Northern Rock crisis

And where are prices now since the last crash rich? The price may crash in the short term - which affects only those that sell in that period.

Over the long term the only economic model is for huge population growth, and house prices will continue to rise.

I agree too its all a long way from how it should be and labour will be judged as the bunch of idiots they are.

In the meantime- those without homes seee labour as their natural vote - and those with homes see their equity rocketing - fools everywhere - but then there genuinely is no alternative vote - conservative are still the party of the well off and big business and the lib dems have some decent ideas but amnesties for illegal immigrants, and there human rights for scumbags ideas -etc tells you they may have good intentions but couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery.

I will be accused of UK bashing soon!;)
Paul - spot on

Labour useless - a weak version of conservatives
Conservatives - not strong enough
Lib Dem wishy washey - some nice ideas but no real back bone
And where are prices now since the last crash rich? The price may crash in the short term - which affects only those that sell in that period.
But the problem remains that many will lose what they should have looked at as merely a stable foundation for the future. There are many still to this day who when they lost their homes during the last crash can't get back on the home ownership level. As for the long term home ownership has for a very long time been just a sound investment my first home cost me £1,500 I guess it would now be worth £150,00, I wished I'd been affluent enough to have kept it, but in reallity wages have not risen by the same amount and the mortgages needed nowadays far outstrip the ability to repay them
Lib Dem wishy washey - some nice ideas but no real back bone

Yes their idea of allowing illegals to settle here after ten years is a great idea, I'm gonna rob a bank because if I get away with it for ten years then they won't send me to prison either 'cause it costs too much:rolleyes:
what should of happened on the last crash - and probably will on the next one , is that morgages will be extended form 25 years to 30 and/or people will have to sell % of there home to a house trust to fianace the short fall

We in the UK are not taught house finances at any stage -its something we find out for ourselves - this should be taught at schools along with pensions and general banking and bookkeeping

this might curb some reckless spending
what should of happened on the last crash - and probably will on the next one , is that morgages will be extended form 25 years to 30 and/or people will have to sell % of there home to a house trust to fianace the short fall

So you think people should be forced to pay for a mortgage for the rest of their lives, why not go back to just renting a council house then?:confused:
Yes their idea of allowing illegals to settle here after ten years is a great idea, I'm gonna rob a bank because if I get away with it for ten years then they won't send me to prison either 'cause it costs too much:rolleyes:

I was thinking more along there green idea's - nice idea but realisiticly a bit "out there"

what we should have (and not just us all of europe and others ) is a status of guest worker - you can work in the UK as a guest work , but you break the rules and your are out - you have to pay into the country you are in to get any benefits - if you don't they again your out.

this would work for us as well as against us when we work in other countries

so if you break the law - you lose your status as a guest and we ship you out - now we need to define which laws as some are laws that we have all broken on occasions speeding etc , but any antisocial activity and whizz - your out.

- this should be taught at schools along with pensions and general banking and bookkeeping

this might curb some reckless spending

Along with cookery, child rearing, breast feeding, crisis management, ass licking. But won't this affect their human rights, after all the nitnurse is not allowed in schools anymore?;)
Yes their idea of allowing illegals to settle here after ten years is a great idea, I'm gonna rob a bank because if I get away with it for ten years then they won't send me to prison either 'cause it costs too much

Its a stupid idea full stop -
just before the amnesty we are obviuosly going to absolutley deluged with illegals knowing if they make it anyhow they can stay.

Will only make it worse.
I was thinking more along there green idea's - nice idea but realisiticly a bit "out there"

what we should have (and not just us all of europe and others ) is a status of guest worker - you can work in the UK as a guest work , but you break the rules and your are out - you have to pay into the country you are in to get any benefits - if you don't they again your out.

this would work for us as well as against us when we work in other countries

so if you break the law - you lose your status as a guest and we ship you out - now we need to define which laws as some are laws that we have all broken on occasions speeding etc , but any antisocial activity and whizz - your out.
This is from a country that can't even send a convicted murderer back home because it'll infringe his human rights, can't see it Gary, can you;)
As for the green issue, the notion that we're gonna solve global warming on our own is as fanciful as the unilateral disarmament dogma!:rolleyes:
Along with cookery, child rearing, breast feeding, crisis management, ass licking. But won't this affect their human rights, after all the nitnurse is not allowed in schools anymore?;)

on these
I am an ex chef..
18 month old baby girl
(I miss the breast feding )
Crisis management (whine and complaint thats it's someone elses fault)
Ass licking - failed that one - I
Its a stupid idea full stop -
just before the amnesty we are obviuosly going to absolutley deluged with illegals knowing if they make it anyhow they can stay.

Will only make it worse.

I wonder why these educated politicians who thought up the idea in the first place didn't think of that:confused::rolleyes:;)
I wonder why these educated politicians who thought up the idea in the first place didn't think of that:confused::rolleyes:;)

your favourite, George W. lowered interest rates and a US dollar will shortly be worth 1/2 a Euro.
Anyone with high school economics could have told him that yet he and his advisors failed to see it coming.
There is no requirement for intellegence to attain a position of authority in any government.

BTW the US dollar and Canadian dollar closed at par on Friday (Sept. 21) for the first time since 1976. I hate to admit it but could the Canadian government actually be doing somthing right?
On second thought no.
I just returned from travelling in Europe for 2 weeks and they let me back in.
That's 'cause you went back to Canada, not the land of the paranoid...

or the other "...oid"
By the way, I was so pi**ed off at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris I have prepared a survival guide for first time travellers.
or the other "...oid"
By the way, I was so pi**ed off at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris I have prepared a survival guide for first time travellers.

What posessed you to want to go to France?????


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