My top faves!
1) There was a big fat fluffy cat that passed away and went to the gates of Heaven. There St. Peter greets him asking what he would like in Heaven. Stretching, he replies "A biiiig fluffy pillow in a nice warm sunny spot." St. Peter tells him where to find his wish and he runs off into Heaven. A few days later 4 or 5 little mice come to the gates, and St. Peter asks them what they would like. "We've been running from cats, dogs, and cars our whole lives, we would like a pair of roller blades!", they squeaked. A couple months went by and St. Peter decided to go check on everyone. He comes across the big fat fluffy cat, "Well hello there! How are you doing Mr. Fat Cat?" Rolling over for his belly to be rubbed he replies, "Wonderful! This pillow is so comfy, I get belly rubs all the time, and this is the warmest spot ever! Oh, by the way, thanks for the meals on wheels!"
2) A blonde walks into a store and tells the clerk, "I want that TV please." The clerk replies, "I'm sorry we don't sell to blondes." The woman comes back the next week (hair dyed brown), "Sir, I would like that TV please." The clerk replies, "I'm sorry ma'am, we don't sell to blondes." The next week she comes back with black hair, "Can I have that TV, please?" "I'm sorry we don't sell to blondes" says the clerk. Annoyed she asks, "How do you know I'm a blonde?" The clerk replies, "That's not a TV, that's a microwave."
3) (for the worst joke & one of my nieces came up with this when she was 5).
What do you get when lightning hits a tree?
A burnt squirrel!