Election Do-Over!!! (1 Viewer)

Though the allegation has been disproven multiple times by the Georgia secretary of state’s office, Sterling on Monday again walked through what actually occurred. (Here’s a breakdown of what really happened. Basically, the ballots inside the box in question had already been accounted for.)
The tape is 24 HOURS long. That 90 second clip was selected several hours after the tape was initially received. NO ONE had yet had time to review the entire tape. The "debunk" part objected to referring to the ballot boxes as "suitcases". OK, they weren't suitcases. They were "something" on wheels that held ballots. BFD. That doesn't mean that they were not brought out AFTER the observers were sent home (the press reported this at the time but you need a subscription to the local news paper to see history so I can't find the reports). It also doesn't mean that an hour later they weren't opened and scanned MULTIPLE TIMES!!!! Who has debunked that???

Your "fact" checkers pick one word out of a report and say "that's not true" and you are supposed to believe that the essence of the report isn't true just because the reporter referred to some slightly blurry, black things on wheels with telescoping handles as suitcases.

Basically, the ballots inside the box in question had already been accounted for.)
Then WHY were they scanned AGAIN, MULTIPLE times??? You can see that with your own lyin' eyes if you actually want to check "facts". And what were they doing hiding away under a draped table? How did they get there? Where in the video do we see them being taken from the opening table, stacked in the case, and the case moved to UNDER the drape? If you want to clarify their provenance and prove that they got there legitimately, the "debunkers" can show the clip where they come from the opening table and get placed where they were found later. No one has come up with that clip that I know of. I'd love to see it.
No one has come up with that clip that I know of. I'd love to see it.
They were put there at something like 8 or 9 am. It was in one of the articles I had posted to you long ago.

That 90 second clip was selected several hours after the tape was initially received. NO ONE had yet had time to review the entire tape.
So are you saying they made unfounded allegations because they didn't take the time to fact check it? And apparently didn't care they were wrong?
That doesn't mean that they were not brought out AFTER the observers were sent home (the press reported this at the time but you need a subscription to the local news paper to see history so I can't find the reports).
I also posted the explanation of this for you but I guess you didn't bother reading it.
Then WHY were they scanned AGAIN, MULTIPLE times???
Ever use a bill counter? If I run 100 $1 bills through it twice does that mean I have $200?
If I hand count them (like they did with the ballots) I would still only have $100.
I think you may be making the assumption that the ballots can only be put through the counter once and only once.
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Someone appearing more sensible will be in power.
Are you referring to Harris? Biden already refers to her as President Harris. I guess that's what happens when you "elect" someone senile. Harris is so unpopular with Democrat voters that she couldn't even get 1% of the primary vote to stay in the debates. So she dropped out very early. There is no way she would have given Biden even a little "bump" in votes she was so disliked. If anything, she would have turned people off. I'm sure that people are already making book on how long Biden is going to last before he gets removed. The Dems and the media are already throwing him under the bus regarding his family's money making scheme that sold his political influence for money. The media wouldn't touch this story with a ten-foot pole before the election. All of a sudden, it is no longer being "debunked" by moke's "fact" checkers. Because the election is over and it doesn't matter if the innocent people who actually voted for Biden come to know what he really is. In fact, the more people know about his crimes, the sooner the Chinese can get rid of him. He has become a liability to them.
whites still hate blacks
That is a talking point of the Marxists.

If you were better read or didn't hate America so much, you might wonder why all those stupid people of color from around the world would work so hard to get into the US. Only an idiot or a masochist would want to come to a place where he was not welcomed and would be discriminated against. Why do the people from Mexico and the Banana republics of Central America risk their lives and the lives of their children and pay thousands of dollars each to coyotes to help them to sneak across our border? Why do people from Haiti come by rickety old boats in the hope of landing before being intercepted by the Coast Guard? In case you are not aware, there is a "wet foot", "dry foot" policy regarding illegal immigrants who come by boat. If you manage to land, you get to stay and apply for sanctuary. If the Coast Guard catches you at see, they send you home again (in a safe boat) Are they stupid also? or do they just love the abuse? Oh, maybe no one told them they were black and Americans hate black people.

Are you aware that the US takes in more LEGAL immigrants annually than all the other countries of the world combined? Check the stats some time.

It's obvious Pat is obsessed with him, ok that's fine
Typical picking and choosing from what I have said about Trump.
They were put there at something like 8 or 9 am. It was in one of the articles I had posted to you long ago.
We have video of the table being placed there but not the boxes.
Ever use a bill counter? If I run 100 $1 bills through it twice does that mean I have $200?
If I hand count them (like they did with the ballots) I would still only have $100.
I think you may be making the assumption that the ballots can only be put through the counter once and only once.
Any comment I make regarding that assertion would lead to the end of our friendship, permanently.
I also posted the explanation of this for you but I guess you didn't bother reading it.
Your "fact" checkers said that no one was sent home. The video shows something different AND the press actually reported being sent home before they knew they weren't supposed to report that.
We have video of the table being placed there but not the boxes.
From post#215 12/6/20

