Another mass shooting (2 Viewers)


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 10:21
Feb 28, 2001
Doing evil or wrong stems from the heart and not weapons.

I absolutely and categorically agree with you, Mike.

How any technology is used is based on you and not the weapon or technology

Still on the same page.

We have to learn to love one another. I wonder where that message comes from.

Given the divisiveness caused by having a multiplicity of religions and denominations and sects and cults around the world, therein lies the question of the hour, of the day, ... of eternity. There, we are all left scratching our heads in bewilderment.


Enthusiastic Amateur
Local time
Today, 16:21
Sep 21, 2011
I have this forum Ignored, but am starting to get posts from it?


Immoderate Moderator
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Local time
Today, 10:21
Feb 28, 2001
I have this forum Ignored, but am starting to get posts from it?

Do you follow someone who is posting here?

It's actually a question for @Jon as to whether "Follow" outranks/overrides "Ignore" on a given thread.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
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Local time
Today, 11:21
Feb 19, 2002
I wish more legal immigrants like that lady were willing to stand up and be counted. They need to talk about what they left and if they're old enough as some Venezuelans are, how they got there. How did Venezuela go from the most prosperous country in South America to a shithole in a generation? Compare what those people voted for to what way too many are voting for today in the US.

@KitaYama the Japanese are a very homogeneous culture so it is hard to understand the US. We are a mixed bag of cultures. Everybody has an opinion. In the early days the tenants of the Classical Greek and Roman and Christian cultures moderated us to a large degree so even though the immigrants came from different countries and spoke different languages, most were Christians. We don't even set English as a national language (which I personally think is very wrong). We do require a basic knowledge of English to be accepted as a citizen but even that is way too rudimentary.

Immigrants today come from everywhere and many actually hate us. Think about that. We are taking the enemy in to our midst and we now have demonstrations in Muslim areas where they chant "death to America" as they suck off the teat of the American welfare system.

If I lived in Michigan or Minnesota, I would have a gun and I would carry it.


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 16:21
Sep 28, 1999
Do you follow someone who is posting here?

It's actually a question for @Jon as to whether "Follow" outranks/overrides "Ignore" on a given thread.
To be honest, the documentation is sparse on third-party plugins. I suspect you are on to something though when you say perhaps you are following someone. I would check the threads that you are getting notified about to see if anyone you are following is posting in them.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 08:21
May 22, 2010
Using my phone sometimes I accidentally change my settings in AWF, that never happens with my laptop.


Formerly Jsanders
Local time
Today, 11:21
Dec 20, 2007
Immigrants today come from everywhere and many actually hate us. Think about that. We are taking the enemy in to our midst and we now have demonstrations in Muslim areas where they chant "death to America" as they suck off the teat of the American welfare system.
You speak in absolutes. You paint with wide brushes on every topic, and in every way, you mimic the words of drive time conservative propaganda.
We have to question our own beliefs.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 11:21
Feb 19, 2002
You speak in absolutes.
Is that what you call a statement of fact?

Here in the United States of America, we have mobs shouting DEATH TO AMERICA. The enemy is among us. That is an absolute fact. Then we have people like Ilan Omar, whom we saved from a fate worse than death in a refugee camp in one of the worst countries on earth, and who lied and even married her brother to gain entry to the US. We educated her and enough people with :poop: for brains elected her to Congress (or perhaps her people bought enough votes. Word on the street is they went for $200 each). Now, she and other members of Congress who hate America and think it is an evil place are trying also to destroy us from within.

You might want to open your eyes and your ears. Maybe the crowd wasn't actually chanting DEATH TO AMERICA. Or maybe, they have a right to free speech. DJT does not have the right to free speech but people shouting DEATH TO AMERICA do.

Check out the terrorist threat level. We have imported, intentionally, hundreds of thousands of military aged young men who are criminals or who simply just hate us. This is not going to end well for us. Is Biden actually stupid? Maybe. We know he is losing his faculties. Or, is he just fulfilling his promises for all the money the Biden crime family has been receiving from multiple companies, who we don't count as friends, since before he became the VP under Obama.

Crime is down 65% in Venezuela. Good for them. Bad for us because we have stupidly imported the criminals released from the Venezuelan jails.
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Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 10:21
Feb 28, 2001
you mimic the words of drive time conservative propaganda

Perhaps because we ARE conservatives? And I am going to technically object to calling it propaganda UNLESS you are willing to admit that the garbage being spewed by the progressive liberals is ALSO propaganda. Both sides of the aisle in Congress now deal in extreme rhetoric.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 11:21
Feb 19, 2002
you mimic the words of drive time conservative propaganda.
We have to question our own beliefs.
Please reflect on that statement as you review all of the Congressional hearings where the Social Media companies described how they were pressured by the White House and the FBI to violate the right to free speech of Conservative Americans. Maybe that is why you don't see what is going on. YOUR "democracy" is hiding it from you.

