Will Joe Biden be the next president?

After the Democrats slaughtered Kavanaugh, I would have some respect for them if they also slaughtered Biden for having an accusation against him. But they didn't. So I have no respect for them whatsoever. They clearly do not mean what they say and are only interested in saying anything to get into power. I reserve this special lack of respect for the Democrats who are in politics for a living, rather than the Democrat voters themselves.

The same lack of respect goes towards the feminist activists who also slated Kavanaugh, yet defended Biden. Their flip-flopping of approach based on if you are on the left or right shows how vacuous they all are.

Regardless, in both Kavanaugh and Bidens case, they deserve due process before being considered guilty.
Michelle Obama profusely congratulates Harvey Weinstein. In reviewing the video once again, I noticed the reference to Rev. Wright. Obama attended Wright's racist church for many years, yet Obama gets a media pass for his racist associations. Images of Obama with Farrakhan. Michelle's supposed condemnation of Wright has to be empty. You don't follow a philosophy for XX years and then say you condem it after having embraced it. Her fake condemnation was simply done for political convenience. Nor only that but the Democrats are attempting to (falsely) paint Trump as the racist. Trump didn't attend, to my knowledge, a racist church for twenty odd years.

Judge Jeanine on Michelle Obama's hypocrisy.
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How is Trump doing in the polls compared to last time? Is he below where he was at this stage on his first go?
Biden may have given a good sermon (acceptance speech), but was it an honest presentation?
It does not appear that way. Sanders and Cortez, (assuming that Biden wins) want to move the goal posts. They are simply acquiescing to bland ambiguous public goals that everyone can agree with at this time to win an election. Once in power, Sanders and company apparently intend to implement their own proposals which are being hidden from the public in a dishonest manner. Any moderates voting Democratic will find that they have been fooled should Biden win.

AOC, Bernie say Democratic National Convention was too moderate, not enough progressive voices
How is Trump doing in the polls compared to last time? Is he below where he was at this stage on his first go?
Don't forget, in American elections, it's the one with the least votes from the populace that wins.
  • Haha
Reactions: Jon
I don't watch waters but he hit the nail on the head with that one.
Don't forget, in American elections, it's the one with the least votes from the populace that wins.
The cancel culture is even worse now than it was four years ago so no one is telling pollsters that they're voting for Trump. Who wants to be attacked by the mob? The fact that the polls are so close should seriously scare the Dems.

You might want to read up on the purpose of the Electoral College if you are alluding to the popular vote vs the Electoral vote.
Ok, I confess I don't understand the comments on this thread because people are mentioned who are virtually unknown outside the USA. So I have a basic comment and question.
The world knows that Trump is a total idiot, he's embarrassing to the USA, he says untrue things (like children are immune from Covid) he slags off people on Twitter. So, having said that and overlooking his 'style', - has he been a good president for the USA? Are things like day to day stuff, better under Trump than others? I'm not talking about personalities, I'm talking about, economy, prosperity, wages, general living for the average American, or minority groups or homeless.
If yes, then maybe it's better to keep him there, even if he is embarrassingly stupid.
If yes, then maybe it's better to keep him there, even if he is embarrassingly stupid.
The simplest answer (ignoring all nuances) is "YES".

Ok, I confess I don't understand the comments on this thread because people are mentioned who are virtually unknown outside the USA.
A valid point. However, a review of the postings and associated documents on this and other threads should have provided you with a meaningful background of what is happening in the US.
  1. I do not think that there is one Trump "defender" on this website who could actually be referred to as a brazen Trump supporter. Those "defending" Trump are doing so out of the necessity that the Democrats are a far greater threat.
  2. Much of the media is virulently and insanely anti-Trump. So that bias needs to be factored into your viewpoint of Trump.
  3. Exam the deplorable actions of the Democratic party. Trump may be considered to be rash and crude, but the Democrats have actually attempted a "Third World" style "coup" to improperly oust Trump. The Obama administration illegally spied on candidate Trump. Furthermore, the Democrats continue to incite hatred and divisiveness into election politics. Trump may not have a likeable personality, but the Democrats are using unethical dirty tricks to oust a duly elected President. Those reprehensible actions are the threat to democracy and are far worse than simply being unlikable.
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Trump slashed taxes for companies and individuals. He generated a booming economy. He cut African-American unemployment to the lowest on record, and female unemployment to the lowest for 60 odd years. He improved tariff deals with many different countries. Prison reform. Slashing of bureaucracy, where there was a rule of one new rule in, two have to go out.

His personality is polarising and there is overwhelming media bias against him. If you believe the majority of the media, you need to first check their political affiliation. Sometimes it gets popular to just bash someone, and everyone jumps on the bandwagon. It is a part of human nature that leads to witch-hunts. I think there is a genetic predilection to side with the mob, as you are safer there. Don't stick your head above the parapet.
His personality is polarizing...

But is it really, or do we only see what a biased media wants us to see? I do NOT like DJT but that does not excuse the manipulation forced upon the world via the media.

That's what I think anyway...
Col, I am again in the situation that when it comes time to vote, I will probably have to press the voting button with one hand while I hold my nose with the other hand. I will be more than likely to vote for Mr. Trump for a 2nd term.

