
Dear Democrats, study these 2 sayings:

"Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose." - Bill Gates'

"It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." - From William Shakespeare's "Macbeth,"

"The operation was successful but the patient died."

:p:p Waiting for the ramifications of this Trump trial to light a few conservative attorney generals on fire, or for Trump to win because of it.
Except they may take the high road, remains to be seen ..
Seems like it would be to me.
My bad. I thought you did insurance work. I did as an exec. and a vendor.

P.I. settlements are generally not taxable, with some exceptions such as lost wage claims, emotional distress etc. Really depends on how the settlement is allocated and the type of claim.

Doesn't matter who pays the premiums. Just matters who's covered.
The only reason we're here is because liberals are butt hurt about the "lock her up" comment. Proving they are way more dangerous than Trump could ever be.
Who is more dangerous -

1) a person who 2/3 of the country is OK having as president and 55% wishes to be president,
2) a person who locks up his political opponents in jail?

I'd say #2 is a lot more dangerous
The only reason we're here is because liberals are butt hurt about the "lock her up" comment.

Or This

Screenshot 2024-06-06 135807.png
Who is more dangerous -

1) a person who 2/3 of the country is OK having as president and 55% wishes to be president,
2) a person who locks up his political opponents in jail?

I'd say #2 is a lot more dangerous
There will definitely be a lot of recrimination by conservative attorney generals who will simply start indicting Democrats. I'm sure there's plenty of big name Democrats who do business in Florida..

We have to look at why the Republicans are not engaging in lawfare and correct it. Obama and Clinton need to be hauled in front of a kangaroo court and prosecuted for crimes not yet defined.

lawfare, lawfare, lawfare!

I agree #2
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More lawfare?
Maybe because Trump and Company are the worst bunch of lying thieves to ever grace American Politics. Seriously, they went out and spread corruption and were able to get away with lies. They stormed the capital, and then they tried to fix the elections, and if that weren't quite enough, they were able to get 60 million people to believe they were victims.

The question people should be asking, especially MAGA folks that claim to possess critical thinking is:

After receiving over 250 million dollars from his worshipers, for the Election Legal Fund, why didn't the Legal Fund use the money to offer rewards for the arrest and conviction of these perpetrators of this heinous national crime.?

I mean election interference is as bad a crime as possible to the world foremost democracy. I know it's called a Republic, but that's not entirely accurate either.

According to Wikipedia, bounties are known to have existed as early as 79 AD. I'm sure at least one of the Election Legal Team would have been smart enough to figure that out. I know I started waiting for the offer of a reward, a day after I heard the fund was being scammed on his believers.

MAGA: Do something illegal and blame the Libs. Go to trial, cry the system is weaponized. Start claiming months before an election that it is rigged, try to rig it, start a ryot, and then claim victim.

When will this guy just finally step up an tell all his people, the truth, that it was all a big con. You would think his ego would demand that, I mean hell, the look on their faces, how could he pass that up.
Who needs memes when you have Jordan Klepper. This shit writes itself.

P.I. settlements are generally not taxable,
I guess you didn't understand the question. Or, perhaps you chose to not understand. I'm not talking about the money paid out to the blackmailer. I'm talking about the person who was the target of the blackmailer and who should have been paying the hush money. But instead, in the cases where I was forced at gunpoint to pay hush money to cover up for things done not by ME but by someone else --- it is THAT money that was paid on behalf of the member of congress.

If I paid that money for him, why isn't that money considered income to the member of congress? Let's say someone from your past accused you of something embarrassing. True/false is immaterial. Your spouse would be embarrassed (assuming you had one). Your mother would be embarrassed and you would prefer the allegation to remain private. So, I pay off the blackmailer for you. Do you have to declare that money as a gift and pay taxes on it?

So far, we haven't had any clear opinion on how the Stormy blackmail money should be recorded. The lawyer billed Trump for legal services? So let's see where we get with this scenario because it seems like the lawyer paid the hush money and then gave Trump a bogus bill to cover the money. I see lots of crimes but 34 felonies??? Only if your goal is to persecute Trump and keep him off the campaign trail. And how does a judge, now that the trial is over and there is a verdict get to keep Trump gagged? Since we disagree on most everything, if i were a liberal, I would try to get Jon to cancel you or at least gag you.
It isn't the republican's trying to lock up their political rival using state courts in an election year by individuals who actually ran on doing just that way in advance. That would be the corrupt democrats and no one else has to lie about it. It's obvious to all with good judgement.

It isn't trump who is opening the borders wide open and using executive orders to grant amnesty to millions of illegals who have no right to claim citizenship in our country. We already have existing laws that do not allow such things and they tyrant does it anyways.

It wasn't trump that caused your grocery bill, the cost of goods and services, medical premiums, insurance premiums, housing costs, and gas prices to go up to record inflation levels with no end in sight. This is stealing from everyone at every level indirectly through inflation and everyone is feeling the pain except of course the rich who are never affected by such things.

