
I think Jordan Klepper would like to have a word with you.
Bring it on, those chumps he interviews were no one I know and associate with. Klepper thinks he's clever, but he is more of chump then the people he has chosen to ridicule when he runs into someone that can challenge him back.
Maybe because Trump and Company are the worst bunch of lying thieves to ever grace American Politics. Seriously, they went out and spread corruption and were able to get away with lies. They stormed the capital, and then they tried to fix the elections, and if that weren't quite enough, they were able to get 60 million people to believe they were victims.

The question people should be asking, especially MAGA folks that claim to possess critical thinking is:

After receiving over 250 million dollars from his worshipers, for the Election Legal Fund, why didn't the Legal Fund use the money to offer rewards for the arrest and conviction of these perpetrators of this heinous national crime.?

I mean election interference is as bad a crime as possible to the world foremost democracy. I know it's called a Republic, but that's not entirely accurate either.

According to Wikipedia, bounties are known to have existed as early as 79 AD. I'm sure at least one of the Election Legal Team would have been smart enough to figure that out. I know I started waiting for the offer of a reward, a day after I heard the fund was being scammed on his believers.

MAGA: Do something illegal and blame the Libs. Go to trial, cry the system is weaponized. Start claiming months before an election that it is rigged, try to rig it, start a ryot, and then claim victim.

When will this guy just finally step up an tell all his people, the truth, that it was all a big con. You would think his ego would demand that, I mean hell, the look on their faces, how could he pass that up.

You should read this

about just a few of the ridiculous lies Joe Biden tells on a regular basis. His whole story telling mantra is filled with lies - are you blind to this?

Joe has lied about dozens of things and continues to do so. His favorite is that he was marching with the civil rights leaders when actually he was cozying up to segregationalists at that very time! Your worshipped hero is a cognitively retarded compulsive liar who cannot mumble through an entire sentence
You should read this

about just a few of the ridiculous lies Joe Biden tells on a regular basis. His whole story telling mantra is filled with lies - are you blind to this?

Joe has lied about dozens of things and continues to do so. His favorite is that he was marching with the civil rights leaders when actually he was cozying up to segregationalists at that very time! Your worshipped hero is a cognitively retarded compulsive liar who cannot mumble through an entire sentence
The best argument is to claim Biden is a liar?
I watched this phenomena happen all over Texas. Deep in their Christian souls, conservatives know him (Trump) for what he is. So in their mind all of them (anyone that works in DC) are equally as bad.

They have to be, overwise the entire smoke and mirrors that is MAGA would simply disappear. Under all of this is a consorted effort to undermine the government of the US. The goal is lower taxes on the money lenders.

Trump lowered taxes on those lenders, and damaged the faith we have in government. This whole thing is about changing the direction that money concentrates. All propaganda has the effect of transferring wealth away from the people and towards the rich.

Trump is more than just a puppet.
Trump is more than just a puppet.
Isn't that what you want in a President? Do you really want someone like Biden who is doing the bidding of China and Ukraine and whoever else gives his drug addled son and his brother money?

Why do you think the RINOS hate Trump almost as much as you do? He can't be bought!!! I don't care if I don't agree with 100% of what he does. He has spot on instincts and he's right about more things than most politicians. He also says what he means and means what he says. So refreshing. It doesn't matter whether or not I agree with him. I know where he stands and it is on the side of the American people rather than his mega donors.
The judge is required to notify both parties.

They know who it is.
Its author claims to be a "professional shit poster."

It will take months to litigate it.
It wasn't bad 103ish. We frequent Palm Springs in the summer so no surprises there.

I was in San Antonio once when the AM radio host there (a local events talk show) said, "The temperature at the Alamo is 105... but with the wind chill, it is only 102." Just what I wanted to hear.
I was in San Antonio once when the AM radio host there (a local events talk show) said, "The temperature at the Alamo is 105... but with the wind chill, it is only 102." Just what I wanted to hear.
That's hot for non-west coasters, but just another summer for us ;)
Under New York law, “a defendant can move to vacate a verdict on the basis of juror misconduct if and only if he can prove, by a preponderance of the evidence,” that there was misconduct, and that the misconduct “created a substantial risk of prejudice,” according to NBC News.
Too soon to know if this will mean anything (assuming it was a valid post and not a prank).
Too soon to know if this will mean anything (assuming it was a valid post and not a prank).
They know who posted it. Likely it's nothing but they still have to investigate it. It also wasn't his only post.

Screenshot 2024-06-07 215206.jpg

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It's incredible to look at all the social media sites and see the chaos and conspiracy theories this guy caused due to a really irresponsible act.
It's incredible to look at all the social media sites and see the chaos and conspiracy theories this guy caused due to a really irresponsible act.
Why are you blaming him? If the juror in question didn't follow the judges instructions (apparently). We will see how the investigation goes. It's too early to jump to conclusions about anything yet.
It's incredible to look at all the social media sites and see the chaos and conspiracy theories this guy caused due to a really irresponsible act.
But if he turns out to be a liberal, there will be no consequences but if he is a conservative, they'll hunt him down like a dog. Seems fair to me.
At least the judge immediately recognized how much a problem he has on his hands now.
When liberals don't immediately start screaming "he's a threat to democracy" you can infer certain things 😉
I take it your not following the story?

I suppose the fact he says he married his cousin the juror doesn't raise any red flags in some parts of the country.
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I suppose the fact he says he married his cousin the juror doesn't raise any red flags in some parts of the country.
Why is he confused about his gender? He was pictured in a dress, and some claim he's a porn star.

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