What's your best/worst joke? (1 Viewer)

Dick, in South Louisiana we don't mince words. When WE drain the swamp, we are up to our ass in alligators.
Dick, in South Louisiana we don't mince words. When WE drain the swamp, we are up to our ass in alligators.

Great saying, however when I am in Louisiana (and that's often) I am not draining swamps, I am up to my ears in, shrimp, catfish, crawfish. in Slidell I had the best BBQ shrimp I have ever had, with Memphis, TN a distance second.

My favorite joke when I am preaching in LA is "I hear that in LA, a kid for is first birthday gets a fishing pole."

As of right now I am scheduled to be in shrimp, oops I mean LA March 14th, but that may change.

I am in Tampa, FL right now not especially noted for sea food, but I did get a good prime rib here last year.
Or perhaps as someone who both grew up on government assistance and of Scottish descent (specifically, Clan Stewart), I didn't find the Scot joke and the implication that Scots are cheap to be anywhere near as offensive as the implication that poor people are lazy cheats unwilling to lift a finger to earn their livings.

But I obviously can't expect anyone here to be capable of telling the difference between the two. I'm guessing you all find 'black people are criminals' and 'Mexicans are lazy' jokes to be the height of hilarity, too, huh? I assume you'd just laugh your asses off over some of the Straight-From-StormFront jokes my aunts and uncles are so enamored with rather than saying that they aren't appropriate (or at least, not appropriate here)? Maybe some good ra** jokes, perhaps?

Also, I wasn't aware that having read all 14 years' worth of posts on this thread was a requirement to replying on it.
Ya know, I assured one of the Mods that I would not engage a certain individual, but what the hell.

The only person to make a correlation to welfare with blacks and Mexicans happens to be the same person who is crying foul.

Still crying, I see.

And lacking in reading comprehension, but that's not a surprise.
The only one crying (as usual) is you. Care to point out where I equated welfare to any particular race?
I'm sorry but if we are going to ban jokes that poke fun at things then there will be few left. I grew up in a poor family needing a government grant to pay for my uniform and travel to the grammar school, but I did grow up and became comfortable in my skin, so I can take a joke at my expense, and don't get annoyed at Scottish and Irish jokes, my ancestry. or blond jokes, my girl friend, they are just jokes.

The point about the particular joke being told years earlier was to indicate that in all that time you were the only one to complain, and I don't recall any other joke being complained about, tho I may be wrong.

It’s called projection. But don’t worry, we all do it from time to time. Live in denial all you want but you have to come to reality sooner or later...
That's funny, only one of us has spent the last two weeks whining to all and sundry that another poster was mean to him. It's amazing you survived the real world, with the amount of crying that you've done about me not liking your joke. Had I known you'd be so utterly crushed, I'd have bought stock in Kleenex.

Once you bring up a point that actually HAPPENED, I may respond to it. As, to-date, all you've done is whine and cry and not actually bring up any valid points whatsoever (just straw men, lies, and other assorted logical fallacies), I see no point in dancing to your feeble attempts at controlling the narrative.

Brian, it's not that jokes make fun of various things; it's that some jokes cross the line into pure offensiveness, thus the other examples along the same line. You cannot POSSIBLY tell me that in your entire life, you have never reacted to a joke with 'Not funny'. All I did was actually speak my mind rather than ignore it.
As just one example, I remember a HUGE outcry to the joke 'Daniel Day-Lewis did a better job of getting into Abraham Lincoln's head than anyone since John Wilkes Booth.'

Are you going to tell me with a straight face that the enormous public outcry against Letterman for that joke was just a bunch of easily offended snowflakes whining about words?
Typical defeatist, passive aggressive response. Hypocrisy IS a hard lesson to learn about oneself, but you just might make it.
...and still waiting for you to explain where I equated blacks and Mexicans to that joke. Once you are able to do that, I will delete all my posts and leave this forum for good.
As just one example, I remember a HUGE outcry to the joke 'Daniel Day-Lewis did a better job of getting into Abraham Lincoln's head than anyone since John Wilkes Booth.'

Are you going to tell me with a straight face that the enormous public outcry against Letterman for that joke was just a bunch of easily offended snowflakes whining about words?

That was a comment about real people, not an impersonal joke, it was not a joke at all.

I understand your comment about Blacks and Mexicans but think it was a red herring, the joke was not a statement of belief.

I'm going to leave it here as we are never going to agree.


Did you hear about the place with the falafel tacos?
Finally a place Jesus and Mohammed can agree on!
Not the vegetarian kind, hell I had my first fish taco last week. Avoided them for years but finally gave it a go...not too bad!

So you'd me more of a Shawarma taco fan then?
And at the risk of making a totally inappropriate comment about tacos, ... I guess God wouldn't have made tacos look so much like something anatomical if He didn't want them to get eaten?

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