White Lives Don't Matter - apparently

Reporting news, creating news and the opinion page is all blurred into one big mass and presented as NEWS. This is what causes people to mistrust the information and label it all fake news.
Eternal Lives Matter!
When I look at someone, I look upon the heart.
I am a Christian American Indian and I have forgiven all of those who have done my relatives wrong in the past.
Eternal Lives Matter!
When I look at someone, I look upon the heart.
I am a Christian American Indian and I have forgiven all of those who have done my relatives wrong in the past.
Eternal Lives Matter!
When I look at someone, I look upon the heart.
I am a Christian American Indian and I have forgiven all of those who have done my relatives wrong in the past.

That's the attitude we should all have.
The insanity of finding White privilege and racism in everything is intensifying. The Jerusalem Post, June 24, 2020. Top chess personalities slam ABC for questioning if chess is 'racist.
"The ABC have taken the view that chess is RACIST given that white always go first," Adams wrote on Twitter. "Trust the taxpayer funded national broadcaster to apply ideological Marxist frameworks to anything & everything in Australia!"

My apologies, but I'm on a tablet and could not copy the link.
As an avid chess player myself, I came across that recently. Does that make me a racist because I love the game? It was invented about 1,500 years ago, before any US slave trade. Should the creators have thought ahead 1,000 of years to anticipate this, or is now the time to remove different colours from any game and do everything by shapes or numbers?
Well all is not lost, Draughts/Checkers should still be allowed. Encouraged even? :D

  • Wow
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The insanity of finding White privilege and racism in everything is intensifying. The Jerusalem Post, June 24, 2020. Top chess personalities slam ABC for questioning if chess is 'racist.

My apologies, but I'm on a tablet and could not copy the link.
At first blush I thought you were talking about the American Broadcasting Corp. but this article is about the Australian Broadcasting Corp. It was actually a radio talk show and not T.V.

The headline seemed a little unbelieveable so I googled a bit.

heres your article link https://www.jpost.com/international...abc-for-questioning-if-chess-is-racist-632604

heres the chess guys twitter page where he posts extensively about it https://twitter.com/adamseconomics?...abc-for-questioning-if-chess-is-racist-632604

heres the radio guys explanation of what happened
I think its worth pointing out that in the UK, if someone perceives the incident to be racist, it is treated as a racist incident from a legal standpoint, should it be reported to the police. Since on change.org there were over 20K signatures after a couple of days, the repugnant Priyamvada has a lot to answer for. However, in the new world order of double standards, racist treatment of whites is normalised. When dealing with their legitimate complaints of racism from minorities, I fear justice has become influenced by mob rule.
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Jon, the reporting of crime here in the US has taken a similar twist. For instance if you are a white person who commits a crime against a minority, all races will be quickly revealed. The story is usually framed as a hate crime from the get go.

Now if the person committing a crime happens be a minority, then the persons race is not as important. This creates an unnatural interest in the person who is accused, it may takes days or weeks to figure it out. If your so inclined.

To me it feels like some sort of pay back for lack of a better term. In the 50's - 70's is was the KKK or Black Panthers who might start race riots, now those people are working in social media, and colleges. It's no longer might, but rather when......
Now if the person committing a crime happens be a minority, then the persons race is not as important. This creates an unnatural interest in the person who is accused, it may takes days or weeks to figure it out. If your so inclined
And along that theme; Fox News reported that a Black person was killed by an illegal alien. The father, who is Black, attempted to make this story known, but he was ignored by the Black community since the killer was not White and the killer was a member of another "protected" minority class. So they ignored him.

The father found it incredulous at the outrage over George Floyd's death yet ignores all the deaths of minorities caused by minorities. So there are members of the Black community acknowledging that the media is only concerned in reporting a story if it can be turned into a anti-White rant. Apparently to inflame an anti-White mob.
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Jon, the reporting of crime here in the US has taken a similar twist. For instance if you are a white person who commits a crime against a minority, all races will be quickly revealed. The story is usually framed as a hate crime from the get go.

Now if the person committing a crime happens be a minority, then the persons race is not as important. This creates an unnatural interest in the person who is accused, it may takes days or weeks to figure it out. If your so inclined.

To me it feels like some sort of pay back for lack of a better term. In the 50's - 70's is was the KKK or Black Panthers who might start race riots, now those people are working in social media, and colleges. It's no longer might, but rather when......
Actually, that is a very good point. Nowadays, the papers in the UK no longer state the race of the person, although they seem to if the person is white. e.g. In London recently, during a BLM protest, there was a far-right group there and I think it was the BBC (from memory) pointed out that the trouble was caused by white men. Very woke.
Whether innacurate or not, it certainly shows how ridiculous it has gotten-it seemed totally plausible given what we are seeing. I think Steve's mention about insanity sums it up.
From statues of Jesus, to our national anthem, to Ulysses S. Grant (the person who fought to free slaves), everything and its brother is now racist. The movement was legit and had some rational basis, until it didn't.
Earlier, I saw a woman on YouTube complaining that obesity was racist. Whatever next!
Whether or not Trump is voted out in November is irrelevant to the question asked. Should he be seen to promote a white supremacy message?
Whether Trump or Biden wins, the President will indeed be another 'dunderhead'

The markets have also dropped significantly under Trump as well as risen earlier.
The Dow Jones index is by no means the only indicator about the state of the US economy
I've just read this article Trump retweets Video of supporter shouting 'white power'.
Was doing that appropriate?
When a supposed supporter screams something in the background, Trump can't be held responsible. Nevertheless, those responsible for editing the clip should be held responsible for allowing it to get out.
Story over.

Unfortunately, as with Chess example above, the left is insanely consumed to make any incident, such as this editing oversight, a hate filled racial incident.
What editing oversight? He re-tweeted someone elses clip.

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