
And, not understanding the language, your point is?

Nancy Pelosi and Anglenia Jolie strolling around the war zone in Ukraine, meanwhile they keep printing up more and more of our now worthless dollars.

I doubt either one has been to our southern border.

BTW, I like Zelensky designer sneakers, shouldn't he be wearing combat boots? I guess it wouldn't go with the hipster image.
I doubt the people of Ukraine would want their president actually in combat, so combat boots might be a tricky image.
I have to say that we do NOT need Trump back. He's a bit too abrasive for the rest of the world. But I'm not which conservative candidate would be a good president. I'm not sure if he's even available, but Trey Gowdy seemed to be a decent person when I saw him in various congressional hearings. Other than that, I don't know whom I would like.
I know Trump is highly polarising and can be abrasive, but you could also get someone in power who is not abrasive yet does not ruffle the feathers enough to disrupt the status quo. Trump was tackling multiple big issues at the same time, it almost seemed like chaos. Taking on NATO countries for not paying their agreed 2% of GDP into defence, the North Korea meetings, tariff wars with China, the border issue and threats of 20% tariffs with Mexico if they didn't sort it, Germany tariff negotiations, where the Germans were complaining that Trump would stick 20% tariffs on EU cars. This latter point I found a bit galling because the current tariffs for EU cars to the US were only 2.5%, yet the EU was charging 10%! Hypocrites! Obama was very smooth, but maybe when you are smooth, you are not ruffling any feathers and so the change is plus or minus a small amount deviating from the status quo.

Trump is to convention as Uber is to the taxi business. A disruptor.

Edit: Separate form from substance.
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I have to say that we do NOT need Trump back. He's a bit too abrasive for the rest of the world. But I'm not which conservative candidate would be a good president. I'm not sure if he's even available, but Trey Gowdy seemed to be a decent person when I saw him in various congressional hearings. Other than that, I don't know whom I would like.
I like Trey. Comes across as a decent bloke with great argumentation skills.
I have to say that we do NOT need Trump back. He's a bit too abrasive for the rest of the world.
At least they respected Trump and by extension, us. But it is Biden who was sanctioned by the Parliament of the UK for making the world a more dangerous place after he armed the Taliban with billions of dollars worth of the best military equipment my money can buy. Do you actually think our allies would prefer doing business with Biden rather than Trump. Of course, they would prefer an America hater like Obama because he would be a pushover and tolerate unequal trade agreements and sticking us with paying the bill for the totally useless UN and almost as useless NATO. Biden is a danger to the world, not just us. He is being pushed into a shooting war with Russia. I don't think that will end up wall for anyone, especially not Europe.

So, like the Americans who voted for Trump despite his arrogance and far from PC rhetoric, Trump made the world a safer place. Our allies knew where we stood and that we would keep our promises because we would make them Treaties that obligated the US government unlike previous presidents who made deals that went around Congress. Those agreements, like the Paris Climate Accord and the Iran nuclear deal didn't obligate us to anything which is why Trump cancelled them. They were bad for us and that is why Congress would never had agreed to them so Obama had to circumvent Congress and act like the king.

Yes, Trump could have caused less resistance and he would have gotten more done and he needs to own that before 2024.

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