

Well-known member
Local time
Today, 00:37
Mar 30, 2012
If Biden wins the coin toss it was obviously rigged.
Double headed coin, and he get's to call it. Each participant gets to hold the each others shock collar controller. That's fair.
If Biden wins the coin toss it was obviously rigged.
Yeah, because Democrats don't cheat. You probably don't remember Donna Brazile, she was the head of the DNC and CNN commentator.

She was caught giving Hillary Clinton debate questions, the full shameful story here > There are many examples I could cite, but why preach to the choir?
Given that Trump is still muzzled, I wonder how many times he'll have to decline to answer a loaded question. This could actually work out in his favor;)
Yeah, because Democrats don't cheat. You probably don't remember Donna Brazile, she was the head of the DNC and CNN commentator.

She was caught giving Hillary Clinton debate questions, the full shameful story here > There are many examples I could cite, but why preach to the choir?
To extend @AccessBlaster theme. Starting with the Romney vs. Obama debates, I have been dismayed at how pro-Democratic party the moderators have been. I fail to understand why the Republicans have put-up with that travesty. Especially in light of the Hunter Biden laptop where Biden lied and the moderators endorsed Biden's lies as truth. Now Trump will be entering a "debate" where the moderators can be expected to once again ask adversarial gotcha questions. Hope that Trump knows what he is doing.

The Babylon Bee is sarcasm, below is one of their humorous hypothetical questions that is illustrative of the anticipated anti-Trump questioning by the moderators:
"Which of President Trump's crimes should he be executed for?" — With so many to choose from, this will be an important opportunity for each candidate to show wisdom.
What are the chances that the debate will actually happen?
What are the chances that the debate will actually happen?
He has the right to remain silent, but lacks the ability. Anything he says can and will be used against him in a court of law. I'm sure his lawyers are banging their heads against the wall. No doubt he'll further incriminate himself.

Why's everyone making excuses for him already?
He has the right to remain silent, but lacks the ability. Anything he says can and will be used against him in a court of law.
More like the court of lawfare. This is a lot bigger as it involves voters who wish to vote for him. He also has the right to run for president without obstruction from corrupt state prosecutors with an agenda to disenfranchise voters and that's going to be his point if any of the cases are brought up. If moderators try and drive the debate towards any of the lawfare cases against him and ignore anything else, he will then have the right to take the gloves off and go after the moderators with everything he's got. This all leads to one thing.

In the end, it all helps trump become the 47th president and bribem look like the weakest candidate the world has ever seen.
Anything he says can and will be used against him in a court of law.
Can he lie to Congress and get away with it? How about ignore a subpoena? How about exercise his first amendment rights? What happens if the biased "moderators" ask him a question that violates his gag order? Why is he still gagged? Is the whole point to gag him for the debate? Maybe he should walk on the stage wearing an actual gag.
This is a lot bigger as it involves voters who wish to vote for him.
Is there something stopping people from voting for him? There are no rules or laws stopping people from voting for a felon.

He also has the right to run for president
It's more of a privilege than a right.

I take it you think they should ignore his criminality and not bring it up during the debate.
Those same voters you state have a right to vote for him also have a right to know the depth of his criminality.
It's only lawfare as that is what you've been conditioned to believe.
Given that Trump is still muzzled, I wonder how many times he'll have to decline to answer a loaded question. This could actually work out in his favor;)
How is he muzzled? Because of the gag order? Somthing that is done, and has been done for a very very long time. Why is it that he plays the victim card all the time, so Trumpers will feel sorry for him, and send him money? I remember him saying that he was so rich that he wouldn't need any help with the election. But then he got indicted, which proves, in Trumpian logic, the whole universe is a plot to get the Donald.
Somthing that is done, and has been done for a very very long time.
AFTER he has been convicted?????? What planet do you live on? Let's gag jpl for the stupid things he says.
AFTER he has been convicted?????? What planet do you live on? Let's gag jpl for the stupid things he says.
Gag orders are not uncommon in American court systems. It's there to protect jurors and whitnesses, and members of the court. But, obvoiously you do not understand how that works.
More like the court of lawfare. This is a lot bigger as it involves voters who wish to vote for him. He also has the right to run for president without obstruction from corrupt state prosecutors with an agenda to disenfranchise voters and that's going to be his point if any of the cases are brought up. If moderators try and drive the debate towards any of the lawfare cases against him and ignore anything else, he will then have the right to take the gloves off and go after the moderators with everything he's got. This all leads to one thing.