Please reflect on that statement as you listen to the talking heads repeating the exact same words every single day. Seems like the Goebbels method actually does work. You believe the lies because they are repeated incessantly.


Local time
Today, 11:21
Jan 11, 2013
Please reflect on that statement as you listen to the talking heads repeating the exact same words every single day. Seems like the Goebbels method actually does work. You believe the lies because they are repeated incessantly.
You mean like "witch hunt", "stolen election", and "Election interference"?


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 10:21
Feb 28, 2001
Election interference has been documented but the liberal media won't allow that story to gain any traction even though some articles HAVE made it from Georgia. TDS has used the blunderbuss method of scattering various attacks that make it seem like there is a witch hunt going on. As to whether the election was actually stolen, maybe and maybe not. I don't know the degree of interference, just its kind. And moke... DON'T try to deny that there HAVE been articles about irregularities and interference. Disingenuousness does not become you very well.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 11:21
Feb 19, 2002
You mean like "witch hunt", "stolen election", and "Election interference"?

PS, what kind of a "judge"
1. puts a gag order on the defendant but allows his accusers to say whatever they want to taint the jury pool?
2. would not allow the defendant time off to attend his son's high school graduation?
3. insists on holding a trial which Trump needs to physically attend,during an election? If this case had any merits at all, it would have been brought in 2016. Now, it is simply election interference.

Since Biden can't beat Trump clean, he is using the power of his office as President to try to squash Trump. Can you say banana republic?

Can you even spell "witch hunt"?

PS, Trump would actually have been easy to beat without even the remotest hint of cheating. The Dems are just too far gone to understand how. And I'm not telling you.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 11:21
Feb 19, 2002
Here is Ron Rubin's podcast from Monday. He comments on several things Bill Maher talked about on Friday. One rather shocking statement was that Bill Maher believes abortion is murder and he's OK with it. At some level, most Americans do believe Abortion is murder. The question is, since most also believe that abortion should not be banned, where is the cutoff? Religions span the spectrum from conception to birth. But Americans tend to go with the science and are willing to allow abortion up to a month or so before viability. That cutoff is the biggest point in the argument. Not whether abortion should be legal but at what point does it become murder? Also, the later in the term an abortion is performed, the more horrific the process. To abort a full term baby (yes, baby) the doctor must first induce labor and then stab the baby in the head to kill it. Then the doctor dismembers the corpse, piece by piece. If you allow yourself to even think about how the child (yes, child) must be killed and dismembered, you will change your opinion on at least late term abortion pretty quickly. Some of the "morning after" pills prevent ovulation. Others are taken later and can abort a very early term fetus". It is easy to consider them "not murder" given the state of gestation.

Mayer was pretty brave to make his opinion public and probably why I have always been able to enjoy his show even when I don't agree with a lot of his positions - except for the couple of years when he suffered severely from TDS when I couldn't watch his show at all. Mayer still has a case of TDS but it is not as virulent as it once was. Mayer may not be right on a lot of issues but at least he is willing to share his honest opinions with us and you have to respect that. Then at about 16 minutes in we get to the DEATH TO AMERICA crowd as Ron shows us clips from all over the country where this evil is festering, including in our Congress. Bill Mayer also comments on these protests.

It is pretty horrifying to see people with foreign accents shouting DEATH TO AMERICA in my own country. In a room full of people wearing masks (why are they wearing masks? Why do Antifa and BLM wear masks?), we had one rabble rouser teaching the group how to perform the chant in Persian. If these people think we are so awful, why do they stay? No one is forcing them to stay. Why not just go back to live under the thumb of Sharia law and the mullas if they hate America so much? I'd gladly pay their travel expenses.
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Formerly Jsanders
Local time
Today, 11:21
Dec 20, 2007
Perhaps because we ARE conservatives? And I am going to technically object to calling it propaganda UNLESS you are willing to admit that the garbage being spewed by the progressive liberals is ALSO propaganda. Both sides of the aisle in Congress now deal in extreme rhetoric.
Are you kidding? I don't agree with liberals any more than i do Conservatives.

The thing is, people cannot hear the voice of the type of propaganda they believe in. I've been a student of propaganda since the early 90s. Liberal and Conservative propaganda is designed for one purpose.

To instill contempt. All propaganda serves the same master.

Unlike what Pat always accuses me of not doing, I do actually listen to a wide range of news. specifically to listen for the patterns that distinguish them. You say "because we are conservative". What does that mean exactly? I know part of it means that Conservatives interpret everything that is not as extreme as their view as Liberal.

I know something else, the style of propaganda visited on the conservatives in our country had it roots in early to mid 20th century Germany. Furthermore, the Americanization of it happened after Goldwater got destroyed in 1964 by Johnson. The Nixon Republicans needed to fix their broken system.
I'm not here to teach propaganda history, but the information is out there if you desire to learn about it.

