FYI re the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment (1 Viewer)

The foinders referred to God as people.
I think you might want to read the Declaration of Independence again. You know the part about "that they are endowed by their Creator...." Did a person create us?
Perhaps they should post the 10 commandments at the republican national convention.

Lets us review them

No, it's a group of religions. But then, do you compare to Islam? Islam has half-a-dozen sects/denominations, so is it a religion?
Good point, Islam is not a religion either, but in Islamic countries, they have their religious commonalities embedded in all of society and all that they do like five time a day public prayer time for example. I think the pressure to be a Muslim is extremely high there. There is essentially no separation of Islam and state.

Here, things are moving in the don't allow the free exercise there of direction. Protesting against a group of people for their race is essentially what caused the holocaust. Israel and Jews seem to be the prime target. The next most targeted group are those of the Christian faith. Praying near an abortion clinic silently is at the top of the list where these clinics are making special laws that do not allow the free exercise there of outside their property like a restraining order for someone that would cause harm to them. The only ones being harmed are the defenseless babies who are denied the right to life.

Perhaps they should post the 10 commandments at the republican national convention.

Lets us review them
No one can live up to the 10 commandments. Not one. But we're all experts at pointing out the short comings in others.
Perhaps they should post the 10 commandments at the republican national convention.

Lets us review them
It's always a good idea to periodically review the 10 Commandments. But consider this, Biden sanctimoniously asserts that he wants to restore the soul of the US. That is brazenly deceitful. Biden's family values are in the toilet. The Democrats have shredded the 10 Commandments and put them in the garbage. The Democrats have no intention of restoring or even living by Judeo/Christian values.
Pat, you quoted out of context.

jpl458 said
The founders referred to God as people, not as Government officials.

You cut off the 2nd part of his comment, which changes the meaning of the comment. This is EXACTLY one of the tactics of Democrats - to cherry-pick some quote to distort its meaning. However, since I have some minor literary skills, let me rewrite that.

The founders referred to God while speaking for themselves as individuals, not for the nation.

Biden was trying to emulate the look for his creepy speech in front of the state house in Philadelphia.

When he's hugging a baby at a public event, that creepy look returns. I've got a feeling that "emulate" is the wrong word. "Expose" or "Reveal" perhaps?
When he's hugging a baby at a public event, that creepy look returns.
How about when he is sniffing like a dog the hair of females standing next to him. Just pay attention to the cringing as they are trying to get away from him, especially the children. Adult women recognize that cringing and moving away would embarrass someone but children don't care. They just recognize a pervert when they find one smelling their hair and their instinct is to get away. Let us not forget how he showered with his daughter at an age when even she thought he was a pervert. And how about how Johnson used to walk around his office on Air Force one naked even when he wasn't alone (otherwise, we wouldn't know he did it). And Kennedy bringing his "dates" into the White House while Jackie was there is also pretty sick. Was he keeping score by seeing how many bedrooms he could use?
I think you might want to read the Declaration of Independence again. You know the part about "that they are endowed by their Creator...." Did a person create us?
As I posted before. I don't believe in ghosts, regular or holy. The founders were christian, and those christians wrote the establishment clause wanting to keep religion out of government, and government out of religion. Separation of church and state it's called. They wanted any person in this country to practice any religeon they want. Now, you seem to want to change that. I know some think you gotta belive in something, so I belive I will have a beer.

Years ago, in a technical meeting, one of my engineers walked up to a large, errantly created flowchat, penciled in a cloud at the point of the error that contained the phrase "Something Mystical Happens". Don't know if he made it up, but it was both funny and ironic. You are a computer person, and a really good one. Nothing mystical ever happens, in computers or anywhere else.
Obviously you've never run into a "phase of the moon randomizer." :giggle:
That's a new one. Seems it could be expanded to include all of the astrological signs. Then it would be truly random.
It was an old term from the late 1960s and early 1970s, though I heard it now and then when working with the Navy. You would hear "Phase of the moon controller" or some other term. Also described as "program behavior depends on tides" (which IS a phase-of-the-moon function). Usually applied to programs that we THOUGHT were thoroughly debugged... but they did crazy things so maybe they really weren't so "clean" and bug-free.
It was an old term from the late 1960s and early 1970s, though I heard it now and then when working with the Navy. You would hear "Phase of the moon controller" or some other term. Also described as "program behavior depends on tides" (which IS a phase-of-the-moon function). Usually applied to programs that we THOUGHT were thoroughly debugged... but they did crazy things so maybe they really weren't so "clean" and bug-free.
I remember Gill Gates giving a presentation some time ago, and in the middle of the show he got the dreaded Blue Screen. I once worked for Teradata, and all the sofware went thru extensive regression testing. But still the random insect would raise it's ugly head. Now companies have learned to just give it to the dopes that use it and let them find all the bugs. My 2 sons are on Windows 11 and have told me to avoid it at all costs. Aint high tech grand. Anyone remember desk checking software? Thats what we did in assembler days, because it was too expensive to run it and see if it worked. Remembed that the guys went to the moon with a comuter that was like a Texas instruments calculater.
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Now companies have learned to just give it to the dopes that use it and let them find all the bugs.