State election investigators have already spent hours analyzing the video showing what Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani said was suitcases being pulled from under a table.
They were, in fact, official, sealed ballot containers.
“We can show exactly when they were placed in there,” lead investigator Frances Watson said.
Watson said they weren’t mystery ballots that came from a mystery location.
Video taken hours before shows the table being brought into the room at 8:22 a.m. Nothing was underneath the table then.
At 10 p.m., with the room full of people, including official monitors and the media, video shows ballots that had already been opened but not counted placed in the boxes, sealed up and stored under the table.
The reason? Employees thought they were done for the night.
“They were closing things up and getting ready to leave,” Watson said.
Here’s where the confusion comes in:
Media and observers left as employees packed up. But Fulton’s election director called a supervisor at State Farm a few minutes later, telling them to keep counting after the Secretary of State’s office called and said they shouldn’t stop counting for the night so early.
After that call, employees pulled the containers of ballots back out and went back to work.
“No magically-appearing ballots,” Gabriel Sterling with the Secretary of State’s office said. “These were ballots that were processed in front of the monitors, processed in front of the monitors and placed there in front of the monitors.”
So what about the time gap between when the media and observers left and then the observers returned about an hour later? Employees scanned ballots.
Thanks for posting that again. I did see it. They don't show where the ballots come from. They just cut to them "appearing" and being placed in the case.
A small observation. I was spinning the dial (an archaic term, today) and heard a CNN reporter mention Tucker Carlson. So I paused for a moment. As "proof" of Fox News lying about dead people voting, the CNN reporter showed a clip of Tucker apologizing for claiming that a certain voter asserted to be dead, was not actually dead. (What happened in greater detail, the wife of the "dead" voter voted as Mrs. so&so and that "Mrs." was missed.)

CNN was being very disingenuous. The CNN reporter should have been congratulating Tucker for publicly correcting his mistake, not insuiting that he (Fox News) was lying. When will we ever see CNN make a prime-time public apology?
The question remains that if another news agency didn't do the due diligence, and discover that she and several other people identified by name as dead voters were in fact alive, would he have stood by his assertion of dead voters?
The question remains that if another news agency didn't do the due diligence, and discover that she and several other people identified by name as dead voters were in fact alive, would he have stood by his assertion of dead voters?
That response makes no sense. Due diligence, by Fox News did occur in that this mistake was uncovered and publicly admitted to at prime time by the person making the mistake. What is grotesque is that a public apology acknowledging the mistake was maliciously mischaracterized by CNN as proof of "lying". It was not lying it was a mistake. Those who purposely mischaracterize an honest mistake to turn it into a lie for their personal advantage and to vilify another should be condemned. Tucker should be publicly congratulated for admitting his mistake. That is what honesty and integrity is about.
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honesty and integrity
I'm pretty sure those two words were included in the word list banned by the new house rule. They don't need them anyway:) I read 1984 in the 60's and didn't believe it could ever happen in America. Boy was I wrong. Big Brother is watching, his name is Alexa and now the House is banning certain words. Oops, my bad. Can't use gender specific pronouns.
Due diligence, by Fox News did occur in that this mistake was uncovered and publicly admitted to at prime time by the person making the mistake.
Actually it was CNN's Atlanta affiliate Wxia-TV who uncoverred the mistake.
I'm pretty sure those two words were included in the word list banned by the new house rule. They don't need them anyway:) I read 1984 in the 60's and didn't believe it could ever happen in America. Boy was I wrong. Big Brother is watching, his name is Alexa and now the House is banning certain words. Oops, my bad. Can't use gender specific pronouns.
Like slowly setting concrete, Orwell's hypothetical dystopian world of "1984" becomes even evermore solidified.

Actually it was CNN's Atlanta affiliate Wxia-TV who uncoverred the mistake.
And your point? Tucker Carlson publicly acknowledge the mistake. To repeate; CNN has continued to characterize this mistake as a lie for the purpose of generating fake news. "Those who purposely mischaracterize an honest mistake to turn it into a lie for their personal advantage and to vilify another should be condemned."
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I hate to jump into this quagmire moke but do you really not see the difference between Tucker's apology and CNN's mischaracterization of it? In full disclosure, Tucker is my favorite talking head and the only one I watch regularly. I don't know at what point the "Mrs" was missed or by whom but it seems like an honest mistake and when it came to light, Tucker apologized live on TV. The mistake wasn't ignored or buried. Why do you assume his intent was evil? Should I assume that CNN's intent is evil for perpetuating a lie? Can we really exist as a society if one half of us think the others are bad people with evil ideas and the second half looks at the first half as decent, well meaning people with bad ideas? I have to admit that my opinion of liberals has seriously deteriorated over the past couple of years. Even my brother who is absolutely in the liberal camp is disgusted with the media bias and warped reporting to twist things like this into something evil which it wasn't at all.
I believe Don Jr, called it last night. :oops: :oops:

I love this new thing they came out with called "fact-checking videos". I chuckle every time I hear it.

Really, truly, though, it's good, I should fact check my vision more often too.
If you can't win one way, there is always another. People need to actually go to jail over this.

Years ago when Connecticut got rid of its old mechanical machines that they'd been using since probably prior to computers. They went with a straight paper ballot and scanning machines. Simple, minimal moving parts, and actual backup. The bonus is it was probably the cheapest option since instead of having to purchase dozens of voting machines for each precinct, they could get by with just 2 or a few scanners for larger precincts. We almost never have lines longer than about 100 people and that is at prime time when everyone is on the way home from work and its getting late. Most times, I spend less than 10 minutes for the whole process.
At the moment, our CBS affiliate is showing a mob surrounding the Capitol building. This is one thing that I hoped would not happen. The country has become divided across political party lines and NO GOOD can come of it. I mourn for the country. Even though this too shall pass, we have hurt ourselves in a way that cannot be measured easily.

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