
Day 1 evidence is salacious headlines from the Enquirer. WHO in their right mind believes anything they publish? The prosecution putting them up as the source of TRUTH is just idiocy. This is even more of a travesty than I imagined.
OK, explain this to me. Trump DID NOT charge his campaign for the NDA. From the charge - he SHOULD have had his campaign pay. Although, that to me seems like it would be an illegal use of campaign funds.
I think your getting close pat. There isn't anything wrong with NDAs and paying for them, other than maybe the reason you need one in the first place. Putting that aside, celebrities and rich assholes do it all the time. Trump was both a celebrity and a rich asshole and he could legally pay any porn star he wanted to do behind his pregnant wife's back. Have at it. It's all good. But when you become a candidate for office you get to be subject to a whole new set of laws that pretty much most of the country isn't subject to. It's just for all those special people both republican and democrat and all the other smaller parties who run for public office. That's where it gets messy with making hush money payments and trying to hide them.

Day 1 evidence is salacious headlines from the Enquirer. WHO in their right mind believes anything they publish?
That's where it gets messy with making hush money payments and trying to hide them.
Except that he didn't use campaign funds to pay for the NDA.
But when you become a candidate for office you get to be subject to a whole new set of laws that pretty much most of the country isn't subject to. It's just for all those special people both republican and democrat and all the other smaller parties who run for public office.
Do these special laws also include insider trading laws for the Trump hating Nancy?
Except that he didn't use campaign funds to pay for the NDA.
Honestly I don't know much about campaign finance laws myself so you'll have to educate yourself.
I've only had one politician client, who was a mayor in some city in South America, and he was charged with a run of the mill crime. But don't worry, we got a not guilty so he gets to stay in the U.S. and soak up all your money. He lives in Ct. too.
You mean the jury.
I think that was only Juror#2, the guy who gets his news from truth social. But he voted to convict so I guess he'll get exiled from the cult.
Very true. He proved you can successfully prosecute a weak case if you have a Democrat jury, a Trump hating judge, let the prosecution go last and hide the crime until after the defense has rested.
Usually judges are chosen by random for fairness, not in this case. The guy was hand selected for the task at hand.
Honestly I don't know much about campaign finance laws myself
My understanding of the original charge (with the expired statute of limitations) was resurrected because Trump DID NOT charge his campaign for the hush money. Their contention is that the NDA should have been paid by the campaign. The fact that it wasn't is what made it a crime. Sounds backwards to me.

ANYWAY, you ignored my question about the hush money that the Congressional Slush Fund (using MY tax dollars) pays out on behalf of various elected officials and employees. Do the beneficiaries (not the recipients) have to declare the money as income or are there really no tax consequences if someone just pays your bills for you?

In at least one of the high-profile cases, that of accusations of harassment leveled against Rep. John Conyers (D-Michigan), settlement money was paid by his congressional office budget, not the Treasury fund overseen by OOC. So did Conyers declare this settlement money as income? Or was it below the gift limit and so exempt?
"I was surprised they went ahead with it… it was an abomination. ... "
"We were told that Donald Trump would be the end of democracy, but it turns out that lawfare tactics have been escalated by the Democrats and not by the Republicans. And so it’s from that backdrop that I believe the Republican Party is less of a danger to democracy than the Democratic Party right now," former Hillary Clinton supporter, Shaun McGuire, told "The Free Press."
Ratcliffe makes a very interesting point. Trump gets falsely convicted of suppressing information to sway an election, yet the Biden administration suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop information to sway an election. Moreover, Biden publicly lied on stage that the laptop was Russian disinformation (which it wasn't). Seems that Bragg, if he was actually fair, would be filing criminal charges against Biden and the others who suppressed Hunter Biden's laptop information to influence an election.
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Honestly I don't know much about campaign finance laws myself so you'll have to educate yourself.
I've only had one politician client, who was a mayor in some city in South America, and he was charged with a run of the mill crime. But don't worry, we got a not guilty so he gets to stay in the U.S. and soak up all your money. He lives in Ct. too.
What is your role in all the court cases? I am a little fuzzy on what you do, precisely.
I think that was only Juror#2, the guy who gets his news from truth social. But he voted to convict so I guess he'll get exiled from the cult.
The only cancellation that goes on is from the left. It is part of their culture. I did think that perhaps the foreman might hold out, because he reads the Daily Mail. However, if he lives in a 90% Democrat area and the rest of the jury gang up on him, people cave into peer pressure, thinking about their own short term interests. Just look at what happened in the George Floyd case. Riots outside and expert witnesses having their properties trashed. The jury feared for their lives. Guilty! On everything! Anything! In the mind of the jurors: "I've got a family and children. I can't jeapodise their livelihoods because I am forced into jury service where a baying mob are outside the court. I give myself a pass on the moral ineptitude because life and death factors are at play."
My understanding of the original charge (with the expired statute of limitations) was resurrected because Trump DID NOT charge his campaign for the hush money. Their contention is that the NDA should have been paid by the campaign. The fact that it wasn't is what made it a crime. Sounds backwards to me.
Since you have issues understanding Campaign finance laws, lets try tax law. Personally I think this is the issue the jury understood and based their conviction on.