In the end, it all helps trump become the 47th president and bribem look like the weakest candidate the world has ever seen.
You have proof of corruption? Or just supposition. Trump saying that the system is corrupt is not actual, emperical proof.
How about ignore a subpoena?
He has already. That's what the documents case is all about.
What happens if the biased "moderators" ask him a question that violates his gag order?
See there's more excuses being laid out ahead of the debate, "Biased Moderators"
He can answer questions. He just can't attack jurors or witnesses. I doubt that they'll ask him any questions about them.
Why is he still gagged? Is the whole point to gag him for the debate?
AFTER he has been convicted?????? What planet do you live on? Let's gag jpl for the stupid things he says.
He's gagged because he still poses a threat to the process. The process doesn't end upon conviction.
The court retains jurisdiction up until such time as his sentence is proclaimed and completed.
Gag orders are not uncommon in American court systems.
Protective orders are even more common. I'm under dozens of them. I receive information almost daily which I'm under court order not to disclose.
I take it you think they should ignore his criminality and not bring it up during the debate.
Those same voters you state have a right to vote for him also have a right to know the depth of his criminality.
It's only lawfare as that is what you've been conditioned to believe.
Look, this is so political in nature that all who see are aware of the lawfare tactic and will make him the 47th president just to make a point where the real power is. They can bring up whatever they want, but it's going to backfire as the cloud of corruption looms over all these lawfare cases against trump, he wins the election hands down just because of the tactic.

Your comment about depth of criminality only applies to joe and will fall on deaf ears as it seems you have no problem with the bribem crime family corruption. Guess what, we can play that game too.

You have proof of corruption? Or just supposition. Trump saying that the system is corrupt is not actual, emperical proof.

Oh, I don't know, how about this for starters:
Merchan has imposed a prior restraint on the protected speech of a former president who is now leading presidential polling of the next election. On Merchan’s orders, a Republican presidential candidate has been made powerless to question the credibility of the witnesses testifying against him, the motivations of the prosecutors pursuing him, or the impartiality of the apparently conflicted judge fining him …

Merchan has not been content to deprive President Trump of only his First Amendment rights, either. As a criminal defendant, President Trump is entitled to a fair trial by an impartial jury. Merchan has done his best to deprive Trump of both …

When it comes to the admission and exclusion of evidence, Merchan has been just as shameless. He has bent over backwards to allow the prosecution to introduce whatever evidence it wants, e.g., by allowing a prosecution witness to testify at length about the alleged details of an unproven sexual episode with no relevance to the underlying charges. But he has taken a strong hand against defense evidence at every opportunity …

As for a possible conspiracy under Section 241, there are many likely coconspirators to consider. For one, Merchan’s daughter Loren seems to be an obvious beneficiary of Merchan’s biased rulings. She works as a fundraiser for Democratic officials and organizations, and she helped her clients raise $93 million from donors during Trump’s trial in New York, partly by invoking the case and smearing the defendant in solicitation emails.

Prosecutors in the office of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg—from Christopher Conroy to Matthew Colangelo to Bragg himself—have also shown themselves to be plausible coconspirators. After all, they have repeatedly urged Merchan to deprive President Trump of his First Amendment rights in court filings and oral advocacy. One can only wonder what sort of ex parte communications might have led Merchan to so enthusiastically embrace a prior restraint on speech that he would have known to be repugnant to the Constitution.
I think that you'll all vote for Biden.
Hoping that he pegs out, or goes into a home, early on in the first year.
Then you can have Kamala Harris for nearly four years as a reward.

Over in Britain we are to have Sir Stumbling Starmer the leading labour idiot as Prime Minister by The 5th July
His deputy Angela Raynor will no doubt become Education Secretary. The job she has always wanted. (we know that because she has been learning to write sentences and practice her tables)
Tony Bliar will be given Foreign Secretary to replace Dopy Dave
Sir Stumbler will try to get us back into Europe so that Bliar can be given one of the presidencies of the European Union.
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In a way it is good to know that our friends across the pond suffer the same problem that we have over here. We get the idiots for whom we voted, failing to realize that government is often the best training grounds for idiocy. AND failing to realize that such idiocy in office often is derived from idiocy among the voting public. It's all about short-term gratification.

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