And how many tax returns have you prepared? Any 1120, 1041, 1065s?
You are missing the point, on purpose I suspect. The point is I never said they don't pay taxes. I also said you should look at the tax laws from the mid 20th century as an example of how high taxes on the wealthy make a stronger middle class.

I guess there is no bridge too far when it comes to blaming the middle and lower classes.
No. The reason is that there is a continual class struggle that ignores a simple idea. Without the potential to gather wealth as an incentive, people wouldn't bother to start up a new business or grow it. Look at Russia before they relaxed economic controls a few decades ago. There are - and probably always will be - the haves and have-nots, and THERE is the nexus of this struggle - because the have-nots don't have the courage to do something for themselves.

In the USA, the have-nots have been brainwashed by those who continually talk about how they will not survive without government assistance - but that assistance goes counter the Analects of Confucius statement: Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime. The government assistance turns out to be subsistence-level support, which never allows a person to take that next step up the Maslow pyramid. And the have-nots have been beaten down by that "Progressive Liberal" negativity to the point that they have lost hope.

Study the works of Abraham Maslow on economic motivation. If you did study Maslow and you STILL hold these beliefs, then read them again, but this time try to stay awake while studying.
Wrong in my case at least. I just happen to understand the effects of how taxation controls economies better than you do.
DOGE is an excuse to rid the country of social justice.
Social "justice" has no place in government. Period. DOGE is highlighting wasteful spending. How can we still be making monthly payments on a short term contract that expired 10 years ago? This is sloppy bookkeeping. How can we not tie a check we write to the specific bill it is paying? This is a conscious and deliberate attempt to interfere with Congress' oversight ability. It is NOT common accounting practice. Ask any small business which actually has to balance its books.
DOGE is an excuse to rid the country of social justice.

From previous discussions, it appears to me that social justice from the liberal viewpoint is to enslave the sheep and shear them frequently. Let them graze and, as long as they continue to make more sheep and produce more wool, keep them that way. AND since you control the shearing, keep the wool that is over their eyes long enough to STAY over their eyes. When they stop producing wool or when they misbehave (by your standards), there is always a recourse to lamb chops (figuratively speaking, for this metaphor).

But there is ALSO another view of social justice - to make someone able to take care of him/herself WITHOUT continual government handouts. To let someone develop self-determination. It comes back down to the arrogant viewpoint that you are better than someone else at determining that person's eventual fate. It is the arrogance of the liberals that they think a liberal education makes them somehow better than the people being governed by their misguided viewpoints.
@Thales750 would you support investigating federal employees with high net worth but low salaries?
How many government workers and members of Congress are shaking in their boots over the high-net-worth comments the DOGE people mentioned? They are retiring in droves in the hopes of warding off an investigation into their ill-gotten gains.

Trump should be offering members of Congress "buyouts" in the form of pardons for insider trading and influence peddling (but not for tax evasion) in exchange for immediate retirement and being banned from future government employment for the rest of their lives. Then he should allow Faucci to be extradited to Russia as an example of what will happen if they don't take the deal.
You are missing the point, on purpose I suspect. The point is I never said they don't pay taxes. I also said you should look at the tax laws from the mid 20th century as an example of how high taxes on the wealthy make a stronger middle class.

I guess there is no bridge too far when it comes to blaming the middle and lower classes.
No YOU are missing the point. If you keep increasing the taxes on the rich, they will move. Texas and Florida do not have a state income tax. California and New York have the highest. People and businesses have been leaving California and NY in large numbers. People and businesses with means can and will move out of the country. Trump and Musk saved a lot of money in state income taxes by moving. The TCJA of 2018 limited the state and local taxes itemized deduction. People are moving to the lower taxed states in record numbers. That means that people who are lower income, most of them receiving thousands of dollars of below the line credits, are left and these states have serious financial issues.
No YOU are missing the point. If you keep increasing the taxes on the rich, they will move. Texas and Florida do not have a state income tax. California and New York have the highest. People and businesses have been leaving California and NY in large numbers. People and businesses with means can and will move out of the country. Trump and Musk saved a lot of money in state income taxes by moving. The TCJA of 2018 limited the state and local taxes itemized deduction. People are moving to the lower taxed states in record numbers. That means that people who are lower income, most of them receiving thousands of dollars of below the line credits, are left and these states have serious financial issues.
Look at the bright side. They'll be taking all their democrat workers with them to turn the states purple and blue.
Remember the democrats had no problems hiring 87,000 IRS agents to audit American citizens.