Two equally bad things are happening right this very second:
Iranian brainwashing has achieved a foot-hold in Liberal propaganda, and likewise Russian Propaganda is influencing Conservative messaging. They are able to achieve successes because people that self-regulate the input they receive create loops.

These loops negate any deviation from "the truth". Even to the point of creating unholy alliances between government and religion. Which, you have to admit, the term Conservative Christians kind of sums that up.


Formerly Jsanders
Local time
Today, 11:21
Dec 20, 2007
Election interference has been documented but the liberal media won't allow that story to gain any traction even though some articles HAVE made it from Georgia.
They have been reported on the Russian infiltrated Conservative Drive time propaganda mechanism sure, and the conspiracy networks.
I listened to the tape of Trump coercing the Georgia election guy.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 11:21
Feb 19, 2002
Unlike what Pat always accuses me of not doing, I do actually listen to a wide range of news. specifically to listen for the patterns that distinguish them.
I can tell you don't have an open mind because you only "see" one type of bias. You do not see the lies told to you by the left. You do not see the pressure exerted by the FBI and the WH on the social media companies as a violation of the first amendment rights of Conservatives. Somehow Liberals aren't squashed. Only Conservatives. Doesn't that strike you as even a little bit unfair?

Do you still think that COVID originated in the wet market?
Do you still think that the COVID "vaccine" will prevent you from catching COVID?
Do you still think that the COVID "vaccine" will prevent you from spreading COVID?
Do you still think that hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are deadly and ineffective against the early stages of COVID?
Do you still believe Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation?
Do you still believe that the southern border is secure?
Do you still believe that if you are in a restaurant, you CANNOT catch COVID if you are sitting down so it is OK to go maskless but as soon as you stand up, you are in deadly jeopardy?
Do you still believe that COVID is deadly to young children?

The lies just go on and on and on and all dissenting stories were squashed as hard as it was possible for the social media companies to push. Try to find pre-2020 articles regarding the "settled" science of masking and isolation regarding virus'. Google has those articles buried so far down your search results, you will never find them.

Russian Propaganda is influencing Conservative messaging.
So, you think conservatives are Communists?
They have been reported on the Russian infiltrated Conservative Drive time propaganda mechanism sure, and the conspiracy networks.
I listened to the tape of Trump coercing the Georgia election guy.
Strange. I listened to the tape and heard a concerned President asking a Governor to investigate alleged election improprieties regarding illegal ballots.


Active member
Local time
Tomorrow, 01:21
Apr 27, 2020
Strange. I listened to the tape and heard a concerned President asking a Governor to investigate alleged election improprieties regarding illegal ballots.
Cmon Pat:
"All I want to do is this: I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have," Trump says, according to audio of the call. "There's nothing wrong with saying, you know, that you've recalculated."
Who does not listen?

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 11:21
Feb 19, 2002
Where is the threat? Where is the coercion? Why do you think that Trump thinks that Governor Kemp can just change the vote count because Trump asked him to? Do you really think that Trump is so stupid that he actually thought that the Governor could just change the vote count???????? Do you think that Trump actually thought that even if Kemp could have changed the vote count he would have changed it for Trump????? Kemp hates Trump. He was a never-Trumper from the beginning. You hear what you want to hear because you hate Trump. You think he is stupid and evil and so he could not possibly be trying to convince a Governor who hates him to instigate a recount ASAP to find the votes that Trump suspects were illegally counted. You are never willing to believe anything other than some evil nefarious meaning behind anything Trump says that you consider even the slightest bit suspect.

Why not just once in a while, put on your thinking cap and analyze something that Trump said that the talking heads are hysterical about. Is their logic rational? Or are they just doing what you do which is to always assume the worst. Yiddish has a word for this but it escapes me at the moment. It means always assuming the worst of anyone. What does that say about you?


Active member
Local time
Tomorrow, 01:21
Apr 27, 2020
Where is the threat? Where is the coercion?
That will be determined in a court, I expect, if it ultimately gets to court. However clearly he was seeking to get the result changed and suggested means which did not involve a recount. You give everything Trump says and does the most generous interpretation.

Yeah I think he is stupid, and smart - don't you? He is a liar, a grifter, an ex-president, a husband, a father, sexist, rich, a politician, a real estate salesman, a cheater, self-promoter .... he walks the fine line, he is a hypocrite, he plays to the audience (the converted), he is bombastic, ....

You characterise people as having DTS, being never-Trumpers , of being pre-occupied with Trump. It appears you are behind the wall and firing at anything that moves. Forgive us if we fire back.

A recount was conducted because the count was a narrow win for Biden within the range that the state had deemed was small enough to justify a recount. The hour-long call to Raffensperger was an attempt to go beyond that.

I think as far as Trump is concerned you are wearing a tin-foil hat. Don't let anything in that could possibly suggest Trump is not up to it, not fit for office. Yiddish may not be your first or second language (altho you have spent some time in that region) - its not mine either, but your obsession is just as telling and that term you are trying to recall could just as easily apply to you.
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