I think I know part of why he is SO abrasive. He is trying to run the country as a business, where what the boss says is gospel truth (regardless of the fact that he's an abrasive bastard.) The world of politics doesn't work that way. Even so, he was able to ignite the USA economy. Jon mentioned that he reduced unemployment. Overall, unemployment was lower than it had been in 49 years. Plus the two stats Jon mentioned for African-American and Female unemployment. He quietly initiated prison reform movements. He forced certain nations to shoulder a more equitable portion of the cost of NATO maintenance. He has given notice to various countries that we won't play the appeasement game when it comes to trade treaties.

Some of the negative press against him is clearly misdirected. For instance, the no-win situation of what to do with children of illegal immigrants who were captured crossing the border. The law says to incarcerate the illegals. But their children can't be left in the streets. So what do you do with them? Put them up in a juvenile facility? They are ALSO illegally here, even if they are not criminally responsible for that. (Their parents dragged them along, right?) There aren't enough secure facilities to hold them. President Trump offered to suspend that practice if Congress would give him even a reasonable level of interim rules, but the Democrats wouldn't compromise, so ... one month later, he starts to enforce the laws of the land again. A lot of the press against him comes from Democratic stone-walling on any legislation that could be seen as a compromise.

I'll tell you right now, DJT has all of the warm, fuzzy, cuddly nature of the Aussie animal known as the "Spiny Echidna." But he is effective.
But is it really, or do we only see what a biased media wants us to see? I do NOT like DJT but that does not excuse the manipulation forced upon the world via the media.
My perspective is that when someone tries to be very political, they end up saying all the platitudes that go along with it, where you don't really know what they are thinking. It is a bit like reading a horoscope, and you think, "Hey, that applies to me!" But someone like Trump speaks his mind, doesn't water things down and doesn't mind confronting the whole world. Consequently, he receives a lot of wrath. IMHO, he is not the monster that others want to portray him as. People want to say he is dangerous, but Trump wants to pull troops out of wars, not engage in them. Obama has a lot of drone strikes on his hands.

I obviously have my own perspective on the manipulation forced upon us all from the media. I am curious what you are referring to in this instance?
This is a struggle between capitalism and socialism. Joe Biden is not a classic socialist, he is a relic of the Democrat party. I feel he has been co-opted and used to convince the American people there are still moderates left in the Democrat party.

DJT isn't perfect for sure, brash and outlandish come to mind he lies too. But he has proven that under enormous stress from all sides he is able to get things done.
DJT isn't perfect for sure, brash and outlandish come to mind he lies too. But he has proven that under enormous stress from all sides he is able to get things done.
This. There have been endless obstacles thrown in his path from the Democrats, ranging from meritless investigations lasting years to spying, to impeachment attempts.

My only criticism was when he said he wanted to re-open everything at Easter, during the peak of the pandemic. I was highly critical of this in the Coronovirus thread a started ages ago. Such an approach suggested to me that he might have had one eye on the election, wanting to keep the economy booming. Yet he pivoted into a much more sensible strategy very soon afterwards. I think we should recognise that nearly all the Western democracies have made terrible decisions regarding Covid. If you want to point the finger at Trump, you have to point it to them all, with perhaps the exception of Germany, who did a good job. Most of the Asian countries did a far better job, and I think their culture is more suited to mass compliance to rules.

When Trump is brash, boastful and outlandish, I don't find it offensive. I chuckle to myself because it is so over the top, like a larger-than-life character. It is the same reason that I like watching Alex Jones on InfoWars. He spews an endless stream of conspiracy theories about Bill Gate wanting to sterilise us all and implant us with chips, to all sorts of other stuff. It entertains me, and I end up laughing to myself! Then when I hear a caller phone in with complete belief of everything, it always surprises me. Then again, the Left thinks the Right talks rubbish and vice-versa.
I forgot about the Nato thing. Most of the European leaders laughed at Trump regarding this, I remember it well. I couldn't believe what I saw. All he was asking is for them to adhere to what they signed up to, which was to pay 2% of GDP in return for a coalition of protection. The UK pays 2%, but Germany only paid around 1%, for example. Meanwhile, the US paid about 4.3% of GDP and that is with a much larger sized country. Consequently, the US's burden is not only disproportionate in percentage terms, but also absolute terms. I am sure if Germany was paying 4%, they would be rather angry if the US was only paying 1%.

There is much animosity for Trump talking about building The Wall. Yet there is video on YouTube of Hillary Clinton talking about the need for a wall. There was animosity about Trump putting children in cages at the border. This picture went viral:


Trump was lambasted by the left. Yet they were pictures taken during the Obama era, mistakenly used by the Democrats. There was no outrage over them back then. So when Obama does it, nothing. When people (wrongly) think Trump did it, outrage. Double standards.

Trump gets accused by women for XYZ, outrage. Biden gets accused by a woman for XYZ, nothing.

And so it goes on...
This is why when people lament like, "As a result of the Trump reign, people around the world no longer like us!", it has to be taken with a grain of salt. We have to step back and remember what's most important. To be liked, or to be treated appropriately and not be taken advantage of? Trump has been a bit "harder" on foreign relations, and took a more hardline stance. So of course that results in countries on the receiving end of that no longer "liking" us as much. Just like my comments on the temporary emotions of elation and euphoria naturally produced by progressive liberal promises: Of course that is to be expected. But the question should always be, what actions will result in a better and more solid future..
While I'm not entirely approving of the way Trump has treated Russia/Putin, I feel that's outweighed by the good represented in the way he's done with countries like Iran & China. I also think his immigration policies concerning certain particular countries are spot-on..
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