Tucker Carlson - The Deep State Exposed - Rise of Totalitarianism

Most people don't have the time to run around correcting Wikipedia, we already can see the issues and move on to more productive things. But for what it's worth I agree with everything you have said so far. (y)
The acquisition of Twitter has caused a panic attack within the Democratic party. This may be just coincidence, but the Biden administration just announced a proposal to establish a “Disinformation Governance Board”. This board will essentially be an Orwellian Ministry of Truth. This new board, should it be established, will be a direct assault on the First Amendment. Anyone opposed to the Biden administration may subsequently be "silenced" under the guise of spreading "disinformation". The deep state is metastasizing.
Since posting this video from Tucker Carlson has become available.
Another video clip. This time from Greg Gutfeld.
Joe Concha weighs in.
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If Biden telling us that you can't catch COVID or spread it if you are vaccinated isn't disinformation, I don't know what is. To bad no one had the presence of mind to ask that question.
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Doubt that would work, there are special editors who can override any edit.

Wikipedia is a complete joke. Anyone can edit anything. You can even anonymously edit things! Of course if you're edits are objectionable or not mainstream or just not good enough, someone will come along in 10 seconds and edit it back. And since most people have more time than you or I do at least the type of people who do Wikipedia and it's all day, you'll never win. So ridiculous.
Jonathan Turley finally has a video clip reacting to Nina Jankowicz designation to manage the proposed “Disinformation Governance Board.” Have not yet run across a response from Alan Dershowitz. One has to also speculate whether the proposed "Disinformation Governance Board” is a consequence of Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter. Social media has been frantically pro-Biden. Now that an unauthorized outsider (Musk) has broken into their bubble, they are having anaphylactic shock.

Another outstanding question; did Obama also contribute to the thought of creating the "Disinformation Governance Board” based on a recent speech at Stanford as Turley wonders.
But in the same speech, Obama demanded more action from social media companies to combat "disinformation" and even suggested the federal government should get involved.
No paywall on the NYT series.

The New York Times is ethically challenged, they have descended into vitriolic character assassination. Very unprofessional. The Times is demonizing anyone who questions the Democratic party dogma. The Times is not practicing journalism they are spewing vile propaganda for the benefit of the Democratic party. One could even say that the Times is delusional in that it believes that it is the "Ministry of Truth" as described by Orwell in his novel 1984 and is an implementation of "Newspeak" to control what people think.

The Times is fully committed to spreading disinformation. The Times has a historical record of suppressing legitimate news. One recent example is Hunter Biden laptop, where that news was suppressed as one effort to tilt the 2020 election to favor Biden. Even, to the minuscule extend that they acknowledged this "fanciful" story, the Times attributed it to Russian disinformation, which itself was a hoax. In March of this year, the Times along with other media outlets finally acknowledged the validity of the Hunter Biden laptop, but never issued an "oops we got it wrong" along with an appropriate apology.

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Interesting article on Tucker's background. However, as usual, the NYT leads with a lie:

Days earlier, Mr. Carlson had set off an uproar, claiming on air that mass immigration made America “poor and dirtier.”

When an article leads with a lie, how can you give credence to any of it?
Looking like the democrats are worried about people learning the truth once Twitter is opened up for free speech.

They're setting up a 1984 type "ministry of truth" ....

Babylon Bee nailed it!

And I love the Julie Andrews song, reminiscent of the Monty Python Comfy Chair!


Interesting article on Tucker's background. However, as usual, the NYT leads with a lie:

Days earlier, Mr. Carlson had set off an uproar, claiming on air that mass immigration made America “poor and dirtier.”

When an article leads with a lie, how can you give credence to any of it?

yea I guess it's a lie.

@moke123 He is repeating what the left is telling us. NOTICE the phrase "they tell us"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can choose to ignore that part of the text or you can use it to understand the context of his words. The "fact" check clears Tucker if you are capable of reading.
Democrats try again. Ministry of Truth resurrected.
The campaign “established a taskforce to mitigate the risks” posed by cheap fakes, a Biden official told Politico’s West Wing Playbook Tuesday evening.
“Voters deserve accurate information to inform their choice this November, and our campaign will be vigilant in calling out these lies when we see them,” Biden campaign spokesperson Mia Ehrenberg told Playbook. “We hope media organizations and others with influential platforms follow our lead.”
Seems that when it came to the Hunter Biden laptop and Joe Biden lying on the debate stage, Democrats did not believe that "Voters deserve accurate information to inform their choice this November, ..."
Democrats try again. Ministry of Truth resurrected.

Seems that when it came to the Hunter Biden laptop and Joe Biden lying on the debate stage, Democrats did not believe that "Voters deserve accurate information to inform their choice this November, ..."

Democrats only want people to receive the information that helps them win and no other information which they call disinformation or misinformation and seem to have no idea which word to use when since they made them both up in the last couple years
The Leftists have a mental disease. They firmly believe that there is no objective truth - ie. the laptop actually belonged to Hunter. Therefore, "truth" is whatever they say it is. Actual Democrats are becoming frightened at this insanity because they can see how dangerous it is. I really wish some of the actual Democrats we have on the forum would break away from the woke leftists.
It all starts with a failure to believe in God's absolute truth, which is a failure common to many mankind across many spectrums, but just so happens to be a lot more prevalent on the Democrat than Republican side. That's why they feel perfectly comfortable financially destroying GCU, passing administrative law rules that try to prevent religious establishments from hiring religious-only people, and all kinds of similar persecutions that are widespread.

The scary thing is , IF you believe in NO absolute truth, that means that right and wrong are whatever the current generation happens to say that it is, which is terrifying. What if the next generations decides that all people with red hair ought to be killed? According to liberals, this will be the Right thing to do because the majority says so. Without a belief in absolute truth you are a kite in the wind, flying to and fro on the waves of the most current trend, with no idea where you came from and no idea where you are going, and little to no explanation for the present, either

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