Is it legal to provide false information to the IRS or NYS Taxing Authority? Can you legally deduct say a donation to the Widows and Orphans Charity even though you didn't donate? Or a payment to Goodwill you made when you purchased a lamp from one of their stores and characterized as a charitable donation? No. Do people do it all the time? Yes. Does that make it legal?

from the Peoples Bill Of Particulars:
«disguising reimbursement payments by doubling them and falsely characterizing them as income for tax reasons (Statement of Facts 19 2, 25); and © muldple admissions of specific crimes by participants, including by guilty pleas to felonies (StatementofFacts42-3, 7, 40, 42-44)

Now look at the documents previously posted

See the "X 2 for taxes" I don't think hush money payments are deductible but legal expenses for an entity are. Can you explain that to me? Trumps attorneys didn't explain it to the jury. I think they ignored it or brushed over it, just yelling Liar, Liar to Cohen. They wrote it down and worse kept it. Especially when it's on the document from the bank showing the actual payment to Stormy. Juries notice when defense counsel ignores or trivializes evidence.

What is your role in all the court cases? I am a little fuzzy on what you do, precisely.
That's a good thing. It has worked to my benefit for many years. ;)
I'm not always who people think I am.
Think of it as a jack of all trades.

ANYWAY, you ignored my question about the hush money that the Congressional Slush Fund (using MY tax dollars) pays out on behalf of various elected officials and employees. Do the beneficiaries (not the recipients) have to declare the money as income or are there really no tax consequences if someone just pays your bills for you?
Pat, you have an insurance background. Who insures the Government? What you characterize as a slush fund is actually a government agency. They not only settle sexual harassment type cases but they handle all sorts of claims against not only politicians, but other gov. workers and agencies as well. They also handle retaliation claims so I guess if trumps elected their budget will need to be tripled or more. So much for saving YOUR money.
Is it legal to provide false information to the IRS or NYS Taxing Authority?
Do you mean like Hunter Biden putting prostitutes down as admin, or whatever it was?

I don't think hush money payments are deductible but legal expenses for an entity are. Can you explain that to me? Trumps attorneys didn't explain it to the jury. I think they ignored it or brushed over it, just yelling Liar, Liar to Cohen.
You are almost there. Trump's lawyers were arguing that the payments were a retainer and therefore a legal expense. It was only Cohen who said it was for hush money expenses. And that is the explanation.

See the "X 2 for taxes" They wrote it down and worse kept it. Especially when it's on the document from the bank showing the actual payment to Stormy. Juries notice when defense counsel ignores or trivializes evidence.
By "they" we are talking about other people, not Trump. And several of these people are involved in a shakedown of Trump for regular hush money payments with different women and a doorman. Futhermore, Cohen, who both lies and steals from Trump, changes his story on Trump, wants Trump to go to jail, and lies to congress, etc etc.

Pat, you have an insurance background. Who insures the Government? What you characterize as a slush fund is actually a government agency. They not only settle sexual harassment type cases but they handle all sorts of claims against not only politicians, but other gov. workers and agencies as well. They also handle retaliation claims so I guess if trumps elected their budget will need to be tripled or more. So much for saving YOUR money.
Trump and Conservatives are all about reducing government, not increasing it and its costs. And Fani Willis treats everything as a slush fund. She spent public money on all sorts of swag, Macbook Airs, iPads etc, when the money was supposed to be going to a Youth Empowerment centre.

I'm not actually sure in your system if you consider things at the state level to still be government. In the UK, there is only one government. Perhaps you call it state level and federal level government?
Do you mean like Hunter Biden putting prostitutes down as admin, or whatever it was?
if that's what he did, yes.

You are almost there. Trump's lawyers were arguing that the payments were a retainer and therefore a legal expense. It was only Cohen who said it was for hush money expenses. And that is the explanation.
Not a credible one where there was no retainer, and the Comptroller testified that it was a reimbursement. What the lawyer says is not evidence, only what the witnesses say.
Trump and Conservatives are all about reducing government, not increasing it and its costs. And Fani Willis treats everything as a slush fund. She spent public money on all sorts of swag, Macbook Airs, iPads etc, when the money was supposed to be going to a Youth Empowerment centre.
Fani wasn't a part of this case and I don't think she spent any that money at her golf motels.

I'm not actually sure in your system if you consider things at the state level still government. In the UK, there is only one government. Perhaps you call it state level and federal level government?
Many levels, Federal, State, Local, Town, County, Municipal, Village, etc. All with their own sets of laws.
What you characterize as a slush fund is actually a government agency.
It is a slush fund because it was created to "indemnify" members of Congress and employees from lawsuits such as sexual harassment. So the question is - when the slush fund/agency pays out a settlement on behalf of a member of Congress, is that a gift? Seems like it would be to me. If the slush fund didn't pay the settlement, then the member would have to pay it. So I'm just wondering what your legal perspective is. I think there are insurance policies that companies or people like Trump can purchase to pay awards like this on their behalf but in that case, the person himself is paying the premium for the policy. In the case of the slush fund, I personally am paying the award (at gunpoint mind you because I seriously object) since every penny the government spends comes from ME and other tax payers. So since the person covered by this "policy" doesn't actually pay for it, is the cost of the "agency" allocated as income to the people it covers? Other insurance policies are considered income when paid for by the employer.

And then we get to the blackmail aspect of this whole sordid NDA. Isn't blackmail a crime anyway? So why did Stormy get away with it?
You mean like reimbursing hush money payments and disguising them as legal invoices?

You mean like a standard NDA to hush an embarassing accusation and disguising it as election interference to creatively prosecute a case?
Do you think they have a category "Illegal campaign payments?"
If so, that's the one.

Your problem here is that an NDA to hush an embarassing accusation isn't election interference. that's the 'stretch' that 2/3 of the country disagrees with.

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