In my first "real" job, an oil/gas pipeline company, we found out that end users are better testers then any of us who built the software because we "knew" what was happening inside. We had a big contract with Atlantic Richfield (later became ARCO). Their lead operator came in on our first acceptance testing day and sat on the keyboard - which crashed our system. (We weren't checking bytes received and he overflowed a buffer.) He said his operators sat on keyboards all the time. You can bet we had code in place to (a) prevent buffer overflows on any channel INCLUDING the command channels and (b) we also detected repeated keystrokes due to auto-repeat plus a big butt on the keyboard.
In my first "real" job, an oil/gas pipeline company, we found out that end users are better testers then any of us who built the software because we "knew" what was happening inside. We had a big contract with Atlantic Richfield (later became ARCO). Their lead operator came in on our first acceptance testing day and sat on the keyboard - which crashed our system. (We weren't checking bytes received and he overflowed a buffer.) He said his operators sat on keyboards all the time. You can bet we had code in place to (a) prevent buffer overflows on any channel INCLUDING the command channels and (b) we also detected repeated keystrokes due to auto-repeat plus a big butt on the keyboard.
Good stuff, Doc.
The Establishment clause of the First Amendment, did not require the separation of church and state. Establishment is the support of a specific religion with public funds. At the time of adoption, a number of states, most notably Massachusetts, has established religions. The separation of church and state is a good idea, but it wasn't written into the constitution.

By the time of the 14th amendment, no states had established religions, but many religious practices were incorporated into laws. It wasn't until 1947 that the Supreme Court talked about the separation of church and state and not until the 1960's that school prayer was struck down. A good discussion of the history can be found at Establishment Clause.

Not all the founding fathers were Christian. Thomas Paine was an Atheist. Thomas Jefferson was a Deist. Only John Adams was actually religious.

A few years ago, I asked a friend who was a part-time minister about Trump having violated all 10 commandments. He said it didn't matter because "Trump's policies were good for the poor". We joked with him that his next sermon should about the "10 suggestions".
The Establishment clause of the First Amendment, did not require the separation of church and state. Establishment is the support of a specific religion with public funds. At the time of adoption, a number of states, most notably Massachusetts, has established religions. The separation of church and state is a good idea, but it wasn't written into the constitution.

By the time of the 14th amendment, no states had established religions, but many religious practices were incorporated into laws. It wasn't until 1947 that the Supreme Court talked about the separation of church and state and not until the 1960's that school prayer was struck down. A good discussion of the history can be found at Establishment Clause.

Not all the founding fathers were Christian. Thomas Paine was an Atheist. Thomas Jefferson was a Deist. Only John Adams was actually religious.

A few years ago, I asked a friend who was a part-time minister about Trump having violated all 10 commandments. He said it didn't matter because "Trump's policies were good for the poor". We joked with him that his next sermon should about the "10 suggestions".
Well written, and informative. I think your friend should delve deeper into Trump's policies being good for the poor.
A few years ago, I asked a friend who was a part-time minister about Trump having violated all 10 commandments. He said it didn't matter because "Trump's policies were good for the poor". We joked with him that his next sermon should about the "10 suggestions".
If all politicians and really all of us had to meet the high standards of the mosaic law, there would never be any electable politicians or any good human beings out there. The point is, all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Who among us is without sin?

Well written, and informative. I think your friend should delve deeper into Trump's policies being good for the poor.
If you like the prices of food and necessities during the trump years and see the difference currently, then you know who's policies screwed the economy up.

If you liked the cost of housing during the trump years and not as much now, then you know who's policies screwed the housing market up.

The worst part is that it's easy to damage the economy and steel from all of us by way of inflation. That hurts poor people the most and rich people the least. You would have to convince yourself that it's not happening by closing your eye's and dreaming good things happening if you are poor.

With all the trillions of dollars spent on policies that do no good for the country, we still don't have an effective way to stop illegal border crossings. Remember each new person that comes into the country and demands food and shelter is a huge drain on the tax payers. Poor American's can see what the illegals are getting financially, and the poorest are suffering because of it.
If all politicians and really all of us had to meet the high standards of the mosaic law, there would never be any electable politicians or any good human beings out there. The point is, all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Who among us is without sin?

If you like the prices of food and necessities during the trump years and see the difference currently, then you know who's policies screwed the economy up.

If you liked the cost of housing during the trump years and not as much now, then you know who's policies screwed the housing market up.

The worst part is that it's easy to damage the economy and steel from all of us by way of inflation. That hurts poor people the most and rich people the least. You would have to convince yourself that it's not happening by closing your eye's and dreaming good things happening if you are poor.

With all the trillions of dollars spent on policies that do no good for the country, we still don't have an effective way to stop illegal border crossings. Remember each new person that comes into the country and demands food and shelter is a huge drain on the tax payers. Poor American's can see what the illegals are getting financially, and the poorest are suffering because of it.
What income group got the biggest benefit from the Trump tax cut. After it passed he told his rich friends an Mar A Lago "Now your really rich."

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