Ford makes a mockery of a supposedly "free" press. Much of the press has degenerated to become the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party.

But I do agree that the Left seem to get their story out better.
An unfortunate truth. The Republicans, when it comes to messaging that sways the public are incompetent.
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Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 06:13
Sep 28, 1999
The DOJ have confirmed that the documentation Bobulinsk provided is authentic. Throw in the fact he is a Democrat, and you don't get the same level of suspicion it is done for political reasons.

There are plenty of whatsapp messages on the 3 phones he supplied to the FBI. However, I don't trust the FBI after what happened last time. Hillary was immune to prosecution, whatever she did. When her husband is meeting on the tarmac with the head of the DOJ, who doesn't want to call it an investigation but a "matter", and so many other irregularities. Comey, the head of the FBI leaking stuff about Trump, it is all evidence of a corrupt FBI. No wonder so many FBI personnel at the top got sacked.


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 22:13
May 22, 2010
Rudy is a polarizing figure, being the Presidents lawyer anything he says will be viewed as a hit piece.

Some folks see this as a smear against a candidates drug addicted son, that's where the messaging goes south.


Access World Site Owner
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Local time
Today, 06:13
Sep 28, 1999
He isn't saying anything except what the evidence is saying. Rudy isn't the only one with the evidence. It seems to be everywhere.


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 22:13
May 22, 2010
Moke123 make a very power statement here. He list every possible news outlet for conservatives, then denounces them as conspiracy theories. This is where we lose the battle in regards to messaging.
The Wall Street Journal and Fox News have both reported finding no evidence that former Vice President Joe Biden benefited from the Hunter Biden business dealings that have drawn scrutiny. More explicitly pro-Trump media outlets — OAN, Breitbart, Newsmax — have mostly shied away from publishing fresher, more salacious allegations. And conservative talking heads — pundits, politicians and loud MAGA Twitter personalities alike — have been more focused on the meta narrative around the laptop, arguing that mainstream media, social media companies and the deep state are conspiring to prevent President Donald Trump’s reelection by suppressing the story.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
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Local time
Today, 01:13
Feb 19, 2002
As far as Carlson, I dont watch him but from what I have seen I tend to agree with the judge who found:
Think about what you just said. "I can't be bothered to watch the show so I'll take someone else's opinion because it is negative and negative fits my narrative." My opinion of Tucker is positive, at least as positive as it can be for a "talking head". Seems like several others in this conversation agree with me. Do you think we're all crazy conspiracy nuts? Or, maybe, just maybe, there is actually something to what we're saying and your head is buried so far in the sand that you can't see it or you simply don't want to see it because your hatred of Trump is so overwhelming?

Being a lapsed Catholic, I'm not inclined to quote scripture but the bible does teach us to hate the sin but not the sinner. Exactly what sin has Trump committed that makes you hate him so?
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Local time
Today, 01:13
Jan 11, 2013
I'm going back with the other AWF refugees before I say anything I'll regret.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 01:13
Feb 19, 2002
I'm glad the conservative outlets are refraining from publishing the more salacious findings on the PC. That just diminishes the actual issue which is the corruption of Biden and apparently his entire immediate family. Not seeing large deposits in Biden's bank accounts doesn't mean that he is not profiting from the money. His take is pretty well buried in the maize of LLC's. Who knows how many credit cards he carries whose balances are paid by some hidden corporation.

I'm going back with the other AWF refugees before I say anything I'll regret.
I am truly sorry you feel that way.


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 06:13
Sep 28, 1999
His take is pretty well buried in the maize of LLC's.
Which Biden are you talking about here? Hunter or Joe? If it's Joe, as you know, H is holding 10% for the big guy. Also, isn't there an email where Hunter says Joe wants half his income?


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 06:13
Sep 28, 1999
I'm going back with the other AWF refugees before I say anything I'll regret.
Emotions run high on these things. I would encourage you to watch just a few snippets of the Bobulinski interview with Tucker. He does sound very credible.

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