It wasn't trump who colluded with big tech companies to squash the Hunter Bribem laptop evidence which is where we learned who the big guy is and what percentage cut he gets. That's election interference from the highest levels of government.

It wasn't trump who ran the same batches of ballots through the voting machines, did massive ballot harvesting, setup ballot boxes out in the street where mules could where rubber gloves and stuff them day and night and take selfies of themselves doing it. Can't leave any finger prints on those ballots.

It wasn't trump who spied on his political rival using the most powerful tools the government has to offer and use a FISA court to justify everything in secret. It's an on going investigation for an entire term in office, and you bought it hook, line, and sinker.

It's not trump who is destroying our nation and creating division in the school system, workplaces, and controlling the narrative on major news networks by constantly focusing in on finding fault with his political rival at every turn. To go so far as to claim he was colluding with Russia immediately after taking office.

It's not trump who says a political rival can be fairly tried in the rivals court, rivals jury, and rivals judge.
Do you have to declare that money as a gift and pay taxes on it?
Well I would hope you paid cash so there's no paper trail.

But when you pay it on behalf of someone who is subject to the Federal Election laws and it is over the legal amount to give then there's a problem. Those pesky reporting rules.

So let's see where we get with this scenario because it seems like the lawyer paid the hush money and then gave Trump a bogus bill to cover the money.
217 posts and I think your finally getting it. Now read the trial transcripts and see what all the witnesses who work at trump org say about him scrutinizing every bill. How he kept his eye on every penny. How they doubled the money trump owed cohen so it would cover cohen's income taxes on it and they wouldn't have to disclose it.
So far, we haven't had any clear opinion on how the Stormy blackmail money should be recorded.
Maybe an accountant can chime in with an answer your willing to accept. I can tell you firsthand that when someone wants to hide something from their spouse they pay cash. Back in the day when I did matrimonial cases nearly every client paid cash, and lots of it thankfully. They dont want those payments showing up in bank statements or credit card bills.
Maybe an accountant can chime in with an answer your willing to accept. I can tell you firsthand that when someone wants to hide something from their spouse they pay cash. Back in the day when I did matrimonial cases nearly every client paid cash, and lots of it thankfully. They dont want those payments showing up in bank statements or credit card bills.
Or maybe, just maybe not paying in cash means you got nothing to hide and your not doing anything wrong. It is absolutely true that paying in cash hides the money trail to an extent but some people have paid cash for house's, does that mean they are criminal's? Of course not, merely paying in cash does not establish a crime otherwise I'm a criminal because my local Chinese joint only accepts cash, but I like how you swung this back into trumps favor. He does not feel like anything he did is a crime and I don't either (no need to hide anything). If we have learned anything from all of this, if someone in power wants to put you in jail, they can for the most trivial of reasons. If there was some real criminal activity going on, they would have found it long, long ago. This is just a case of grasping at straws to attempt to save the old man and abusing the state power of the prosecutor to literally run on getting trump and looking for obscure ways to get him because he didn't do anything wrong enough to move the needle. If they got him on something we can all agree on was a crime that is not a misdemeanor and worthy of jail time, then great, but this one is just fuel for the election campaign. Ain't it great. Thanks for your participation.
It isn't the republican's trying to lock up their political rival using state courts in an election year by individuals who actually ran on doing just that way in advance. That would be the corrupt democrats and no one else has to lie about it. It's obvious to all with good judgement.

It isn't trump who is opening the borders wide open and using executive orders to grant amnesty to millions of illegals who have no right to claim citizenship in our country. We already have existing laws that do not allow such things and they tyrant does it anyways.

It wasn't trump that caused your grocery bill, the cost of goods and services, medical premiums, insurance premiums, housing costs, and gas prices to go up to record inflation levels with no end in sight. This is stealing from everyone at every level indirectly through inflation and everyone is feeling the pain except of course the rich who are never affected by such things.

It wasn't trump who colluded with big tech companies to squash the Hunter Bribem laptop evidence which is where we learned who the big guy is and what percentage cut he gets. That's election interference from the highest levels of government.

It wasn't trump who ran the same batches of ballots through the voting machines, did massive ballot harvesting, setup ballot boxes out in the street where mules could where rubber gloves and stuff them day and night and take selfies of themselves doing it. Can't leave any finger prints on those ballots.

It wasn't trump who spied on his political rival using the most powerful tools the government has to offer and use a FISA court to justify everything in secret. It's an on going investigation for an entire term in office, and you bought it hook, line, and sinker.

It's not trump who is destroying our nation and creating division in the school system, workplaces, and controlling the narrative on major news networks by constantly focusing in on finding fault with his political rival at every turn. To go so far as to claim he was colluding with Russia immediately after taking office.

It's not trump who says a political rival can be fairly tried in the rivals court, rivals jury, and rivals judge.

I think Jordan Klepper would like to have a word with you.

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