Yet, they are now panicking over a handful of people at DOGE investigating government corruption.

Btw, who thinks the IRS could pass an audit? :unsure:
Democrats still resorting to lawfare to attack Trump.
This is a follow-up to the thread: Democrats Lack Self-Awareness for the Repercussions of There Anti-Republican Mania
Mark Levin, in the thread above, raised the issue that local rogue Democratic prosecutors have been exceeding their jurisdictional limits by attempting to exert (unjustified) political power on the federal government. That is beyond their jurisdiction. There jurisdiction is limited to the city, county, state that they work for. How Trump manages the Executive Branch is a federal issue beyond their jurisdictional reach. The president is the head of the Executive Branch, these rogue Democratic prosecutors should not be able to interfere with how Trump manages the Executive Branch, that is prosecutorial misconduct.
From previous discussions, it appears to me that social justice from the liberal viewpoint is to enslave the sheep and shear them frequently. Let them graze and, as long as they continue to make more sheep and produce more wool, keep them that way. AND since you control the shearing, keep the wool that is over their eyes long enough to STAY over their eyes. When they stop producing wool or when they misbehave (by your standards), there is always a recourse to lamb chops (figuratively speaking, for this metaphor).

But there is ALSO another view of social justice - to make someone able to take care of him/herself WITHOUT continual government handouts. To let someone develop self-determination. It comes back down to the arrogant viewpoint that you are better than someone else at determining that person's eventual fate. It is the arrogance of the liberals that they think a liberal education makes them somehow better than the people being governed by their misguided viewpoints.
You put the cart before the horse.
At least my horse and cart would be going in the same useful direction.
Oh Doc is much more arrogant than I am. He tries to be clever by masking his insults. That's why he doesn't get upset by it.

Masking my insults? Darn, are they THAT tenuous?

If you ever came to New Orleans, I would not have a beer with you. But then, to be fair, due to my sketchy liver, I wouldn't have a beer with anyone else, either. Know what I miss worst about my liver condition? I've had to give up pizza and beer. Now THERE is an insult.

As to arrogance, YOU are the one who keeps on claiming that you know facts we don't know. Except that many of us keep on refuting your ideas but you keep on going with your multiple claims of superior knowledge. I have no need to be upset since I have some appreciation for the error of your ways. But hey, you have the right to be wrong. You have the right to be arrogant. And I retain the right to recognize dissembling when I see or hear it.
Masking my insults? Darn, are they THAT tenuous?

If you ever came to New Orleans, I would not have a beer with you. But then, to be fair, due to my sketchy liver, I wouldn't have a beer with anyone else, either. Know what I miss worst about my liver condition? I've had to give up pizza and beer. Now THERE is an insult.

As to arrogance, YOU are the one who keeps on claiming that you know facts we don't know. Except that many of us keep on refuting your ideas but you keep on going with your multiple claims of superior knowledge. I have no need to be upset since I have some appreciation for the error of your ways. But hey, you have the right to be wrong. You have the right to be arrogant. And I retain the right to recognize dissembling when I see or hear it.
You don't refute them. Take the last round. You went off on a tangent about me not understanding the whole Maslow thing. When my point was that when the richest 0.1% had a 92% tax rate we had the largest, most powerful middle class in the world. since the ultra rich bought congress, brainwashed at least half the country, took their money overseas, and learned how to use stock ownership as nontaxable wealth, the middle class has taken a pretty rough hit.

And then, when we actually do have some hard working folks willing to do what fat Americans are not willing or unable to do, you guys support a campaign to send them all south. Does that about sum up you "refuting"? is that what you call it.

Sorry about the liver thing, after 35 years of sobriety, I'm thankful everyday for the life I've had, even if all the parts aren't working the way they used to.
So do you still eat Cajun food? It's staple for my family, my paternal grandmother was raised in Lake Charles.
My cardiologist want's me to give up smoking cigars. He has no idea how addiction works... maybe some day.
That was nice, us treating each other like we are real people.
But don't get me started on renaming the Gulf.

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